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MAY 25th, 1917, AT 10 o'clock a. M.
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MAY 25th, 1917, AT 10 o'clock A. M.
No branch of English philology seems of late years to
have aroused such great interest as the study of place-
nomenclature, and, if one were to judge from the many
works that have been published on this subject, the science
in question ought to be at a comparatively advanced stage.
A closer investigation of these works, however, Avill show
that a great part of them by no means satisfy the claims
of strict scholarship. As far as one can see, the study of
English place-names has to a certain extent fallen into the
hands of persons who have not sufficient knowledge of
philology to be able to fulfil their task in a satisfactory
way. It is also indisputable that this study to a great
extent encourages dilettantism.
Two general points in which Englisli place-name scholars
have laid themselves open to criticism are the following:
I) the importance of the dialects as a factor in the devel-
opment of the names seems entirely neglected ; 2) insuffi-
cient attention is paid to geographical and topographical
considerations. Moreover, manv scholars content themselves
with an inadequate collection of material, which naturally
must also affect the reliability of their conclusions. On
the other hand^ however, it is evident that in this subject
there are many points which are too difficult and uncertain
to be settled, in spite of all attempts at thoroughness.
Many names, for instance, contain Celtic elements, which are
most often impossible to explain, but even Germanic ele-
ments may be very difficult to identif}^, when, as is some-
times the case, the old forms are unsatisfactory. Another
fact which renders this study so difficult is the intimate
connection of place-names Avith personal names, the
study of the latter belonging to a quite different depart-
ment of philology.
In this work are discussed all Wiltshire place-names
given in Bartholomew's Gazetteer of the British Isles [ed.
1911], of which forms, previous to A. D. 1500, have been
found ^. As for the material, which was collected partly
in the Library of the British Museum, partly at the Univ.
Library in Uppsala, I have had recourse to all those OE
and ME documents Avhich seemed to be valuable for this
purpose; (in addition to those documents that are to be
found in the bibliography, several others were searched
which, however, proved to be valueless). In this I have
endeavoured to get as many different spellings as possible
represented (very corrupt forms have been left out), and
for this reason the collection of material may claim to be
fairly complete. In this part of the Avork, however, much
difficulty arose over the question of identification. The
editors of the ME documents are as a rule very accurate in
this respect, though one may occasionally discover mistakes,
and Jones' identifications especially seem carefully thought
out. Kemble's identifications of the names in CD, on the
other hand, are far from satisfactory. Among the numerous
mistakes in the index to this work there are also startling
inconsistences, such as when tAvo adjacent places in the
same charter are located in entirely different parts of a
county, nay eA^en in quite different counties. The few
mistakes made by Birch in CS are of a far less serious
nature. It ma}' be pointed out that Birch sometimes gives
an identity as certain on the strength merely of an OE
^ As an additional source I have used the 1-inch maps of
the Ordnance Survey. The names which do not occur in Bai--
tholomew are, however, few in number.
form, when there is no confirmation from boundaries, etc.
As, however, the OE charters are more carefully rendered
bv Birch in his CS, I have found it convenient to use
this edition (up to A. D. 975), the versions of other editors
(which in CS occur in foot-notes) being given in brackets.
It is, however, an unfortunate fact that most of these
forms, like the charters themselves, are not genuine but
ME falsifications of the originals. Finally, as regards the
names in the AS Chr., the question of their modern equi-
valents is, as is well known, to a great extent unsettled.
The duty of a philologist with regard to the solution of
these problems is naturally to put forward the philological
considerations in any contested case.
The place-names of Wiltshire have not been subjected
to any scientific investigation before, with the exception
of a few names, which have been discussed more or less
cursorily in other works, e. g. CricMade by Duignan (Notes
on Staffs. PL Ns, p. 116), Devizes by Zachrisson (Anglia
XXXIY, p. 319), Malmeshuri/ by Miller (Quellen u. Forsch-
ungen, Heft 78).
It is ni}^ pleasant duty to express my sincere gratitude
to all those who have assisted me in carrying out my
work. Above all I am indebted to Professor Erik Bjork-
man, my teacher in English philology, for invaluable advice
on various points and for the great interest he has always
taken in my English studies. For many helpful suggestions
my acknowledgements are also due to Mr Henry Alexander,
Lector at the University of Uppsala, who has, in addition,
revised my treatise from a stylistic point of view. Finally,
I beg to thank all those who have informed me about
dialectal, topographic, and other local matters, which it
has been necessary for me to know, and especially Hev.
E. H. Goddard, Swindon, Seer, of Wilts. Archaeo]. and
Nat. Hist. Soc, Mr J. E. Taylor, Headmaster of Marl-
borough College, Mr J. C. Longstaff, Holt, and D:r J.
Kjederqvist, Stockholm.
Uppsala, May 1917.
Einar Ekhlom.
I. Sources.
Ahhr. Plac. = Placitorum in domo capitulari Westmonasteriensi
asservatorum abbreviatio (Rich. I. — Edw. II.) Rec. Com. 1811.
Itinerarium Antonini August! et Hierosolymitanum ; ed. G. Parthey
et M. Finder. Berlin 1848.
AS Chr. = Two of the Saxon Chronicles parallel; ed. Ch. Plum-
mer (on the basis of an edition by J. Earle). 2 vols. Oxford
Asser = Asser's Life of King Alfred (together with the Annals
of Saint Neots erroneously ascribed to Asser); ed. W. H.
Stevenson, Oxford 1904.
Bede = Bede's Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum; ed. C.
Plummer, 2 vols., Oxford 1896.
Birch = See CS.
Br. Mus. — Index to the Charters and Rolls in the Department
of Manuscripts British Museum. Vol. I ed. H. J. Ellis and
F. B. Bickley, London 1900; Vol. II ed. H. J. Ellis, London
Col. France = Calendar of documents, preserved in France, illu-
strative of the history of Great Britain and Ireland; vol. I.
A. D. 918— 120G; ed. J. H. Round. London 1899.
C. Inq. = Calendar of Inquisitions post mortem and other analo-
gous documents, prepared under the superint. of the Dep.
Keeper of the Records (Hen. III.— Edw. III., Hen. VII.).
London 1898 etc.
Cal. Inq. = Calendarium Inquisitionum post Mortem sive Escae-
tarum (Hen. III.— Rich. III.). Rec. Com. 1806—28.
Cal. inq. da. - Calendarium — — — inquisitionum ad quod
damnum. See Cal. Rot. Ch.
Cal. Rot. Ch. = Calendarium Rotulorum Chartarum (1199 — 1483)
et inquisitionum ad quod damnum (1307 — 1461). Rec. Com. 1803.
CS - Cartularium Saxonicum : a collection of charters relating
to Anglo-Saxon history; ed. W. de Gray Birch. 3 vols.
London 1885—93.
Cat. A. D. — A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds, preserved
in the Public Record Office, prepared under the superint. of
the Dep. Keeper of the Records, 5 vols. London 1890 — 1906.
Ch. R. = Calendar of the Charter Rolls (1226—1326), prepared
under the superint. of the Dep. Keeper of the Records.
London 1903—08.
CI. R. = Calendar of the Close Rolls, prepared under the superint.
of the Dep. Keeper of the Records (1227 — 1354). London
1892, etc.
CD = Codex Diplomaticus Mvi Saxonici; ed. J. M. Kemble.
6 vols. London 1839—48.
Crawf. Ch. = The Crawford collection of early charters and do-
cuments now in the Bodleian Library. Anecdota Oxoniensa;
ed. A. S. Napier and W. H. Stevenson. Oxford 1895.
DB = Domesday Book seu Liber censualis Wilhelrai Primi regis
Anglise. Vol. I — II ed. A. Parley. London 1783; vols. Ill —
IV, ed. H. Ellis. London 1816.
Dugdale = Dugdale, William ; Monasticon Anglicanum, New edi-
tion by J. Caley. H. Ellis, and B. Bandinel. 8 vols. Lon-
don 1846.
Ellis, Intr. — Ellis. H. A general introduction to Domesday Book.
2 vols. London 1833.
Eulogiuni = Eulogium historiarum sive temporis: Chronicon ab
orbe condito usque ad annum domini 1366, a monacho quodam
Malmesburiensi exaratum; ed. P. S. Haydon. Rolls Series.
Vol. I. London 1858.
Exo7i DB = Exon DomesdajT^ in DB vol. IV.
Pacsimiles of Ancient Charters in the British Museum; ed. E.
A. Bond. 1873—78.
FA = Inquisitions and Assessments relating to Peudal Aids, etc.
1284 — 1431, prepared under the superint. of the Dep. Keeper
of the Records. Vol. V. London 1908.
Feet of fines = Peet of fines, 1182—99. Pipe Roll Soc. 4 vols.
London 1894—1900.
Fi7ie R. = Calendar of Pine Rolls (1272 — 1327), prepared under
the superint. of the Dep. Keeper of the Records. London
1911 — 12.
Geoffrey of Monmouth's British History (in Six Old English
Chronicles; ed. J. A. Giles. London 1848).
Gild as' Chronicle (in Six Old. English Chronicles; ed. J. A.
Giles. London 1848).
Henry of Huntingdon : Historia Ang-lormn; ed. Th. Arnold. Rolls
Series. London 1879.
H. Pipe R. — Magnum Rotulum Scaccarii, vel Magnum Rot.
Pipee, 31 Hen. I.; ed. J. Hunter. Rec. Com. 1833.
Keary Ch. F. and Grueber H. A. A Catalogue of English
coins in the British Museum. 2 vols. London 1887, 1893.
Kemhle = see QD.
Leland = The Itinerary of John Leland in or about the years
1535—43. 11 parts; ed. L. Smith. London 1907.
Liber rub. = Liber rubeus de scaccario: the red book of the
exchequer; ed. H. Hall. Roils Series. 3 vols. London 1896.
Luard, Ann. = Annales monastici; ed. H. R. Luard. Rolls Series.
5 vols. London 1864 — 69.
LVD = Liber Vitse ecclesise Dunelmensis nee non obituaria duo
ejusdem ecclesiae ; ed. J. Stevenson, Surtees Soc. London 1841.
L. de Hyda = Liber monasterii de Hyda; comprising a chronicle
of the affairs of England, from the settlement of the Saxons
to the reign of King Cnut; and a chartulary of the abbey of
Hide, in Hampshire. A. D. 455 — 1023 ; ed. E. Edwards. Rolls
Series. London 1866.
Macray - Charters and documents illustrating the history of the
cathedral, cit3^ and diocese of Salisbury in the twelfth and
thirteenth centuries. Selected from the capitular and diocesan
registers by the late Rev. W. R. Jones, and edited by the
Rev. W. Dunn Macray. Rolls Series. London 1891.
Mig7ie, Aldh. ejjist. = Sancti Aldhelmi Schireburnensis Episcopi
Epistolse — — — accurante J. P. Migne. Patrologia
Nennius' History of the Britons (in Six Old English Chronicles;
ed. J. A. Giles. London 1848).
AT = Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii. Temp, regis
Edwardi HI. Rec. Com. 1807.
Osmund — Vetus registrum Sarisberiense alias dictum Registrum
S. Osmundi Episcopi; ed. W. H. R. Jones. Rolls Series.
2 vols. London 1883—84.
Pal. B. = Calendar of the Patent Rolls (1216—1485), prepared
under the superint. of the Dep. Keeper of the Records.
London 1891, etc.
Phillipps' fines = Index of Wiltshire fines, Edw. III. to Rich.
III. ed. Thomas Phillipps. Middle Hill Press.
Phillipps' ped. fin. = Abbreviation of pedes finium, 7 Rich. I. —
11 Hen. III., for Wiltshire; ed. Thomas Philbpps. Middle
Hill Press.
Pipe B. = The Great Roll of the Pipe for the 5th year of
Hen. 11. (A. D. 1158—80). Pipe Roll Soc. London
Plac. Warr. = Placita de quo warranto, temp. Edw. I., II., III.
Rec. Com. 1818.
Reg. Malm. = Registrum Malmesburiense. The register of Mal-
mesbury abbey; preserved in the public rec. office; ed. J. S.
Brewer. Rolls Series. 2 vols. 1879.
Reg. Wilt. = Registrum Wiltunense, Saxonicum et Latinum in museo
Britannico asservatum, ab anno regis ^Ifredi 892, ad annum
regis Eadwardi 1045. 8umptibus R. C. Hoare. London 1827.
Rot. Ch. = Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Londinensi asservati (1199
— 1216); ed. T. D. Hardy. Rec. Com. 1837.
Rot. Cur. = Rotuli Curiae Regis (Rich. I. — John); ed. F. Palgrave.
Rec. Com. 1835.
Three Rolls of the King's Court in the reign of King Rich. I.
A. D. 1194—95. Pipe Roll Soc. 1891.
Rot. H. — Rotuli Hundredorum, temp. Hen. IIL et Edw. I. Rec.
Com. 1812—18.
Rot. Orig. = Rotulorum originalium in curia scaccarii abbreviatio,
temp. Hen. IK. — Edw. III. Rec. Com. 1805—10.
R. fin. exc. = Excerpta e Rotuli s Finiuni . . ., A. D. 1216 — 72;
ed. Ch. Roberts. Rec. Com. 1835—36.
R. L. CI. = Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum (1204 — 27); ed. T. D.
Hardy. Rec. Com. 1833 — 44.
R. L. Pat. = ^Rotuli Litterarum Patentium (1201—1216); ed. T. D.
Hardy. Rec. Com. 1835.
R. Ohlat. = Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus in Turri Londinensi asser-
vati; temp, regis Johannis; ed. T. D. Hardy. Rec. Com. 1835.
R. Pat. = Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium (3 John — 23 Edw.
IV). Rec. Com. 1802.
Round, Ancient ch. = Ancient charters, royal and private, prior
to 1200 (1095 — 1200); ed. J. H. Round. Pipe Roll Soc. 1888.
T. Eccl. = Taxatio Ecclesiastica Anglise et Wallise auctoritate
P. Nicholai IV. circa A. D. 1291. Rec. Com. 1802.
TN = Testa de Nevill. sive Liber feodorum . . . temp. Hen. III.
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Thorpe — Diplomatarium Anglicum ^Evi Saxonici: a collection of
English charters, from A. D 605 to William the Conqueror;
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W. Malm = W\\\Q\m\ Malmesbiriensis monachi : De gestis ponti-
ficum Anglorum libri quinque; ed. N. E. S. A. Hamilton.
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II E. Ekhlom
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Wright, J., Old English Grammar. Oxford 1908. [Wright.]
Wyld, H. C, and Hirst, T. 0., The Place-Names of Lanca-
shire, their origin and history. London 1911. [Wyld.]
Zachrisson, R. E., A Contribution to the Study of Anglo-Norman
Influence on English Place-Names. Lund 1909. [Zachrisson.]
, Some Instances of Latin Influence on English Place-
Nomenclature. (Lunds universitets arsskr.) 1910.
, The French Definite Article in English Place-Names.
(Anglia XXXIV.) 1911.
, Two Instances of French Influence on English Place-
Names (Stud, i mod. sprakvet. V, Uppsala 1914).
^ Notes on Early English Personal Names (Stud, i mod.
sprakvet. VI, Uppsala 1917).
III. Maps.
Pearson's historical maps^ see above, p. xiv.
Gary's New English x\tlas; ed. J. Gary. London 1809.
The 1-inch Ordnance Survey Maps of Wiltshire.
Abbreviations (not given above).
E. R. of Yorks.'
f. (fern.)
m. (masc.)
mun. bor.
= accusative.
= Anglo-Norman.
— Anglian.
= Anglo-Saxon.
= Bedfordshire.
= Berkshire.
= Buckinghamshire.
= Cambridgeshire.
— Cumberland.
= dative.
= Dorset.
= East Riding of Yorkshire.
= feminine.
= genitive.
= Gloucestershire.
= Hampshire.
= Hertfordshire.
= Huntingdonshire.
= Lancashire.
= Latin.
= Leicestershire.
= masculine.
= Middle English.
= Middle Low German.
= modern.
= municipal borough.
= neuter.
=: New English.
= Northamptonshire.
= Nottinghamshire.
= Old English.
= Old French.
= Old High German.
p. n(s)
personal name(s).
pi. n(s)
prim. Germ.
primitive Germanic.
W. R. of Yorks.
West Riding of Yorkshire
West Saxon.
Wiltshire is an inland county, situated in the south-
western part of England, S of the upper Thames. In Old
English times it consequently^ belonged to the territory of the
West-Saxon dialect. The following old references to the name
of the county may be quoted: [A. D. 800] Wilscetan, mid
Wilscetum AS Chr. [A], Wilscete ib. [E]; {^l^Wiltunscireih.
[A] (interpolated); [878] Wilscetan ib. [A], WiUscete ib. [E];
940 — 46 l^m wiltschire OS no. 817; 955 to Wiltunscire ib.
no. 912; [981] on Wiltunscire AS Chr. [C]; [994] Wiltunscire
ib. [A]; 996—1006 to Wiltunesdre CD no. 716; [1003] of
Wiltun scire AS Chr. [E]; 1086 Wiltescire DB; 1160 Wiltescijr
Macray; 1196 Wiletescf Feet of fines; 1215 in WiUtesire
Rot. Ch.; 1237 Wijltijs CI. R; 1317 on Wiltun scire Ch. E;
c. 1540 Whileshir{e) (several times) Leland.
The oldest name was consequently Wils^tan, WilsMe,
which denoted 'the settlers on the Wiley-stream'. Of these
two forms, the former is the genuine one [< prim. Germ.
'■''-scetjon-; cf . OHG -sciso, OLG (land)setio]. WilsMe is, in its turn,
to be considered as a secondary formation on the analogy
of such names as Dene, Engle, Seaxe, etc. If this original
form had been able to develop normally, the modern name
would consequently have been '-Wilset (in the same way as
the adjoining counties in the west and south are called
Somerset and Dorset). Like most counties, however, Wilt-
^ The sign (f) indicates that the name before which it appears
is ont genuine but a later (ME) rendering.
1 E. Ekhlom
shire, came to be called after its chief town Wilton, and the
change of the name has certainly taken place in the later
OE period (probably before A. D. 1000).
This would perhaps be the place to give a summar}^
account of the antiquities, history, and topography of the
county, things with which place-names are often so intimately
connected, but as these subjects are thoroughly dealt with
in other places ^, I have contented myself with calling
attention to such points only in connection with those
names which for one reason or another demand it. It
is, however, all the more necessary to state what the
present investigation has discovered about the ancient
colonization of the county. That the Normans in their
time were predominant in these parts is shown not
only by the abundance of French family names, which
occur as distinctive names, but also from the strong in-
fluence that their language has exercised on the place-
names. In the treatment of this part of the subject I have
in most cases been able to refer to Zachrisson's work 'A
Contribution to the Study of AN Infl. on Engl. PL Ns",
which has proved most valuable. But I think that the
present treatise will also contribute some additional ma-
terial to Zachrisson's own collection. Attention may here
be drawn to. a few cases of AN influence, which are of
particular interest (for further information on these names
see below): Devises, derived from OFrench devises (plur. of
devise = 'boundary^); the form Graveling{es), wdiich was
current in ME as a variant of Oravele, mod. Grovely [prob.
< *gr^fan leak (lea^e)], due to the influence of Oravelines,
the sea-port on the other side of the Channel. Note also
such names as: Bushton (< '■''bise{e)opes tun), Groundwell
[< '^grinde- {grinda-1) wyU{e)], Landford (< ^se laiiga ford),
^ e. g. in R. C. Hoaro: The Ancient History of Wiltshiro,
London 1812 — 21; The Magazine of Wilts. Archseol. and Nat.
Hist. Soc; Devizes, 1854 — ; F. R. Heath: Wiltsliire, London
Roundivay (prob. < '^Hringan tveg), and WinJcfield [< '"^Wines
{Winanl) feld], in which the alteration of the first elements
has been occasioned by AN spelling and pronunciation.
Dunkirk (a hamlet near Devizes) is a name borrowed
from Dimkerque [Dunkirk] (in the present French Flanders)
and therefore probably introduced by Flemings.
Continental p. ns occurring as first elements in Wilts,
pi. ns are: Bluncl (in Blunsdon), Boia (Boyton), Cort [Cor-
{ti7ig)ton], Eliasl (Elston), (^')Fallard {Faulstone), Flamhard
(Flamston), Hepj^o (^Heppal) [Hippenscombe], Oda {Odstock,
probably), Radbod (RabsonY-
The Scand. elements in Wilts, pi. ns are limited to a
number of p. ns; apart from these, as is to be expected
from the situation of the county, no Scand. influence
whatever has been traced. The only word which might be
taken as Scand. is brink (in Brinkivorih), although it is very
doubtful if we are justified in assuming this. The most
certain of the Scand. p. ns occurring here are: "^Aska
(< Aski) [in Axford], "^'Buter (Butr) [Buttermere], Estrid
(Heytesbury), Oamel (or *Qamela) [Gomeldon], Orim (Grims
Ditch, Grlmstead), Hacun (Haxton), '"Kale (Kali) [Calstone],
Raf{e)n {Ramsbiiry), Rolf [Rollestone), Tola (< Toli) [ToUard],
*Ugga (< Uggi) [Ugford]. Several of these names have no
doubt been introduced by the Normans, but some of
them probably also go back to the time of the Danish
Kings, when Scand. p. ns may have gained ground even
in those parts of England which had earlier remained
quite untouched by Scand. influence. But a Scand. settle-
ment in the real sense of the word seems never to have
existed in Wilts.
Finally it must be noticed that a not unimportant Celtic
element seems to have survived in these parts even after
^ Only three of these names are Romance: Blund, Elias, and
probably Fallard; one is Celtic, viz. Boia; all the others Ger-
the Germanic tribes had settled down there, for, apart from
such names as contain Celtic words which have become
current in the English language [e. g. doivn {don) and
comhe (coomhe)], there are about thirthy pi. ns in Wilts.,
which, partly or entirely, are in all probability of Celtic
origin. This is really not surprising when we consider
the proximity of Wilts, to the Welsh borders. Although
it has been impossible for me to interpret most of them,
their forms conclusively prove that they cannot be Ger-
manic. Names which in all probability contain Celtic ele-
ments are Braydon, Calne. Cherhill, Cheverell, Chnte, Conock,
Corston, Cricklade, Deverill (see Brixton De/verill). Crudivell,
Keevil, KeUaivays. Kemwt, KnooJc, Knoyle, Preshute, Quemer-
ford, Qiudhampton, SavernaJce, Shorncote, Stourton, Wan-
horough, Warminster, Wellow, and Wylye (Wily). It is also
most probable that some pi. ns conceal p. ns of Celtic
origin. Of such p. ns may be mentioned Cada (in Cadnam,
Catcomh(i), Cead{d)a (in ChaddenwicJce) [both probably short-
ened forms of the Celtic Ccedwalla and its anglicized variant
Ceadw(e)aUa respectively], and Peuf (in Pewsey, Pewsham).
The fact, however, that there existed such a great number
of Germanic p. ns as well which def}^ any attempt at a
plausible explanation (I refer especially to the common
hypocoristic formations) makes it verj^ dangerous to state
that an obscure p. n. is definitely Celtic or Germanic.
Abbotston [locally pronounced cebdst'n] ^ E of Downton.
1272 Abofeston Pat. E; 1296 Ahhodesdon CLE; 1316 Ahhocl-
eston YK\ 1338 Ahhesseton Cal. Inq. ; 1348 Ahhoteston ib.;
1404 Abheston Phillipps' fines; 1459 Abbeston Cal. Inq.
From an orioinal ^abbodes tun. OE tun, the commonest
of all terminations in English pi. ns., meant 'enclosed place
or piece of ground", 'farmstead', ^hamlet', -ton is very often
confused with -don [< OE dun}, and it is therefore some-
times impossible to settle which of them was the primitive
element. The contracted ME forms indicate that the modern
local pronunciation was alread}^ current in ME.
Abiington N of Amesbury.
1086 Alboldintone DB; 1223 Ablhiton Pat. E; 1227 Ablinton
Ch. E; 1252 Eblinton (twice) ib.; 1485, 1487 Ablyngton C.
Inq.; 1560 Abiington Br. Mus.
I derive this name from an original '■'Eadbealdinga tun
\= the farmstead of Eadbeald's descendants]. The first I in
the DB form is certainly a spelling mistake, and -bold-
(for bald) is due to w^eakened stress, -in- is an AN rendering
of -ing- (see Bjorkman, Pers. I, p. 137). The initial a-vow^el
implies a shortening either of the original diphthong itself
or of ce (in the transition period), while in the case of
Eblinton the shortening is of a later date. This explanation
is to be preferred to the one given by Wyld, p. 25, according
to whom the a-forms are due to shifting of stress in the OE
diphthong. It is to be noticed that initial ea in that case
^ The phonetic transcription used in this work is that of
Sweet, given in his Primer of Spoken English,
would more probably have become ^ea, id (see Sievers §
212, note 2, and Zachrisson, p. 65); of. Urchfont (DB Jerclies-
fonte, Pipe R Archesfunte), below.
The present name offers an opportunity of discussing
those cases in which a medial -m^-suffix in pi. ns. occurs
unin fleeted in OE charters (e. g. jEdilutilfing lond CS no.
303). Kemble's opinion about such forms [in Proc. of the
Philol. Soc. lY] is that this -ing has the special function of
being the equivalent of the strong gen. ending (consequently
JEdiluulfing = JEdiluulfes). Against this opinion Th. Watts
maintains (in the same volume, p. 83) that the -ing-iorm. in
question is a sort of uninflected adjective analogous to
Pariser, Londoner, etc. in German.
Both these opinions are consequently based on the suppo-
sition that these -mi^-forms were originally uninflected,
and this seems also to have been accepted by other scholars.
There is, however, strong reason to doubt such strange
functions of the -m^-suffix, which, in addition, seem to be
quite unknown in the other Germanic languages. The fact
is that many of those forms on which Kemble bases his
theory are taken from charters bearing evident signs of
being ME copies (Kemble himself marks several of them
in CD as not genuine). Nothing prevents us therefore
from considering all of them simply as ME forms of
original gen. plurals (jEdiluulfinga). Many examples show
that this gen. plur. ending may have quite disappeared
even as early as in DB (when it survives it is represented
by -e-).
Another curious statement concerning this 'non-inflected'
-m^-suffix is made by Moorman (PL Ns of the W. Riding
of Yorks. Introd. p. xli), according to whom it was used
in OE instead of tlie ending -an to denote the gen. sing,
case of a p. n. of the weak declension. This also has no
sound evidence to support it. The fact of the matter is
that OE -an sometimes develops into -ing, a transition
which must be due to the analogy of the many pi. ns
containing a patronymic as the first element, but this
change did certainly not take place until ME times (see
Alexander, Mod. Lang. Rev. VII, p. 70).
Consequently, in deciding the etymology of a ])\. n.
containing as the first element a patronymic of a strong
p. n., uninflected even in its oldest forms, we have to
assume an original gen. plur. case, but the m^-suffix of a
weak p. n. may sometimes also be derived from the gen. -an.
Aicombe NW of Box.
1496 Alcomhe C. Inq.
This single ME form does not tell us very much. The
original name may have been "^jEllan, [or Allan] cumh.
For the p. ns jElla, Alia see Mliller, p. 45, and Bjorkman,
Pers. I, p. 4, respectively. OE cumh (= small valley) is
generally supposed to be of Celtic origin. Modern Welsh
has civ7n in the same sense.
Aldbourne N of Eamsbury.
1086 Aldehorne DB; 1181 Aldibmna Pipe E;- 1194 Aldeburd
Eot. Cur.; 1206 Aldehuru E. L. CI.;- 1214 Audibrh ib.; 1225
Audiburh E. fin. exc. ; 1229 Audiburn Ch. E; c. 12^0 Alde-
hurn{e)T, EccL; 1310 Aldehorne C. Inq.; 1428 Aldehourne FA.
Originally ''"cet Ealdan (Angl. Aldan) hurne {human), re-
ferring to the little affluent of the Eiver Kennet on which
the place is situated. OE hitrn f., hurne f., hurna m. =
''small stream^ ^brook'. The first element was certainlv the
gen. of Ealda (Alda)^, Avhich may be regarded either as a
nickname meaning ^the old one^ or as a shortened form of
some p. n. beginning with Eald- e. g. Ealdhelm, Ealdred
(or their Angl. equivalents). The OE ending -an in the
middle of pi. ns is most often weakened to e in earliest
ME. The present pi. n. indicates that this e has been
^ The possibility that the first element might represent the
OE adj. eald is certainly out of the question as this would not
give a likely meaning.
syncopated before the ME transition of a > q. (For those
cases in which the OE -an- is retained as (e)n or changed
into in, ing, see Alexander, Mod. Lang. Rev. VII; see also
Bavnton, below.) Aude- shows AN vocalization of I.
Alderbury SE of Salisbury.
972 ^delware hyrig CS no. 1286 [possibly identicall;
1086 Ahvarberie, Alwaresberie DB; c. 1115 Ahvarhiri Os-
mund; 1139? Alwardheria Macray; c. 1190 de Alwardebirie
Osmund; 1194 de Ahvarhrie Rot. Cur.; 1215 — 20 de Alwar-
hurie Osmund; 1222 Ahuardbur. ib.; 1243 Alwarbire Macray
Hen. Ill Ayhvardebyr Rot. H; 1287 Ahvardesbuii C. Inq.
c. 1290 Alwardbury, Aylivardbury, Aldeiverbury T. Eccl.
13th cent, in Aldwardbirice Ltiher rub.; IS18 Aldetvardebury
Pat. R. ; 1341 Alrehury Cal. Rot. Ch.; Edv. Ill Ahvardesburi
C. Inq.; 1476 Aleivardbury Cal. Inq.; c. 1540 Alivardbyri
Lei and.
Originally '^cBt ^Edehveardes byri^, or possibly jEdelivare b.
[although '■^^delwaru (fern.) is not recorded as an independent
p. n.]. The development of OE cedel in p. ns and pi. ns is
discussed by Zachrisson, p. LOl ff.
The series of old forms given above proves that the
definitive change of Alwar{d)- > Alder- did not take place
until NE times, but tendencies in this direction seem to
have existed even in ME, judging from the forms quoted
from T. Eccl., Liber rub., Pat. R., and Cal. Rot. Ch. This
change must be due to analogy with the many pi. ns
which contain Alder- as the first element. Such a name is
found even in the neighbourhood of Alderbur}^ viz. Al-
der(s)ton (see below). OE burh (dat. byri^) denoted 'a forti-
fied place\ For e as a representative of OE y in DB see
Stolze § 15. The final e in -berle has been added in analogy
Avith those names in which -e in this position represents
the OE dat. form.
If the origin'^ jEdelweardes byr'i^ is correct, the two DB forms
are of special interest because they show that the strong gen. -s
might have been dropped here. Doublets of this kind are not
rare either in DB or in other ME documents. xA^ccording to
Zachrisson, p. 119. the circumstance that there existed two
forms of the gen. in many OE p. ns used as the first element
in pi. ns, one with s, the other without {Frocles — Frodan, etc.)
may easily have led to confusion and uncertainty in the use
of s between two pi. n. compounds in general. Alexander
(Mod. Lang. Eev. VII, p. 66 f .) gives other explanations which
also seem reasonable. Here may be mentioned another
circumstance which might have been an even more important
cause of the omission of the s in question, viz. the fact that
the French gen. had no inflectional ending. We may mention
such French pi. ns of this type as Martin- hose (A. D. 1130),
Rohert-Camp (A. D. 1181) [quoted from Kornmesser, pp. 53,
47]. Loss of a medial gen. -s in English pi. ns may there-
fore be due to a great extent to the influence of such French
names. An original name of the type ^^delwearcl hyri^ is
naturally impossible ^. (For the insertion of an inorganic s
and the omission of a stem s in the composition joint see
under Gorton.)
Note, cewelburhe {heme diche) CD no. 654 is identified by
Kemble with Alderbury, Wilts. The absurdity of this identi-
fication is proved by Bradley [Acadeni}^. June 2, 1894].
AIder(s)ton near Whiteparish.
1166 de Alderestoh Pipe E,; 1272 Aderedeston Pat. E; 1318
Aldredeston R Pat.; 1314 Aldredestonc C. Tnq.; l^l^ Aldre-
ston FA; 1324 Aldredeston Pat. R.
From '-"•'' Ealdredes tun, the first element being' a common
OE p. n.
^ It seems, however, as if some scholars would admit the
possibility of such a form. Thus, Alexander (in Mod. Lang.
Eev. VII, p. 67) refers to a suggestion of Prof. Wyld that '^a
usage without a gen. ending may be due to the fact that the
p. n. was felt to be a sort of adjective qualif^nng the second
Alderton NW of Grittleton.
1086 in Aldritone, Aldrinfone DB; 1194 de Aldrintoh Rot.
Cur.; 1261 Audinton Br. Mus.; Edv. I Aldrynton, {in) Al-
drintone ib.; c. 1290 Aderinton T. Eccl. ; early 14th cent.
Audrinton TN; 1316 Aldrynton FA; 1428 Aldnjngton ib.;
1432 Alderington E. Pat.; 1675 Aldrington Br. Mus.
The first element evidentlj" contains originallj^ the patro-
nymic of a p. n. beginning with Eald- (Angl. Aid-) and
with a second member beginning with r. Only one name
of this kind is on record in OE, viz. Ealdred, but there
may also have existed a p. n. '^'Ealdric. Alderton is conse-
quently to be derived from '•'Ealdredinga (or possibly ^^Eald-
ricinga) tun. A contraction has taken place in this name
of exactly the same kind as in Cholderton, Hilperton', see
below. Loss of a medial -m^-suffix in pi. ns occurs very
often. In the present case, this seems to have taken place
far on in NE times, but it is just as commonly lost in ME;
cf. e. g. Gorton (Cortington), Dinton, Hannington. For -i-
as representing -ing- in DB see Zachrisson, Stud, i mod.
sprakvet. Y, p. 11.
All Cannings E of Devizes.
1086 Ccminge DB; 1166 Chaningis Pipe li (or = Bishop's
Cannings); 1185 Kanenges (hundr.) ib.; 1205 de Aldehmning
E, Oblat; de Aldehamge Eot. Ch.; Aldechanlgg 11. L. CI.; 1296
Allekanynges Pat. E; 1316 Alcanninges FA; 1428 Cannggges,
Allecanynges FA.
In OE times this place was certainly called simply
'^Caningas (^'cet Caningum), this name including also Bi-
shop's Cannings, the distinctive names being, as is most
often the case, ME additions. "^Caningas is a plur. patronymic
of a p. n. "^'Cana, recorded in DB [Ellis, Intr. II p. 64] in
the latinized form Cano. The same name occurs in Can-
nington, Soms. (1284 Caninton FA; 1315 Canyngtone C. Inq.).
PI. ns of the present kind are discussed by Alexander
[Essays & Studies II, p. 175 ff.]. According to him the
names in -ing {-inge) are derived from original oblique cases,
either from the gen. plur. (with -helm, -tun etc. understood),
or from the dat. plur^.
The epithet was originally the ME adj. aid (= old), which,
after the loss of d between two consonants coincided with
all. For the AN ch as a representative of OE c {k) see
Zachrisson, p. 32 f.
AUington SE of Amesbury.
1086 AUentone, Alentone DB; 1178? Aldintona Br. Mus.;
1199 in AJdintoh Rot. Ch.; 1270 Alletona, Aldintona Ch. Id.;
c. 1290 Aldyngton T. EccL; 1316 Aldynton FA; 1428 Aldyng-
ton ib.; 1486 Aldyngton C. Inq.
This name, like the following, goes back to ''"'JEllan (Allan'^)
tun, or ""'-^Ellinga (Allinga) ttin. For JElla, Alia see under
Alcombe. The inorganic d of some forms must be due to
the influence of the numerous names beginning with Aid-.
Aliington NW of Chippenham.
1316 Alynton FA; 1397 in Alyngtone Br. Mus.; [n. d.] de
Alyntone Reg. Malm. See preceding name.
Aliington NE of Devizes.
1086 Adelingtone DB; 1194 in Alingetoh Rot. Cur.; 1316
Alington FA; 1324, 1428 Alyngton ib.
From '■■'^delinga tun; cedeling = either a prince, member
of a noble family, or a patronymic of the p. n. jEdel,
^^dela (the latter being a pet-form of some name beginning
Avith j^del-). Medial OE d is most often rendered by d in
DB [Stolze § 38]; see also on this point Zachrisson, p.
97 ff.
^ In the present case, where the absence of s is merely occa-
sional, the s-less forms may naturally just as well be explained
as shortened forms, where the sign {^) (over the final g), repre-
senting the ending -es, has been omitted (in the same way as
the stroke (-) over y representing the following n has been left
out in one of the FA forms).
Alton Barnes or Berners
Alton Priors
\ NW of Pewsey.
1086 Aultone [= A. B.], Awlione [= A. P.] DB ; 1189 Aulton Br.
Mus.; 1284 Aidton Ch. R; c. 1290 cle Aultone Berners, de Aid-
tone Prioris T. Eccl. ; Edw. I in Aiveltnn' Berner E/Ot. H:
early 14th cent. Aivelton Prioris TN; 1316 Aulton Bernes FA;
1428 Aidton {Berners), Aulton Prioris ib.
From '■■ea-ivyll-tun. A little tributary of the East Avon
rises here. The WS compound ■'■'■ea-wyU{e) [Angl. *w-wcell,
''^r£-weU] is to be taken quite literally as 'the source of a brook
or river , not simply 'river as Middendorff states, p. 9. Cf.
Alton, Hants, (near the source of the River Wey), which
occurs as jEweltune CS no. 390. For the initial a see
p. 5 (under Ablington).
'Berner' is an AN family name (see Bardslej^), and 'Bar-
nes' in the present case can hardly be anything but a
corruption of this name. Alton Priors formerly belonged
to tlie monaster}^ of St. Swithun at Winchester; see Ch. li
II, p. 288.
Alton N of Amesbury.
1086 Eltone DB; 1281 Alletona Br. Mus.; c. 1290 de Aletone
T. Eccl.; 1310 Aleton Ch. R; 1316 Aleton FA; 1361 Aleton
CI R; 1428 Alton FA.
Probably from ''-''JEllan tun, the first element being the
gen. of the p. n. jElla, for which see Muller, p. 45. For
the representation of OE ce by e in DB see Stolze § 4.
Alvediston SSE of Tisbury.
1166 de Alfwietestoh Ahbtisse Pipe R; King John Alvi-
theston xAbbr. Plac; 1222 Alvitheston Phillipps' ped. fin.;
1271 Alvedeston C. Inq. ; 1287 Alhedeston ib.; c. } 290 Alve-
destone T. Eccl.; 1312 Alvedstone Cal. inq. da.; 1336 Alfe-
deston Cal. Inq.; 1359 Alvidcston CI. R; 1428 Alveston
(twice) FA.
The first element was certainly the p. n. '■■^Ifhcep, re-
corded as Alfeth in CS no. 641, and as jElfeth in DB
[Ellis, Intr. II p. 5]. The transition of the medial -fh- into
the corresponding explosive is in the present case hardly
to be explained either as an AN substitution or as a dia-
lectal development [see Zachrisson p. 97 ff.]. It may rather
be due to the difficulty of pronouncing two fricative con-
sonants next to each other {th and s). Cf. the transition
of gh > g in Brigmerston, y>h in Brixton, th > t in Ratfyn.
As to t for th in the Pipe R form see Zachrisson, p. 115,
foot-note, h for v, a not uncommon mistake in ME mss.
as well as the reverse, is due to the similaritv between
these letters.
According to Jones, p. 204, this place was included in
the large estate at Chalk [Bower Ch. and Broad Ch.] which
in 955 was granted to the abbey at Wilton (CS no. 917).
Hence the distinctive name in Pipe E».
Amesbury or Ambresbury [eimzhdri].
858 -^Amhereshurg CS no. 495; 880 — 85 -feet Amhres hyrig
ib. no. 553; 932 -fAmhreslmrch ib. no. 691; 972 -fhamhre.b'
huruh ib. no. 1286; [995] -fAmhresbyri AS Chr. [F]; 1086
Amblesherie, Ambresherie DB; 1205 Ambresber' CaJ. Rot. Ch.;
1215 Amhresbyre Macray ; 1223 Ambresbirie Osmund; 1227
Amesbury, Ambresburi Ch. R; 1242 Aumberbiry Pat. R;
1248 Ambesbire Macray; 1265 Ambrebiry Pat. E>; 1267 Am-
besbyre Macray; Ainbrosebury Cal. Rot. Ch.; 1270 Aunbres-
byry Pat. E.; 1290 Ameshury Ch. R; 1322 Great Aumbres-
buri C. Inq.; 1331 Aunbresbury (four times) ib.; 1335 Am-
bresburye Magna Cal. Inq.; Amesbury Ch. E; 1428 Magna
Ambresbury, Parva A. FA; 1485 Amysbury C. Inq.; 1487
Ammesbury ib.; 1495 Ambesbury ib.
This place is traditionally connected with the Roman
leader Aurelius Ambrosius mentioned in Gildas, Beda,
Nennius, and Geoffrey of Monmouth. Although a derivation
of this pi. n. from Ambrosius would not infringe philological
laws, yet there is much doubt about such an etymology.
Tradition is after all too unreliable to have much weight
in deciding the etymology of a pi. n. But there is no
doubt that the first element was a p. n., and if this
name was Germanic, it may have been Eammer (< ■^Eanmer)
or possibly Eanheorht. The second element was OE byri^
(dat. of hurh). As to I for r in one of the DB forms see
Zachrisson, p. 142 ff. Other pi. ns with a similar first
element are Amberley, Sussex (see Roberts, PL Ns of Sussex),
Amhrosden Oxfs. (see Alexander, PL Ns of Oxfs.), Omhersley,
Worcs. (see Duignan, PL Ns of Worcs.), and Amhrosetown,
Anstey or Ansty SSE of Tisbury.
1086 Ancstige DB; 1224 Anesty Phillipps' ped. fin.; 1245
Ansteya Macray; 1251 of Anesty e Ch. R; Edw. 1 Anestye,
Ahiestye Eot. H; 1316 Anestigh FA; 1428 (in) Anstye, (de)
Anstie ib.
Originally "^'cet [pcem'\ ansU^an. The OE compound, ''^'ansfi^a,
which is only found in oblique cases, meant 'narrow path
(passage)' [cf . OW Scand. einstigi = 'a path, so narrow that only
one can pass']. In the Epinal Glosses the word occurs as a trans-
lation of termofilas (see thermiphilce, Du Cange), consequently
denoting ''a narrow passage between hills', but Middendorff's
conclusion from this single case that it could only have
that sense seems too hazardous to be trusted. In the case
of the present name, there is no topographical evidence to
support the latter meaning. As to the intrusive I in Alnc-
stye see Zachrisson, p. 150.
[Ashgrove SE of Shaftesbury (Dors.).
This name has been inserted only on account of Thorpes
identification of jEscgraf p. 443 with this place. There
seems, however, nothing to support this statement. Ashgi'ove
may be a comparatively new name, and its sense is in that
case obvious.]
Ashley NE of Tetbuiy (Glos.).
1086 Esselie DB; 1194 Esselega Eot. Cur.; 1222 Asseleg
Macray; c. 1290 Ashle T. EccL; 1341 Asshesleghe Br. Mus.
(prob. identical); [n. d.] de Hasselleye, de Asseleye, Esseleye,
Aisseleye, de Eshleye Reg. Malm.; 1428 Asshele FA.
Originally *cet [p<^m, p^re] cesc- lea^e fash-tree meadow')
or "^cet uEscan lea^e, jEsca being probably a pet-formation
of some p. n. beginning with jEsc-, of which there are a
great number. OE leak, m. and f., is most common in pi.
ns, in compounds as well as by itself. The OE nom. gives
modern lea, leigli.
Aiss- for Ass- is inverted spelling; see Luick, AngliaXYI,
p. 505 ff. For the AN rendering of OE sc (/) with s, ss
see Zachrisson, p. 37 f.
Ashley near Box.
Hen. Ill in Asseleye, in Hasseleye Br. Mus. ; 1428 Asshele FA.
See above.
Ashley, Great and Little NW of Bradford.
1492 Aissheley Cal. Inq, ; 1494 Assheley C. Inq.
See above.
Ashtoti Gifford SE of Heytesbury.
1247 Ayston C. Inq.; 1281 Aihston Oh. R; 1316 (de) Ashetone
FA; 1327 of Asshetone, Aschtone, Asshton C. Inq.; 1357 Ash-
tone Giffard Cal. Inq.
Either from '^'cesc- tun or ''^'uEscan tun. ^Gifford' (Giffard)
is an AN family name; see Hildebrand, p. 336.
Ashton Keynes W of Cricklade.
1086 Essitone DB; 1281 Aston, Ayston{e) C. Inq.; 1316 de
Ashtone FA; 1404 Assheton Cal. Inq.; 1428 Assheton FA.
See preceding name. 'Kej^nes' (Kaines) is a family name,
according to Bardsley probably Norman.
Ashton, West SE of Trowbridge.
1256 in Westastoh R. fin. exc. ; 1485 West Aisshton, Ashton C. Inq.
There are three neighbouring Ashtons here, which cer-
tainly were originally one and the same estate. The other
two are called Rood Ashton and Steeple Ashton. For
further information see Steeple Ashton.
Atworth NW of Melksham.
1001 jat Attemvrthe CD no. 706; 1316 de Atteivorthe FA;
1324 Ateworth ib.; 1352 Aieworth Cal. Inq.; 14:02 AttewortJi
CoteM FA; 1404 Little Cotels, alias Cotels Attevmrd Cat. AD;
1428 Cotelatteivo7-d, Farva Atteivorfh FA; 1489 Atward C.
Inq.; 1495 Atteivorthe Cotteles Atteivard ib.
Originally '-Attcm tveorp {irorpj unirp, ivyrp). Atta is a
p. n. which, apart from its occurrence in pi. ns, is recorded
on English territory in LYD; see Miiller § 37. OFt weorp =^
'homestead', 'habitation wdth surrounding land^, 'property'.
The termination -ivard indicates weakened stress. 'Cotel(s)'
is according to Hildebrand, p. 334, a French family name.
Many scholars would perhaps be inclined to derive the
present name from an original '-''cet ]bd;m iveorde. Moorman,
for instance, is of opinion that Attereliffe, W. R. of Yorks,
goes back to OE ''^''wt pmn clife. There is, however, strong-
reason to doubt an etymology of this kind, because there is
not a single authenticated case of the total coalescence
of the OE preposition and article with the pi. n. itself ^.
The first element of Attercliffe can hardly have been any-
thing but the p. n. Atta (r is intrusive as appears from the
old forms quoted by Moorman). Cf Atherstone, Atherstone
{-on-Stoiir), Warws., which contain the p. ns. Eadredy Eadric
respectively (see Duignan, PL Ns of Warws.), Atherton, Lanes.,
probably containing the p. n. Atser (see Wyld), and Atte7i-
horough, Notts., containing the p. n. Eada (see Mutschmann).
If the OE prep, and article in question had possessed such
^ Zachrisson, Anglia XXXIV, p. 350 f., calls attention to a
few cases in which the final consonant of the OE article pdim
> ME then has been prefixed to a pi, n. beginning with a vowel
(although most of these names, in my opinion, may equally prob-
ably have got their initial consonant from the prop. in).
great vitality as Moorman ascribes to them, they would
certainl}^ have survived rather frequently in those modern
pi. ns which consist of a single subst.
Note. The places mentioned in CD no. 706 are, with two or
three exceptions, located by Kemble in Dorset. It is, however,
quite evident that several of them are situated in Wilts., viz.
jAtte7iwrthe, yBradeforda (= Bradford-on-Avon), Brochme
(= Broughton Gifford), jChaldfelde (= Chalfield), ■fCosehdm
(= Corsham). yFarnleghe (= Monkton Farleigh), yHeselberi (Hazel-
bury), and -fWitlege (= Whitley), all of which are situated at a
short distance from each other.
Avebury or Abury {ei{v)bdri) W of Marlborough.
1086 de Avreherie DB; 1114 Aveshiria Cal. France; 1189
Aveberia ib. ; 1194 Auebia Jiot. Cur.; 1227 Avehure Ch. E,;
1232 Avehiri ib.; 1253 Avesberia ib. ; Hen. Ill Avene(s)bu7',
[corrupt] Hot. H; 1256 Avesbyry Pat. R\ 1316 Avebury
FA; 1404 Avesbury Cal. Inq.
Originalh" "^cet Afan byri^, Afa being recorded as an OE
p. n. In some of the ME forms an s has been inserted
through the influence of pi. ns, the first elements of which
have the strong gen. ending. The first r in the DB form
stands for n, this substitution being due to AN influence
(see Zachrisson, p. 141, where several analogous cases are
Avon on the Lower Avon NE of Chippenham.
688 (juxta f lumen) Avene {Abon, Avon) CS no. 71; 940 be
Afene ib. no. 752; 1065 Auene (terra) CD no. 817; 1194
de Auene Rot. Cur.; 1262 of Havene Ch. H.
Avon is a Celtic word (abond) meaning 'stream', 'river';
see Stokes, p. 10, and Holder. An unetymological h initially
before a vowel often occurs in the ME forms of Wilts, names,
just as an initial h of the stem may have been omitted
(cf. Etchilhampton, Hacklestone, Heddington, Hippenscombe,
Oakhill, Upavon, etc.). As far as I have been informed, a
certain irregularity in this respect exists in different parts
2 E. Ekblom
of the county, but the misuse of initial h seems nowhere
to be universal enough to form a dialectal characteristic; see
also Kjederqvist §§ 23, 213. In many forms, however, the
addition or loss of h may naturally as well be an AN feature.
Axford ENE of Marlborough.
1184 in AxeforcV Pipe R; 1217 Axeford Pat. E; 1226 Axe-
ford Osmund; 1288 Axeford C. Inq. ; 1428 Axeford FA. •
If the first element is Germanic^, there can only be one
derivation: owing to the fact that the combination sh in
East Wilts, is often represented by Tcs, x [basket often occurs
as haxet, ask as ax (< OE acsian, see Kjederqvist § 210),
cf. also Wexcomhe^ below] we are entitled to assume a p. n.
'''Aska (< Scand. Aski) as the first element. Under the in-
influence of the above-mentioned dialectal peculiarity, an
original '^Askan ford would give Axford, in the same way
as "west-cumh (after the loss of t) has given Wexcombe (the
termination being retained even after the metathesis).
Badbury SE of Swindon.
955 ■\Baddchuri, |f/c Baddehorive OS no. 904 (prob. identical);
1086 Badeherie DB; 1280 Baddehyr Ch. E; Edw. 1 Badde-
hurij, Badehery Plac. Warr. ; 1324 Baddehury FA; 1330
Baddehury Ch. E; 1428 Badehiiry FA.
Originally '-^et Bad(d)an hyri^, Bad{d)a being probably
a pet-formation of such names as Badufrijj (Beadufrip),
Bad{u)/ieard [Bead{ii)heard], Badumiind; see Miiller, pp.
46, 117.
Bapton near Wylye.
1220 Bahinton Phillipps' ped. fin.; 1311 Bahyngton C.
Inq.; 1316 Bahington FA; 1329 Babeton C. Inq.; 1362 5a-
beton Br. Mus.; 1413 Babbeton ib.
^ This is most probably the case. There is certainly a river
name Axe in England which is most likely Celtic, but the Kennet
on which Axford lies is not known to have ever had any other
From "^Bahhan (or Bahhinga) tun, Babha being an OE
p. n. ; cf. Baverstock. h has become unvoiced through assi-
milation with the following t.
Barbury (Castle) E of Broad Hinton,
[556] cet Beran hyrig AS Chr. ms. E [possibly identical] ;
1252 Berebyre Br. Mus.; 1428 Berhury FA.
The place ^vhere Cynric and Ceawlin fought against the
Britons in 556 is located by Thorpe and Plummer (in their
editions of AS Chr.) at Barbury Camp, Wilts. Whether this is
correct or not is doubtful, but it is most probable that the
original form ot Barburv was the same as that of the AS Chr.
*Bera is probably a hypocoristic form of some p. n. be-
ginning with Ber- e. g. Beruidf (in LVD, see Miiller, p. 92),
''^Berweald {Beruoldus Ellis, Intr. II, p. 295); but it may
perhaps also have existed as an independent name (applied
to a man famed for his strength). The same name occurs
in ^tberanforda CS no. 264.
'Castle^, which is the general Avord for ancient protective
earthworks and hill forts, refers to the ancient fortifications
here, remnants of which are still to be found. There are
a great number of such 'Castles^ in Wilts, e. g. Bratton C.^
Liddington C, Oldburj^ C, Yarnbury C.
Barford St. Martin W of Wilton.
1086 Bereford DB; 1250 Bereford C. Inq.; 1286 Bereford
Ch. E; (prob. identical); 1304 Berevord St. Martin ib.; 1316
Bereford FA; early Edw. Ill Barford St. Martin Br. Mus.;
1335 Bereford St. Martins C. Inq.; 1428 Ber(e)ford FA;
1493 Berford St. Martin C. Inq.
This name goes back either to * Beran ford (see preceding-
name) or to ^ here- ford 'the ford by the barley(-field). *^St.
Martin^ is the name of a church.
Barford (Park) N of Downton.
1086 Bereford DB; 1428 Bereford FA.
See preceding name.
Bathampton, Great and Little [b9p{h)dmfn or hed(liyemfn]
on the r. Wiley close to Fisherton Delamere.
1194 de Bathatoh Rot. Cur.; 1229 Bathamton Pat. R\
c. 1270 Batham'pton Macray; early 14th cent. Bathamewily
TN; 1316 Bathehampton FA; 1328 Bathamwyly C. Inq.;
1367 Batametoune Wyley Phillipps' fines; 1402 Bathampton
FA; 1428 Badampton ib.; c. 1430 Batampton Br. Mus.
Hampton, which occurs so frequently both in compounds
and alone in English pi. names, goes back either to OE
ham-tun (this seems to be the most usual origin), which may
have been analogous in meaning with OE ham-stede (home-
stead), or to hean tune (dat.) [like Hampton, Worcs. which
occurs as {xt) Hean tune CS no. 235]. In this case, how^ever, the
low situation of the place excludes the latter possibility (cf.
Becl:hampton, Ditchampton, Etchilhampton? below, in which
-hampton has a quite exceptional origin). The pronunciation
'^hedH- of the first element is due to Aveakened stress. Names
in -hampton are generally stressed on the penultimate syllable.
Whether the epithet Bath- formed part of the original
name or not, it is impossible to say.
Baverstock \b(EVd{r)stolc\ W of Wilton.
968 (t)^^ Babanstoce Reg. Wilt.; lOSQ, BahestocheJ}^; 1230
in Bahestoh' CI. R; c. 1290 BaUestol T. EccL; 1428 Bahe-
stol FA.
The first element is the p. n. Bahha, which occurs also
in the adjacent Bapton. The late change oi h> v and the
insertion of r may be due to the analogy of Laverstoclc, a
parish not far from here (though the change oi h > v may
be partly a dissimilatory process).
Stoch as a first element in pi. ns is as a rule derived
from OE stoc(c) [< prim. Germ. *stoMo-.z], e. g. OE stoc{c)-
tun = 'an enclosure fenced in by stocks or posts' (in the
same way as stdn-tun may denote 'an end. fenced in by
As a second element, however, and when occnrring
uncompounded as a pi. n., in Avhich cases it also occurs
as stolce, it certainly represents OE stoc [< prim. Germ.
"^stolco-z] (stoke from the OE dat. form); the few OE references
to this word, apart from pi. ns, are quoted by Napier, Trans.
of the Phil. Soc. 1903—06, p. 323, and Swaen, Engl. Stud.
37, p. 191. Note also (/ fader r) stolce, Ormulum 9778, and
stohess (plur.) ib. 1049, 15694. The meaning of this word
seems to have been much the same as OE Steele, stoiv (in
Ormulum the word means 'placeV-
Attention may here be called to the serious mistake in
Bosworth-Toller (and Swaen) of assuming an OE stoc as the
origin of stoclc, stolce; for even though the nom. form might
have given NE stoclc (by shortening), the OE dat. form
would never have given NE stolce, but ^stooh. It is also
quite impossible to assume, as scholars generally do, an
OE "^stoce as a dat. form of stoc{c), as double consonants
could not be simplified in the spelling of oblique cases.
Note. Middendorff s opinion (which seems to be adopted from
Jellinghaus) that OE stoc{c) in pi. ns indicates *^eine Ortlichkeit
mit den Resten eines abgeholzten Waldes^ can hardly be correct.
It is obvious that OE stoc(c)-ivudu denotes a place where a
wood had been cut down, in the same way as stoc(c)~leah may
be "^a meadow with stumps of trees^ but there is no reason to
assume that stoc{c) alone could have that sense. Nor is it
possible to adopt the suggestion of Jellinghaus, Anglia XX
p. 320, repeated in Forstemann, Ortsn. p. 896, that OE stoc{c)
as a first element in pi. ns could mean *^Stamm\ "^Geschlecht ,
denoting that the place in question would be Mie Mutterstadt
eines Distriktes'.
^ Curiously enough, the element in question, which is so
prevalent in Engl, place-nomenclature, seems to be entirely absent
in the pi. ns of the other Germanic countries. For the few
German names in which stock occurs as a second element or
uncompounded, see Forstemann, Ortsn. p. 896. In Scand. pi. ns
it does not seem to occur as a second element at all. For its
further occurrence se e. g. Kygh, Forord og Indledn. p. 79.
Baycliff S of Horningsham.
early Hen. Ill in Bayleclive Br. Mus.; 1316 de Baylies dyve
FA; 1386 in Batjlesclyfe Cat. A. D.; 1428 Baileclyf FA.
The most probable etymology is *Bea^cles (Bea^elan) cUf,
Bea^el{a) being a diminutive form of *Bea^a, a pet-form of
such. p. ns as Bea^mtmd, Bea^stan: see Miiller, p. 78.
Note. Baildon, W. Riding of Yorks., probably contains the
same first element as the name above. Moorman's suggestions
on this name seem too improbable to be trusted. Baycliff,
Lanes, is of a quite different origin: see Wyld.
Baydon N of B,amsbury.
1146 Beidona Macray; 1226 Beidon Osmund; 1294 Beydon
Ch. K; 1316 Bedo7t FA.
I suggest an original '^Bea^an dun. For '^'Bea^a see pre-
ceding name. OE dun (NE down) is generally supposed to
be of Celtic origin. Bedon (FA) may be an example of the
AN spelling habits of rendering ai, ei by e, mentioned
by Zachrisson, Stud, i mod. sprakvet. V. p. 16.
Baynton NE of Westbury.
1185 de Beinton' Pipe E,; 1330 Benton CI. E., C. Inq.; 1428
Beynton FA; [n. d.] de Beyntone Reg. Malm.
This name seems to contain the same first element as
Baydon and is consequently to be derived from "^Bea^an tun.
For the retention of -n- cf. Binchnoll, Cadnam, Chippenham,
Harnham, Mildenhall, Newnton, etc., below. The fact that
OE -an in these names had two different functions — being
in some cases the gen. ending of a weak p. n.^ in others
the dat. ending of an adjective — was naturally in suffi-
cient to prevent a development on similar lines.
Beanacre [hi(j)neiJcd(r)] N of Melksham.
1261 Benacr^ E fin. exc; 1286 Benacre Ch. E; Edw. I
Benakere Eot. H; Beneacre Abbr. Plac.
'Bean-field\ OE cecer meant 1) 'a piece of tilled land, a
field'; 2) "^a definite measure of land, originally as much as
a yoke of oxen could plough in a day' (NED). The OE
compound %eanland (heajilcmdes) occurs in CD no. 724.
Beckhampton ( — ) near Aveburj^
1086 Bachentunc DB: 1199? de Bachamtoh Rot. Cur.;
Hen. Ill Bechampton Abbr. Plac; 1240 — 45 de Bachamptone
Macray; 1266 Bechcwipton Pat. R; 1314 Bachamptone C.
Inq.; 1316 Bahhampton FA; 1428 Bachampton ib.; 1485
BaJcehamton C. Inq.; 1493 BaJcehampton ib.; 1596 BacTc-
hampton Br. Mus.
Originall}^ '^Bac(c)an tun, Bac{c)a being an OE p. n., re-
corded in LYD, see Mliller, p. 46. -an+tun was, however,
soon associated with the common name element ham{2))ton,
and, in accordance with such names, the stress has here
also been shifted to the syllable -ham-; hence BacJc-> BecJc-.
Bedwyn, Great and Little SW of Hungerford (Berks.).
778 (■f)Bedetvinde, {•\)in hedeivindan CS no. 225; 803—805
{-\)Bedeivinde ib. no. 324; 880 — 85 {'\)cet
553, p. 178; {^)Bedeivynde ib. no. 554, p. 182; 968 {^)Bede-
wmde, (to) Bed{e)uuindan ib. no. 1213 (pro"b. identical); ^thel-
red {'\)Bedeuuinde CD no. 1312; (n. d.) {'\)Bedewinde CD no.
941 (possibly identical); 1086 Bedvinde (twice), ad Bedvine
DB; 1158 of Bedetvinde Osmund; 1177 Esthedewinda (= Little
Bedw.) Pipe R; 1194 Bedewinde Rot. Cur.; 1199 Bede-
wyna Cat. Rot. Ch.; 1230—40 Bedeivind Macray; 1234
BideivhuV CI. R; 1310 Esthedewynde C. Inq.; 1376 Byd-
tvynde Cal. Inq.; 1441 Westhedwijnd Br. Mus.; 1484 Bede-
iven ib.
This can hardly be anything but the plant-name hedwine
or hedwindy which exists as a dialect word in Wilts, and
other southern counties indicating some common species of
'Convolvulus'; see EDD. cf. Swedish vinda, German Winde.
This was consequently a place, where a rich growth of this
plant was found. It seems as if the sing, form of the word
had been used here originally, wliich in that case must have
been taken collectively (cf. Bremhill). The loss of final d
after I, n is characteristic of this dialect; see Ellis, p. 42 f.,
Kjederqvist, p. 101. Contrary to Baddeley, p. 17, I take
Bedwins, Glos. to be of the same origin.
Note. On account of the etymology of Bedtvyn given above
it is evident that Plummer's identification of Biedan heafde
(AS Chr. A. D. 675) with this place must be erroneous.
Beechin^stoke ESE of Devizes.
1086 Bichenestoch DB; c. 1290 BichenestoJc T.'Eccl.; 1316 ^e
StoJce FA; 1428 in BychenestoJce, in StoJce, de BechynstoTce
ib. ; 1442 Bychyngstohe Cal. Inq.
From an original "^cet Byc(c)inges (or ''^Byc(c)inga) stoce,
Byc{c)ing being the regular patronymic of the OE p. n. Buc{c)a.
The long vowel in the first syllable of the modern form is
certainly due to popular etymology (the name having been
connected with NE beech).
Bemerton [bemd{r)t'n] WNW of Salisbury.
1086 Bimertone, in Bermentone DB; 1287 Bymerton C. Inq.;
c. 1290 Bymfone T. Eccl. ; 1300 Beomertonam (Lat. ace.)
Ch. R; 1316 Bumerton FA; 1324 Bymerton C. Inq.; 1326
Bymerton Pat. R; 1402, 1428 Bymerton FA; 14:93 Bemerton
C. Inq.
The original form was most probably ^Beornmceres tun,
Beornmcer being a p. n. found on an AS coin of the time
of King Alfred. The u- and /y-vowels are to be explained
as follows. It is a known fact that OE eo is sometimes in
ME rendered by u (AN spelling) [also by o, oe], which are
taken to represent the transitional sound [oe] between
OE eo and ME e (OE bcorn occurs occasionally in ME as
burn, deorc as dure, etc.) see Biilbring, Bonner Beitr. zur
Angl. XV: vii, Schlemilch pp. 32, 38. The erroneous use of
ME // must be due to the presence of this u, which has
been assumed by the scribe to represent OE y (of. ME
hyrn < OE beorn, clyrh < OE deorc).
The i in Bimertone (DB) must be a mistake for e, as eo is
not otherwise known to represent i in DB, and n for r in the
other DB form, if not a mere error, is to be explained as
an AN substitution ; see Zachrisson, p. 141 ff.
Bentley Wood E of Salisbury.
1178? Bentlesivuda Br. Mus.; 1224 Bentlewud E. L. CI.;
Hen. Ill Bentleivode Rot. H; 1270 Bentellestuod, Bentelivoda
Ch. R.
Bentley certainly goes back to an original '''^'cet [pt^m, §cere\
beonet-lea^e ; cf. Bentley, Worcs. {cet Beonetlceaye OS no.
1087); Bentley, Suffolk (Benetleia DB, Benetlei TN). OE
beonet (NE bent) is only recorded in pi. ns (see ""bent" NED).
Berwick Basset {barik, beriJc) N of Avebury.
1206 Bereivye Br. Mus.; 1221 BerewyJc, Beretvich Macray;
1231 Berewic Ch. E; 1271 Bereivyl C. Inq. ; 1316 de Ber-
loiJce FA; 1325 BerwyJc Basset Ch. E.
Berwick is a very common pi. n. all over England and
goes back to OE beretvlc, a compound of &ere =^ barley' and
ivlc = '(dwelling-)place', 'habitation'. A bereivlc may there-
fore have been either 'a barley farm' or 'a shed in which
barley was stored'. In NED berivick, beretuick is stated
to be obsolete and is translated by 'demesne farm'.
Jones, p. XXI points out another sense which the word
seems to have had in the time of Domesday. On the ground
of such expressions in DB as 'Ad hoc manerium j)ertinent
4 beretvicce (I, 128 b) and Ad hoc man. jacuit et jacet una
Berewica (I, 129 b), he takes the word to have
indicated 'a small farm, subordinate to a manor'. The ex-
plosive in tvick is due to the OE inflected cases; see Cor-
nelius, and Bjorkman, Loanwords, p. 145.
'Basset(t)' is an AN family nam.e. Other estates in Wilts.,
which have been in possession of members of this family, are
Compton B., Easton B., Winterbourne B., and Wootton B.
Berwick St. James ENE of Wylye.
C. 1190 Bereivyh Sancti Jacohi Macray; 1316 de Berewike
FA; 1324 Berkvyl ib. ; 1428 Berwijl {Sancti Jacohi) ib.
Berwick St. John E of Shaftesbury (Dors.).
1267 de Berewylce S. Johannis Macray; 1316 de Bereivyhe
FA; 1428 BerewyTc Sancti Johannis ib.
Berwick St. Leonard E of Hindon.
1428 Berivyk Sancti Leonardi FA.
The distinctive names of these three places refer to
Beversbrook [hijvd(r)sbruk] NE of Calne.
1086 Bevresbroc, BrevreshroJc DB; 1240 — -45 Beverhroh Mac-
ray; 1316, 1428 {de) BeveresbroJce FA; 1437 (of) Beveris-
brolce Cat. A. D.
Originally '^cet beofores broce, broc referring to a little
tributary of the Marden, now called *^Fisher's brook'. The
first r in Brevresbroc (E)B) is merely orthographic.
Biddestone [bidsfn] W of Chippenham.
1086 Bedestone DB; 1181 de Bedeston Pipe E; 1215 in
Buddeston R. L. CI.; 1216 de Betesdoh ib.; 1258 Biideston
C. Inq.; 1285 Budisdene Cal. Rot. Ch.; 1288 Byddiston
Dugdale; Edw. I Budeston Br. Mus.; 1307 Biideston C.
Inq.; 1316 Budeston FA; 1321 Butteston Fine R. [prob.
identical]; 1351 Buduston Br. Mus.; 1428 Butteston FA;
1464 Buddeston Br. Mus.
Probably from ^''Bydan tun (with a later substitution of
strong for weak gen.; see Alexander, Mod. Lang. Rev. VII,
p. 70). For the p. n. Byda, which is recorded in LVD,
see Mliller, p. 49.
The c of the first syllable in some of the earliest forms
above stands for i and may, on account of the early date
of the references, be due to French influence (see Zachris-
son, Stud, i mod. sprakvet. V, p. 10). It is to be noticed
in this connection, however, that there also exists in different
parts of the county a well-marked tendency to change i into
e, and even many of the ME forms that show this change may
be explained as having been affected by this tendency (cf.
e. g. Brinkworth, Chicklade, Chisbury, Chisenbury, Chitterne,
Chittoe, Fittleton, Grittleton, Lydiard, Smithcot, Tedworth).
The change from d> t in two of the forms above may
be due to assimilation with the following s (the medial e
having been syncopated).
It is obvious that confusion of -ton, preceded by -s-, and
-stone must be very frequent in Engl. pi. ns.
Bincknoll SE of Wootton Bassett.
1086 in Bechenhalle DB ; 1251 Benecnoll Ch. E; 1279
BenJcnoUe Br. Mus. ; 1284 BenJcnoU R Pat. ; early 14th cent.
Brencnoll TN; 1316 de Benhnelle FA; 1362 Beneknoll, BienJc-
nolle CI. R; 1367 BiJcenoUe Cal. Inq. ; 1428 (in) BienTcnoUe,
de BrenhnoUe FA; c. 1430 ByngJcnoll Br. Mus.
The DB form suggests an original ^'Beccan heall. OE heaU =
'palace*, 'residence'. Becca, which also appears in the local
names Beccan ford{a) CS no. 309, Beccan lea ib. no. 553, and
beecan leahe ib. no. 1282 p. 586, was the name of a king in
Widsith. This is another example in which the OE gen.
-n is retained. The development has then been as follows:
After the loss of e, metathesis has taken place so as to
give a form '^'Benkolle (the second syllable weakened), which
at a time must have existed side by side with "^Behnolle
{BiJcenoUe Cal. Inq.). Out of these two forms has then arisen
a contaminated form Benhiolle, BincTcnolI. For the transi-
tion of e> i see Morsbach § 109. Brenk- for Benh- is
probably due to association with the subst. hrenJc, hrink.
Bishop's Cannings NE of Devizes.
1086 Cainingham DB; 1091 Caninges Osmund; 1139? Can-
enghis Macray; 1146 Canninges ib.; 1148 Caningas ib.;
1161 Canengis Br. Mus.; 1173 Caning Osmund; 1226 Kaning
ib. ; Edw. I iyi Kaningge Plac. Warr. ; 1286 Caningges Macray;
1294 Canyng Episcopi Oh. E; 1296 Canygges Bishop sVsit. B,;
1316 Canynges FA; 1428 Cannyng ib. ; 1491 Bishops Can-
yng es C. Inq.
See All Cannings. The badly spelt DB form may
naturally represent an older ^Caninga helm, but it may also
be a corruption of an OE dat. plur. form ^cet Caningum.
The term 'Bishop's^ refers to the Bishop of Sarum, the chief
tenant here in the time of Domesday.
Bishopstone E of Swindon.
1227 Bissopestun Osmund; c. 1290 de Bissopestone T. EccL;
1294 Bisshopeston Oh. E.; 1300 Bysshopeston ib.
Originally %isc{e)opes tun. This is another example, in
which -5'- has later on been added to the suffix, whence -stone.
Bishopstone S of Wilton.
1227 Bissopeston Gh. U; 1243 Bissopiston Pat. E; 1316^^5-
shopeston FA; 1324 de Byschopestone ib.; 1428 Bysshopeston,
Buschopeston ib.; 1534 Biissheton Br. Mus.
See preceding name. For the form Biissheton cf. Bushton,
Bishopstrow SE of Warminster.
1086 Biscopestreu DB; 1144 bissoppestreu Eound, Ancient
ch.; 1194 Bisuppestru, Bissupestru Eot. Cur.; Hen. Ill
Bissopestru Br. Mus.; 1236 Bisshopestre Ch. R; 1270 in
Byscoppestreive ib.; c. 1290 de Bissoppestrowe, Bissopestre
T. EccL; 1300 Troiue Pat. E. (prob. identical); Edw. I
Bissupestreo Br. Mus.; 1316 de Bisshoppestroive FA; 1365
by Busshepestrowe CI. E.
From %ise(e)opes treoiv (treotv here probably = cross).
Jones, p. 199, is of opinion that a cross may have stood
here as a memorial of Aldlielm, the well-known abbot of
Malmesburv and bishop of Sherborne, to whom the chnrch
is dedicated. OE -treow has become -troiv by change of stress.
Blackland SE of Calne.
1194 Blakelancl Rot. Cur.; 1218 BlalcelandMB.CTSiy', c. 1290
de Blochelonde, Blakelond T. EccL; 1316 de BlacMonde¥A;
1428 BlacMond ib.
Originall}^ ^'pcet bidce land (OE hlcec and Mac being help-
lessly confused with each other). This name can hardly
denote anything but 'a tract, covered with dark forests\
Guest, p. 254, points out the great probability of a line of
forest having stretched almost uninterruptedh^ from the
extensive Bradon forest in north Wilts, to Selwood forest
in the south-west. Blackland and Blackmore (below) in that
case certainly formed part of this wooded district.
Blackmore NE of Melksham.
1338 de Blakliemore Pat. R.
This name answers to an OE *se hldca mor; OE mor =
^2L tract of waste (damp) ground". See preceding name.
Blunsdon, Broad and Blunsdon St. Andrew N of Swindon.
1086 Blontesdone, Bluntesdone Dl^ ; 1171 de Bluntes den Pipe
R; 1207 m Bluntesdon Rot. Ch. ; 1262 Brodebluntesdon C.
Inq. ; early 14th cent. Rangindehluntesdon TN; 1316 de
Bhmtesdone Sancti Leonardi, B. Sancti Andree FA; 1326
Blountesdon C. Inq.; 1328 Blontesdone ib.; 1379 Blontes-
don Sci. Andree Br. Mus.; 1428 Blontesdon^ de Blu7itesdone
FA; 1650 Blountesdon, Blundeston Br. Mus.
The first element is, no doubt, the gen. of the French
p. n. Blund {Blond, Blont, Blunt) [< med. Lat. hlundus,
Uondus]: see Hildebrand, p. 331. This name, which occurs
at a later date as a familv name in Wilts, as well as in
other parts of England, is not to be confused Avith the W.
Scand. nickname Blundr (from the subst. hlundr = slumber).
The termination is OE dun.
The distinctive term in TN indicates 'situation on a steep
slope^; cf. Hanging Langford. Hangindehluntesdon may
be identical with the two farms in Blunsdon which are
now called "^The Hangings^ ^St. Andrew' is the name of a
Boscombe SE of Amesbury.
1086 BoscumU {tw\cii)J)B; 1178? BoscumbaBi\M\\^.\ 1199
in Borscumbe, in Boxcumh Rot. Cur.; 1218 — 28 Boscumhe
Macray; 1270 Boscimiba Ch. R; 1286 Boscumhe ih.; Edw. I
de Borscumhe Rot. H; c. 1290 Borscumbe, Borscumbe T.
EccL; 1328 Borscombe Phillipps' fines: 1362 Borcscombe
Cal. Inq. ; 1364 Borescombe (several times) CI. R; 1386
Borscombe Cal. Inq.; 1428 Boscombe FA; 1540 Borescombe
Judging from the DB form and the other forms without
r, it would seem as if the name contained the OE p. n.
Bosa, occurring among other places in LVD, but on the
other hand it cannot be a mere chance that r is found in so
many ME forms. An independent p. n. which would fit in
here is certainly not on record, but it seems not improbable
that "^Bora might have been used in OE times as a nick-
name of a ^horn-hora\ ^mund-bora\ ^ sweord-bora\ etc. Bos-
combe may therefore be derived from '^Boran cumb (with a
later substitution of strong for weak gen. ending, and assi-
milation of r to s). Cf. the local '\to Boresburghe CS nos.
34, 563, '\on bores tvelle ib. no. 776. Boxeumb (T. Eccl.)
may have been affected by the same dialectal influence
that gave x in Axford and Wexcombe.
Note. Kemblo's identification of *hotes cumb CD no. 396,
mentioned among the boundaries of the land at (Steeple) Lang-
ford on the Wiley, with this place cannot possibly be correct.
Bottlesford "W of Pewsey.
892 "fto hotan wcelle CS no. 567; 933 to botan ivylle CS
no. 699.
Hoare, in his edition of Reg. Wilt., has called attention
to the probability that the modern Bottlesford is situated
at the place to which these two ancient names refer, and
there seems to be really no doubt at all about this identity.
The original sense was thus *^Bota's welF, Bota being probabh^
a pet-form of such names as Botwine, Botiuulf^ etc. ; see
MuUer, p. 48. -ivmlle CS no. 567 is not an original spelling
[in OE ivceU{e) is the Angl. equivalent of WS tviell{e), tvyU{e);
see Biilbring § 175]. At what time -ford was added I have
not been able to find out. The insertion of -.S'- is due to the
influence of pi. ns containing a first element with a gen. s.
Bowden SW of Calne.
1371 Bouedon Cat. A. D.
Either from '^Bu^an dun, or from '■^'Bofan dun, Bu^a,
Bo fa being OE p. ns, here probably denoting the same Buga
(Bo fa) as occurs in the adjoining Botvood (see below). For
the development of '^Bofan dun into Bowden cf. Coulston,
below\ The fact that the place is situated on a plateau
proves that the second element was originally dun.
Bower Chalk SW of Broad Chalk.
955 -fcBt Cheolcum, -fwt Cheolcum CS no. 917 ; 974 -fCheolca (Lat.
form), -fto Cheolcan ib. 1304; 1086 Chelche DB (including
also Broad Ch.); 1175 de Chelhe Pipe Ji (or = Broad Ch.),
1226 in Chalk R. L. CI. (or = Broad Ch.); c. 1290 ChelJc T.
Eccl. (or = Broad Ch.); 1316 de Burchalke FA; 1377 Bour-
chalh Phillipps' fines; 1428 BorchalJcYA; 14:5b BurghchalJce
Cal. Inq. ; 1476 Burgchalke ib.; 1481 Bery ChalJce ib.
The CS forms above (which, no doubt, also refer to Broad
Chalk) cannot possibly be correctly spelt. They certainly
stand for *Cealc, *cet (p^m) Cealcum [='the chalk-down(s)'].
Bower and Broad Chalk are situated in the so-called White
Chalk district, for the extent of which see Heath, p. 17.
Clieolcan CS no. 1304 no doubt represents the OE dat. plur.
The DB form iinphes a late OE '^xelCy see Biilbring § 314.
The phonetic value of initial cli in DB before e and i is
usually [k\\ see Zachrisson, p. 34. In addition to the present
DB form there are, however, several instances in this treat-
ise of die-, chi-f for OE (tfe), (tfi); see Chaddenwicke, Chedg-
low, Cheverell, Chilmark, Chippenham, Chisbury, Chisen-
bury, Chisledon. The spelling che-, chi- in question seems
consequently not to be quite so uncommon as appears from
Zachrisson's statement, p. 25.
The distinctive name was originally ME hurgh (< OE
bMrh) which has later on been confused with hour, hotver.
For this confusion cf. Burton, below. Bower Chalk appears
to have been the site of an ancient camp.
Bowood SW of Calne.
13th cent. Borvoda Liber rub.; 1319 Boueivode Pat. H.
From "^Bu^an wudu or *Bofan wudu; see Bowden.
Box N of Bradford.
1144 Bocza Round, Ancient ch. (identical ace. to the editor);
1181 La Boxe Pipe li; late 12th cent. La hoxa Br. Mus. ;
Hen. Ill Boxa ib.; 1249 in Boxle C. Inq.; 1258 La Boxe
ib.; 1316 de Boxe FA.
OE hox (== box-tree). This word occurs in several Engl,
pi. ns. Bocza and Boxle seem to represent an older "^box-
ham and "hox-leah respectively.
For the French def. article in English pi. ns see Zachris-
son, Anglia XXXIV.
Boyton SE of Heytesbury.
1086 Boientonc DB; 1130—35 Bointon Osmund; 13th cent.
Bointoyie Liber rub.; 1252 Boyton Ch. 11; Edw. I Boijnton
Eot. H; 1316 Boyton FA.
From *Boian tun, Boia (Boi^a) being a Continental p. n.
of Celtic origin; see Forssner, p. 51.
Bradenstoke [hreid'nstouk] SW of Wootton Bassett.
1086 Bradenestocli, StocJie (prob. identical) DB 69 c; 1203 Bra-
denestoke B>ot. Cli.; 1204 Bradenestoh R.\j. Pat.; 1232 Bradene-
sfoJc Ch. E,; 1285 BradenestocJc, in Bradenestolce ib.; 1290
Bradestoh CI. R; 1318 BradestoTc Pat. E,; 1339 Bradinstoh
CI. R; 1487 of Bradnestoke C. Inq. ; l^^b of Bradenestoke \h.
It seems quite certain that the original name of this
place was simply *6e^ (p^m) stoce (for OE stoc, see Baver-
stock), which became Bradenstoke later because of its situa-
tion in the Bradon (Braden) forest (see Braydon, below).
Bradfield SW of Malmesburv.
1086 Bradefelde DB; 1428 Bradefeld FA.
Originally ^'se hrada feld ('the wide field'). In connection
w^ith this name attention may be drawn to a strange mistake
in Wyld, pp. 25, 297, where Brad- in pi. ns is explained
from an uninflected OE hrad- with shortening of a be-
fore the -(i, followed by another consonant, and Broad- from
an inflected form. There is no evidence for such a state-
ment. The most natural and only possible way is to
assume an original definite form for both cases. If we
start with an early ME Bradefeld (< OE ^se hrada feld),
then either the a (in an open syllable) is shortened in
accordance wdth Luick's theory, or, on the other hand, if
the medial -e- was lost before this happened, the a would
still be shortened because of its position before two con-
sonants (cf. Aldbourne). The forms in Broad- are on the
other hand due to the influence of the independent adjec-
tive. In the same incorrect way are explained Lang- and
Long- in pi. ns (Wyld, p. 367).
Bradford(-on-Avon) NW of Trow^bridge.
[652] cet Bradan forda he Afne AS Chr. [A] ; 705 ■\Bradanford
{-\Bradeneforde) CS no. 114; 1001 -feet Bvadeforda CD. no.
3 E. Ekblovi
706; 1086 Bradeford DB; 1130 Bradeford H. Pipe R;
Hen. Ill Bradeford Br. Mus.; 1816 Bradford FA.
No comments needed.
Bradley, North S of Trowbridge.
c. 1291 de Bradelei/e T. Eccl; 1316, 1428 Bradele FA.
From an original ''-'cet pd:m (pcerc) hradan lea^e; (OE leah =
meadow, arable land).
Bratton ENE of Westbury.
1249 Bratton C. Inq.; 1255 in Brettou R. fin. exc. ; 1256
Bretton Pat. E.; 1257? (versus) Bratthonam Macray; 1267
Bretton Pat. E; 1275 Bratton C. Inq.; 1304 Bratton Ch. E;
early 14tli cent. Bretton TN; 1316 de Brattone FA.
Undoubtedly from *se hrada tun. The forms with e, if
not merely spelling mistakes, may be explained as due to
association with the corresponding ME subst. hrede =
'breath'; cf. Lindkvist, p. 28, foot-note^.
Braydon E of Malmesbury.
688 {silva) -fBradon CS no. 70; 796 (silva) •\Braden ib. no.
279; 901 •\Bradene{weye) ib. no. 586; (circa) Bradenam
Asser; [905] on Bradene AS Chr. [A]; on Brcedene ib. [D];
1065 -fBradon CD no. 817; 1230 (forest of) Braden Br. Mus.;
1286 de Bradon CI. E; 1281 (forest of) Braden(e) C. Inq.;
1828 Braden Ch. E; 1364 of Bradenne CI. E.
This name was formerlj^ applied to the extensive wood-
land which occupied nearly the whole of the north of Wilts.
(for its boundaries see Akerman, Archa3ologia XXXVII).
Braydon cannot possibly be derived from ''-'seo hrade diin
(or dene)j as the Parker ms. [A] of AS Chr. in that case
would certainl)^ have shown that form. The first element
is no doubt of Celtic origin, and I am even inclined to
believe that -dene of the OE forms above stands for an
•"■ Mr. J. C. Loiigstaff has certainly informed me that a lends
to e in the west Wilts, dialect, but that this tendency is not
well marked. Bratton is at the present day pronounced hrceVn.
older -dun{e). Confusion between dun and dene (denu) is
very common in pi. ns, and it seems by no means im-
possible that a substitution may have taken place even in
OE. ay in the modern form must be a phonetic spelling
(the original a having been lengthened in an open syllable) ;
cf. Laycock, below.
Bremhill E of Chippenham.
937 Breomeh Bremel, Broemel CS nos. 716, 717; 1065
Bremela (latinized) CD no. 817; 1086 Breme (corrupt) DB;
1194 Bremleia (prob. identical), Bromel Rot. Cur.; 1219
Bremel Macray; 1226 Bremleshill Phillipps' ped. fin.; 1233
Bremhle Macray; 1316 Bromell FA; 1428 Bremel, de Bremele
ib.; 1468 BremhiU Br. Mus.; 1540 Bremijll Dugdale.
OE bremel, brmmel^ (brcembel), [< prim. Germ, '^brt^milo-^]
= 'bramble\ eo and oe in Breomel, Broemel no doubt re-
present the sound oe (see Btilbring § 166). The form
Bromel{l) is due to confusion with the cognate broom (< prim.
Germ, brcemo-s). -hill is consequently not original but a late
development, due to popular etymology (the village being-
situated on a hill). Cf. Cherhill, Fonthill, below.
Bremhill Wick NW of Bremhill.
1426 Brmnelivik Cal. Inq. ; 1428 in Wyh' FA.
Originally this place w^as certainly called simply 'Hvlc,
*(]6t {pmn) wlce; in order to distinguish it from other places
of the same name it was then called Bremhill Wide, because
of its proximity to Bremhill (cf. Farleigh Wick, Haydon
Wick, etc.). Bramel- is based upon an OE brmmel Avith
shortening of m before ml (in oblique cases).
Bremilham SW of Malmesbury.
1065 Bremelham CD no. 817; 1178? BrumUham Br. Mus.;
1199 Brumelham, Rot. Ch.; Bruinelha Rot. Cur.; 1218 Bre-
nielam Macrav; 1270 Brimelham, Ch. R; 1404 Bremulham
Cal. Inq.; [n. d.] Bremelham, Brumelham Reg- Malm.
^ On this form see Btilbring § 192, anm.
Originally '■■■hremel-(brcemel-)hdr)L The second element may
have been OE hcmi (= home, dwelling) as well as ham{m) as
it is obvious that in most cases it is impossible to distinguish
these words in ])L ns. The latter is connected with German
hemmen (to 'hem in ) [< prim. Germ. Viammjan], and its
original meaning may therefore have been 'a meadow (near
water) enclosed and defended by a ditch or paling^; see
NED, Bosworth-Toller, and Wyld, p. 342. Ham{m) still
exists as a dialectal word in the southern counties, indica-
ting 'flat, low-l3'ing pasture land near a stream'.
The u in Brumelham stands for y (< i), the latter vowel
having been looked upon as original. According to Mors-
bach § 109, a change of e > i is not to be expected in a
position before m, but in note I of the same paragraph, ME
hrimhel is stated as a sporadic form of brembel, and NED
quotes ME hrimhel as well as hryinhle.
Bremilham is also called 'Cowage'; see below.
Bridmore E of Shaftesbury (Dors.).
1312 Brudemere Pat. E; 1318 Brudemere C. Inq.; 1428
Brydmere FA.
Most probably from "^Brydan mdre (= ^emclre). An OE
p. n. *Bryda is certainly not on record, but the existence
of such a name is indicated by the local Brydancumhe CS
no. 714 (= Burcombe, Wilts.), and hrydinga die ib. no. 917,
-\hridinglie dich ib. no. 970, both obviously representing the
same earthwork in the vicinity of Bridmore. Was "^'Bryda
possibly a pet-name formation of hryd-gumal: cf. *Cyppa,
which may perhaps be considered as a shortened form of
cypman; see under Chippenham.
Brigmerston [hrigm9{y)sfn'\ N of Amesbury.
1086 Brismartone DB; 1199 in Brictmariston Rot. Ch. ; 1270
Briggemareston Ch. R; 1273 Brylit^nerston, Brigemarsto}i
C. Inq. ; Edw. I Brichmston, de Bristmeston'' Plac. Warr. ;
1316 Brightmershton FA; 1361 Bryglitmanston {n mistake
for r) Cal. Inq. ; 1428 Brightmerston FA; (n. d.) Brihtma-
rcstun Cat. A. D.
From '-'Beorht^nceres tun. Beorhtmcer (later Brihtmer) was
a common OE p. n., of which Brismar (< '^Bristmar) is the
AN rendering^. (Perhaps the place got its name from
the Brismar who was a land-holder here in the time of
Edw. Confessor.) After the loss of t in ME, the fricative (/)
was voiced and then changed into the corresponding
explosive g (on account of the difficulty of pronouncing
gli before ni) cf. the transition oi d > d before s in Alvediston,
X>h before s in Brixton, and p > t before /"in Ratfijn.
The spelling sh for s in the FA form of 1316 is due to
the influence of the common ME Mershton (< OE mersc-tun).
Brigmilston, as the place is sometimes called, is due to the
neighbouring Milston.
Brinkworth NW of Wootton Bassett.
1065 ■fBrinJceicrda CD no. 817; 1086 Brenchetvrde, Breche-
orde (corrupt) DB; 1194 de Brinceivrtlie, de Brnchewrth, de
Brhikewrthe Eot. Cur.; 1220 — 25 Brinleivorth Osmund;
c. 1290 Brenlcew'rth T. EccL; early 14th cent. BrunJcwurth
TN; 1316 de BrynJceivorthe FA; 1340 Brenleicorth Ch. E;
[n. d.] in Bregnkewrthe Reg. Malm.
'The homestead on the brink', the place being situated
on the extremitv of the ridg-e of a down. Brinlc (= the
edge, or border of a steep place) is suggested by Bjorkman
to be a Scand. loan (Loanwords, p. 232). This would be
curious, however, as there are no other Scand. elements
(except Scand. p. ns) in Wilts, pi. ns. As to e for i in
some ME forms see under Biddestone. Brunk- (in TN)
stands for BrgnJc-.
^ Cf. Brislinga. Bristelme{s)tune DB = Brighthng, Brighton.
Sussex; 5mi^e?mesfo?2e DB = Brighthampton, Oxfs.; Dreslin{g)tone
DB - Drighlington W. R. of Yorks., etc.
Britford or Burford SE of Salisbuiy.
670 ('\)to Bryt. for(J(htgea landsccere) CS no. 27; 826 -^to brnt-
forda ib. no. 891; 905 {^)to hri/t ford(inga land sceare) ib.
no. 690; 997 (|)/o Bri/tford{inga landsceare) CD no. 698;
[1065] -feet Brytfordan AS Chr. [C] (possibly identical); 1086
Brctford (twice), Bred ford (twice) DB; c. 1115 Britford
Osmund; 1158 Brutford ib.; 1200 — 10 Bretford ib.; 1285
Bretford Macray; 1278 Brutford, Brcdford C. Inq.; Edw. I
Britford Br. Mas.; 1815 Brutford ib.; 1486 Birfford C. Inq.;
1491 in Byrtforde ib., 1494 Birtford ib.
Originally ''Brytta {Britta, Bretta) ford, or Brytford
{Bretford) = 'the ford of the Britons'. The latter form is
assumed on account of hretland ^, wdiich occurs in Orosius.
AVith regard to the AS Chr. form there is no doubt that
the original ms. had '■'cet Bryt(ta)forda which the ME scribe
took to be an OE nom. and therefore treated as belonging
to the weak declension; [cf. Cellanwirdan (Chelworth), which
may be due to a latinized ^CeUcmwirda].
The modern variant Burford is easily explained from the
same OE form: '•^Bryt{ta)ford > ME Byrtford > ^Burtford
(AN spelling) > Burford, the first element of which has
been associated with the common Bur- (< OE burh) in pi.
ns. Cf. Biircomhe, below, Burlington, a variant of Brid-
lington, E. R. of Yorks. (DB Bretlinton), and Burcot, Oxfs.
(see Alexander, PI. Ns of Oxfs.). On the AN interchange
of t and d, in final position see Zachrisson, p. 115, foot-note.
Brixton Deverill S of Warminster.
1086 Devrel DB 68 c.-; c. 1290 de Briglitrichestone, Br/gli-
richeston T. EccL; early 14th cent. Brichtrickeston TN;
^ This form is certainly genuine and not to be derived from
an earlier '*hretta land. The compound was probably formed at
a very early period, before the Celtic hret liad yet adopted OE
- All the five Deverills (Brixton D., Hill D., Kingston D.,
Longbridge D., and Monkton D.) are certainly represented in DB,
1316 Brighteston FA: 1428 Bryghteston, Brighricheston ib.;
1435 Brighston Deverell Cal. Inq. ; 1442 Brigteston Deverell
R. Pat.
This place has been widely considered to be identical
with Ecghryhtes stan {he eastan Seal wyda) AS Chr. [A]
A. D. 878. As far as the names are concerned, however,
this identification cannot be right, for Brixton is evidently
derived from ^BeorJitrices (Brihtrices) tun (Beorhtric perhaps
identical with the Brictric who, according toDB, was the tenant
here in the time of Edw^ard Confessor). After contraction
to Bright{e)ston, t has been lost, and Brighston has then
become Brixton; see Jespersen 2, 324, Horn § 253.
Deverill, the name of the stream on which this place and
the other Deverills are situated, must be Celtic and mav
possibly be cognate Avith Celtic dubro-n, Welsh dwfr, dwr
= 'water' (usually occuring as Dover in modern names); see
Stokes, p. 153. The oldest form of Deverill that has been
found is Defereal (anglicized), mentioned in a charter of
King Eadgar, dated 968 (Eeg. Wilt.).
Broad Chalk SW of Wilton.
1316 de Chalice FA; 1415 Brodechalke Cat. A. D.; 1440
BrodechaJhe Cal. inq. da. See Bower Chalk.
Broad Hinton SE of Wootton Bassett.
1086 Hantone [prob. identical], Hentone DB 71 a, c;
1232, 1236 Henton Ch. R; c. 1250 Henton Br. Mus.; 1316
Henton FA; 1333 Brodehenton Phillipps' fines; 1428 Henton
Columhers, H. Waas FA.
From an original '-^cet p^m hean tune. The place has an
elevated situation on the ledge of a chalk-down. The
where they occur as simply Devrel; but it is rather difficult to
decide which of these places each Devrel (in DB) refers to. In
the present case, however, the identity seems indicated by the
fact that Brictric is mentioned as tenant.
rt-form in DB is due to an earlier shortening of the OE
diphthong. For the transition of e>i see Morsbach § 109.
'Columbers' (Columbels) and 'Waas' (Wace) are AN sur-
Broad Town SE of Wootton Bassett.
1220 cle la Bradetime Cat. A. D.; 1230 in Bradeton' CI. E:
1271 Brodeton C. Inq. ; 1274 La Bradeton CI. R; 1300 in
Brodetoune Ch. E; 1322 Broddeton Pat. E; 1324 de Brode-
tone FA; 1428 Brodetoun ib.
'^se brdda tun, which may give Bratton as well as Broad
Town; see under Bradfield.
Brokenborough NW of Malmesbury.
956 -^Brolceneberga, ^Bro'keneher{eg)ge CS nos. 921, 922; 1065
■\Bro7ceneberge CD no. 817; 1086 Brocheneherge DB; c. 1125
Brocheneberg W. Malm.; 1185 BroJcenesberga Pipe E; 1232
Brokenburgh Ch. E; 1235 in Brokeberwe CI. E; 1251 in
BroJceberge Pat. E; c. 1290 BroJceneborwe T. Eccl.; 1316 de
Brolcenboroive FA; 1340 Brokenbergh Ch. E; 1421 Brohijn-
borgh Cat. A. D.; 1428 BroJcynborgh, Brokynbergh FA; (n. d.)
in Brokeneberue Cat. A. D.
The OE name was obviously ""'se brocena beor^ (beorh),
probably denoting 'a crumbling hilF^. The second element
has later on been confused with burgh, borough (< OE
bur{u)h) and, as is most often the case when this happens
in pi. ns, borough has survived; cf. Marlborough, Wan-
borough, Woodborough, below.
Note. Kemble's identification of t(ow) brochenen berge CD no.
284, and (to) brocenan heorge ib. nos. 1002, 1186 with this place
is obviously incorrect. The first of these places is mentioned
among the boundaries of Tefunte (= Tef font) in south Wilts. ;
the two latter names represent one and the same place, probably
in Soms.
^ This meaning is strongly supported by the fact that the
ground in this part is composed of oolitic chalk.
Bromham NW of Devizes.
1086 Bromham DB; c. 1090 Bromham Br. Mus.; 1312 Brom-
ham Ch. li.
Originally ''''hrdm-ham (or possibly -ham(m)); OE brom =
'broom'. For ham see under Bremilham.
Broughton Gilford NE of Bradford.
1001 at Broctune CD no. 706; 1086 Brodone, in Broctune
DB; 1194 hi Broctou Rot. Cur.; 1267 de Brochetone Ma-
cray; 1281 Brochton Ch. R; c. 1290 de Brodone T. Eccl.;
1293 Broiiton'D\xgdi^\Q\ 1328 Broghton C. Inq.; l^lb Brogh-
fon Giffard Phillipps' fines; 1428 Broughton, Brodon FA.
Original!}" hroc-tun. The place is situated on a little af-
fluent of the Lower Avon. The Broughtons in England
are numerous. It is to be noticed that the OE combina-
tion d, arisen in the formation of pi. ns, as a rule develops
into ht in early ME, consequently coinciding with ht
< pre-Germ. Jet [on this point see Wyld, p. 300]; cf.
Wroiighton, below. The few cases in which this transition
has not taken place may be due to the fact that the original
sense of the first element was kept in mind while the
sound-law in question was in force. Such names are e. g.
Aden (TrusseU), Staffs. (< OE clc-tun), Brodon, Staffs, and
several BrocJctons, Salop. [< OE "^broc-tim]. c may also have
been assimilated to t in some names, as is assumed in the
case of Latton, beloAv.
'Gifford' (Gifard) is an AN family name; see Hildebrand,
p. 336; see also Jones, p. 201.
Bugley W of Warminster.
1256 in Buggel R. fin. exc. (prob. identical); EdAV. I in
Biigelighe, Bogelegh Br. Mus.; 1536 Biiggeley Dugdale.
Apparently from an original "^'cet Buggan lea^e. Whether
the first element represented a male or female name, we
cannot say. Bugge was the name of the daughter of King
Centwine (Migne, Aldh. epist., p. 290) and also occurs
in CS no. 156 (Bucgan)^, but a masculine equivalent is not
on record.
Bulbridge [bulhrid^] near Wilton.
c. 1200 de Bolehiggc, de Bulebrige Macray; 1248 de Bulc-
driggc ib.; c. 1290 Bolehrygg T. Eccl.
Probably from '-^'Bidan bryc^; '-^'Bula may well have been
a hypocoristic form of such names as ^Bideferth (< *Bul(c)-
frip) occurring in the local -fBuIeferthes steort CS no. 687,
or of Bulercd (on a coin of the time of Eadweard III).
Note also such pi. ns as BiiUnga fenn CS no. 1351, hulan
JioJ ib. no. 144, Bidan ham ib. no. 218, hulan mcedce ib. no.
491, hidlanholt ib. no. 565, on hulan tvyllan ib. no. 1282,
p. 589, Bui and un CD no. 707.
Note. Middendorff s explanation of the element hul in Engl.
pi. ns seems untenable. How could the OE element hulan-
( which moreover is recorded in the early 8th cent.) represent 0.
Norse holr, hulrl His assumption of an OE adj. ''"^'bul (= *^ge-
schwollen^) seems also too hypothetical to be credited.
Bulford [bulfd(;r)d] NE of Amesbury.
1178? Bultisford Br. Mus.; 1199 de Bidtiford Rot. Ch. ;
1270 Bulteford, Bultesford(a) Ch. R; 1286 Bultisford ib.;
1316 de BoUforde FA; 1331 Bulteford C. Inq.; 1428 Boltc-
ford FA; 1566 Bulford Br. Mus.
From '^Bidtan ford, Bidta probably representing some
p. n. beginning with Btdt-, of which '"^Bidtfrip {Bultfridi
Lat. gen.) is found in CS no. 91. The same name evidently
occurs in BoUintone DB, situated, like Bulford, in the
hundred of Ambresbury.
Bulkington [bdlhiyjfn] W of Potterne.
1224 in Bulhintoh R. fin. exc. ; 13th cent. Bolkintone hiher
rub.; 1316 BuTkmgton FA; 1324 Btdhynton ib.; 1330 Bul-
^ From this dat. form. Searle erroneously gives a nom, form
*Bugga, and he makes the same mistake in the case of Cillan,
dat. (CS nos. 29, 101); sec Chilton.
Icentou C. Inq. ; 1332 Bu/lyngton Ch. li; 1417 BulJcindon
Cal. Inq.; 143-1: BidJcijngdon ib.
Originally "^'Bidlciiiga {Bulcaiil) tun, ''-'Bulca being probably
a petform of some OE p. n. beginning with Bide-. Of such
names Bulcred alone is recorded. Note also (to) hidcan
pytte CS no. 225, evidently situated in east Wilts, near
Bupton S of Wootton Bassett.
1232 in Biihheclwe Ch. R (identical according to editor);
1344 Bohheton Hot. Grig.; 1346 Buhheton Cal. Inq.; 1428
Bohuton FA; 1488 Biibton C. Inq.
From Biibhan tun, Buhha being an OE p. n. ii for r in
Bohuton is merely orthographic.
Burbage SE of Marlborough.
961 Burlibece, ^Burgbeche, '\hurg beces CS no. 1067; ^Ethelred
"fBurhbec CD no. 1312; 1086 Biirbetce, Burbetc, Buberge
(corruj^t) DB; c. 1115 Bitrbach Osmund; c. 1140 Burbeclia
Macray; 1177 Burbache ib.; 1194 Burggebge Rot. Cur.;
1199 Burebache Rot. Ch. ; 1200 Biirbech Osmund; 1204
Biirbeche R. L. Pat.; 1227 Burbech, Burbach Ch. R: 1232
Burbeche Macraj^; 1314 Burghbach Sauvage C. Inq.: 1316
Borebache FA; 1S20 Burbachesauvage CI. R; 1338 Bourbach ib.
The first element is obviousty OE burh\ the second pro-
bably OE bece (= beech-tree) ^, which may have had a collec-
tiA^e sense here (i. e. =Svood of beeches') just like OE bed{e)-
winde and bremel (mod. Bedwyn, Bremhill). The supposi-
tion of a plur. sense is also supported by the form burg
beces CS no. 1067. For Bourbach see Burton, below.
The modern -age is due to weakened stress; cf. Cotuagr
(< OE -u'lc), below, Stevenage, Herts. (< OE -h(Bc{c)), see
Skeat, PI. Ns of Herts, p. 65.
'Sanvage' is an AN family name.
^ A derivation from OE bece (=^brook', see NED under "^bache',
"^beck') is out of the question for topographical reasons.
Note. Biirhheca CD no. 916 and yBurbagh ib. no. 939, which,
like the places above (CD nos. 1236, 1312), have been located
by Kemble in Berks., are identical with Burbage, Leics.
Burcombe W of Wilton.
987 Bvijdancumh CS no. 714; 1086 Bredecumhe {twicQ)jyB\
c. 1290 de Briideciimbe, Bridecumhe T. Eccl. ; liMQ de Brid-
combe, de Brudecombe FA; de Brideciimbe CI. R; 1428 in
Brudecombe, de Brutcombe FA; 1481 Northbritcombe^r. Mus.;
1540 Burdcombe Dugdale.
For '■Bri/da see Bridmore. The development of the present
name is analogous with that of Burford (Britford).
Burford see Britford.
Burton near Mere.
1286 de Burton' CI. R; 1M4 Mereburton V^it. 11: 1398 Mere
Bourton Cal. Inq. ; 1428 Bourton FA.
Most probably from %urh-tun ^. In ME the first element
has been confused with the subst. bour (< OE bur); cf.
Bourton, Glos. and Berks., both of which are derived from
OE burh-tun (see Baddele}^, p. 28; Skeat, PL Ns of Berks.
]). 92).
The distinctive name refers to the neighbouring Mere.
Bury Blunsdon near Blunsdon, Broad.
early 14th cent. Burihluntesdon TN; 1319 Burbluntesdon
Pat. E; 1882 Buribluntesdon CI. R.
Originally '^'cet {pcere) byri^. There are still remnants of
ancient fortifications at this place. For Blunsdon see
Bushton [buff if] S of Wootton Bassett.
1816 Bisshoppeston FA.
^ An OE '''hur-tun is, on the other hand, a most unlikely name,
as hur seems to have been chiefly a literary word and not
much in use.
From %isc{e)opes [bijsc{e)opes] tun. The modern form is
due to an AN rendering of '^'BysMon, a contraction of ME,
'-•'BijsJwjjestoii, with a later association of the first syllable
with the subst. bush. Cf. Biissheton, Br. Mus. [= Bishops-
tone, above].
Buttermere SE of Shalbourne.
863 ■\Butermere CS no. 508; 931 -fBufer mere ib. no. 678;
1086 Butremare (twice), Butremere DB; William I Bivtcer-
mcerce Br. Mus.; 1284 Butermere Ch. E; c. 1290 Botemere,
Boiemere T. EccL; 1330 Botermere Br. Mus.; 1373 Botur-
mere Cal. inq. da.
Names beginning with Butter- are not uncommon in
England, and in some cases this may well be derived from
OE butere, e. g. Butterton, Staffs., see Duignan, PI. Ns of
Staffs., and Butterivorth, Yorks., see Goodall. In the pre-
sent case, however, it can hardly be anything but a p. n.
'^Buter (< Scand. Butr). For the retention of r see Bjork-
man, Pers. I, p. 184. The same name probably also occurs
in the latinized Buicrus Ellis Intr. II p. 300. The second
member is OE ni^re {gem^re) = 'boundary', 'landmark'. There
is another Buttermere in Cumb., which certainly contains
the same p. n. (see Sedgefield).
Cadnam N of Calne.
1468 Cadenham Br. Mus.
Undoubtedly from '^Cadan helm (or hamm), Cada being
perhaps the same person as has given his name to the
adjoining Catcombe (see below). For this p. n. see Mtiller,
p. 49.
Calcutt [kolJcdt] near Cricklade.
1086 Colecote DB; 1327 Colcote C. Inq.; 1334 Coleeote ib.;
1342 Colecote Cal. Inq.; 1404 Calcote ib.; 1416 Colcote ib.;
1493 in Ccdecote C. Inq.; 1623 Callcott Br. Mus.
Probably from '-^Colan cot(e); the p. n. Cola may, according
to Bjorkman, Pers. I, p. 84, possibly be an anglicized form
of the Scand. Coli. (yolcutt is one of those pL ns, the
development of which has been influenced by a tendency
among the dialects of Wilts, to change o > a, which seems
to have been in force since the 1 5th cent. The other names
showing this change are Eatfyn, Wansdyhe, and Wraxhall
{North and South) ^.
The modern pronunciation of Calcutt is merely a spelling
Calne \kmi, haan].
955 Calne CS no. 912; [978] CaJne AS Chr. [E] (prob. iden-
tical); 997 Calnw CD no. 698; 1086 Cauna'DB; 1091 Calna
Osmund; c. 1108 Kalii ib.; 1160 Canna Macray; c. 1180
Cauna Osmund; 1194 Canne, Calne Rot. Cur.; Hen. Ill
Kaune Rot. H.
This name must be Celtic, probably the same word as
Colne, Lanes, (occurring as Calna, Caiine in the 13th cent.);
see Wyld.
Calstone Wellington {kolsfn'l SE of Calne.
1086 Caledone (three times) DB; 1130 Calestona H. Pipe 11;
1194 de Calestoh, de Karletoh Rot. Cur.; 1204 in Calestou
R. Oblat. ; 1225 de Calestun R. fin. exc. ; 1273 Calston,
Calestou C. Inq.
The first element is evidently the Scand. p. n. '■'•Kale
(Kali), for w^hich see Bjorkman, Pers. II, p. 50. The termina-
tion is OE tiln. According to Jones, p. 203, 'Wellington
refers to John de Wilinton, a baron of the time of Edw. III.
Castle Combe NW of Chippenham.
1086 Come BB; 1269 Ciimhe C. In(|.; Camba Br. Mus.;
1270, 1283 in Cumbe Ch. R; 1315 Casteleomhe ib. ; 1322
' The existence of this tendenc}^ in the districts where these
places are situated lias been confirmed by all those people I
have consulted on the question.
Castelcoumbe ib.; 1328 Castelcomhe C. Inq.; 1-1:'22 Castelcome
Cal. Inq.; 1428 in Comhe FA.
OE ciimh (= small valley). In DB h is sometimes lost
medially after m\ see Stolze § 34; cf. Elcombe, Stitchcombe,
Tidcombe, Whitcombe, below. 'Castle' refers to an ancient
Norman castle, of which there are still traces.
Castle Eaton NE of Cricklade.
1086 Ettone DB; 1218 Etun Pat. R; c. 1290 Eaton Meysif
T. EccL; 1316 Eton Meijsij FA; 1371, 1375 Eijton Meisy
Cal. Inq.; 1428 Eaton Meysy FA; 1503 Castell Eton Cat.
A. D.; c. 1540 Elton Castelle Leland.
Originally "^'ea-tun ("enclosure by water , here the Thames).
Eyton, Eiton are AN" spellings; see Zachrisson, Stud, i mod.
sprakvet. Y. p. 16.
"Meisy' was a family name, possibly of French origin.
'Castle' may refer to some mediaeval castle, of which, however,
there are no visible traces at the present time.
Catcombe N of Calne.
1240 in CadecumV CI. R.
From ^Caclan cumh; see Cadnam, above.
Chaddenwicke \tftvcVnivilc\ E of Mere.
1086 Chedelwich DB; 1283 Chadewiz C. Inq.; 1322 Chaden-
tviche Cal. inq. da.; 1324 Cliadewych Pat. E,; 1414 Chadnes-
wyche Cal. Inq.; 1428 in Chademvyche FA] \A^^ of Chaden-
wiche C. Inq.
From an original "^-'cet Cead(d)an ivtce, Cead{d)a being pro-
bably a shortened form of Ceadw(e)alla, the anglicized form
of the Celtic Ccedivalla. The substitution of I for n in the
DB form is due to AN infl.; see Zachrisson, p. 141 ff.,
and also s: for ch in Chadetvic, see ib. p. 26 f.
Chalcot SW of Westburv.
1269 (de) Chaldccote 11. fin. exc. ; 1318 (in) Chaldecote Ch. R.
Originally, '''pcet cealde cot, '-'seo cealde cote. This name,
of which the Anglian equivalent CaIdecot{e), Caulcott is
rather common,, may have indicated a 'shelter^ or 'abandoned
cottage'. Cf. cold harhoiir (also frequently used as a pi. n.)
= 'a place of shelter for wayfarers by the wayside' (see
'harbour' NED).
Chalfield, Great, and Little.
1001 ■fChaldfelde CD no. 706; 1086 Caldefelle DB; 1194
Chaudefeld Rot. Cur.; 1199 Chadesfeld, Kaldefeld, in Caudi-
feld ih.; 1201 Chaudefeld, Scaudefeld Phillipps' ped. fin.; 1216
in Chaldefeld R. L. CI.; 1254 de Chaudefeld' E,. fin. exc. ;
1318 Shaldefeld Parva Pat. E; 1428 Est Chaldefeld (= Ch.
Great), West Chaldefeld (= Ch. Little) FA.
Originally "^'se cealcla feld (ceald to be taken in the sense
of 'bleak', 'windswept'). As the phonetic value of c before
a in DB is Jc (Zachrisson, p. 34), it may be the Angl. form
that has influenced the scribe in this case; cf. the 1199
forms (Rot. Cur.). The orthographic confusion of ch, sc and
s{c)Ji is discussed by Zachrisson, p. 38. For the loss of
medial d in DB see Stolze § 37.
Chapmanslade [tfcepmdnslei(l\ SW of Westbury.
1396 Chepmanslade Cal. Inq. ; 1455 Chijnnanslade ib.; 1463
Chapmanslade ib.; 1476 Chipmanslade ib.
Originally '"^'cet ceap- \cepe-, cype-] mannes lade (with ME
shortening of a in the second element). OE lad^ ^eldd seems
to have denoted 'road' as well as 'water-way'; see 'load',
'lode' NED, and 'lode' EDD. In the name under discussion
the former meaning is jDresent. Cf. Chicklade, Cricklade.
The mod. pronunciation {-leid) is due to the spelling.
Charlton NE of Malmesbury.
680 -fde Cherl{e)tone CS no. 59; 844 -^Cherltune {'\Choerletune)
ib. no. 447; 965 — 71 mt Ceorlaiunoe CS no. 1174; 1065
'\Cheorletuna CD no. 817; 1086 Cerletone DB I: 67 a; 1316
Cherlton FA; 1428 Charl{e)ton ib.
From an original '^ceorla tiin. In the OE constitution, a
'ceorr was 'a man without rank', 'a member of the third
or loAA^est rank of freemen". For oe as a representative of
OE eo in early ME see Biilbring, Bonner Beitr. zur Angl.
XV: VII. The three following names are explained in the
same way.
Note, {in) Ceorletune Thorpe, p. 443. and (^0 Ceorlatune ib., pp.
534, 535 are in the index located in Wihs. This seems, however,
very doubtful, at least as far as the former place is concerned.
Charlton SW of Pewsey.
1225 Cherhfon Pat. II (prob. identical); 1290 Cherleton T.
EccL; 1316 Cherleton FA; 142-4 Charleton ib.
Charlton SSE of Salisbury.
1311 Cherlefone C. Inq.; 1316 Cherleton FA; 1428 Charle-
ton ib.
Charlton ESE of Shaftesbury (Dors.).
1216 in Cherleton Eot. Ch.; 1282 Cherleton Br. Mus.
Chedglow \tfeclglou\ N" of Malmesbury.
1086 Chegeslaue, Chegeslei, Cheieslave (corrupt) DB; 1167
Cheggeslaiva Pipe R; 1176 Cheggeleiva ib.; 1194 de Chegelawe,
de Seggelaive Rot. Cur.; E/ic. I de Seggelaive Abbr. Plac. ;
1203 Chicheleive Phillipps' ped. fin. ; 1222 m Cheggelauwe
Macray; 1257 Chigelawee C. Inq.; Edw. I Cheggelegh Rot. H;
Edw. Ill de Cheggelewe, Cheggelegh (several times) NI;
1361 Chechelawe Gal. Inq.; in Chicheloive CI. E,; 1428 in
Cheggelewe FA; 1540 Chegislotv, Cheggeley Dugdale.
The second element was obviously OE hlaiv Qilmv) =
"(funeral) mound'. As to the first element, it most probably
represents an OE p. n. There is one on record, which
would fit in here, viz. ^Cecc{e) [signum Cecces CS no. 183].
Chedglow maj^ therefore possibly be derived from "^Cecces
4 E. Ekblom
hlaw Qilceic). s for cli is merely orthographic; see Zachrisson
p. 37 f. The termination has, in DB, NI, and Dugdale, been
confused with the common -lei, legh; cf Winterslovv, below.
Chelworth NE of Crudwell.
Alfred '\de ChocUeivrthe, '\CeUanivurd CS nos. 568, 569; c.
900 "fCellewird ib. no. 584; '\Chelleivrth, ■fChoellewiihe [\Cel-
lanwirdan, '\CeoIiuurde\, 'fcJteleivorpe ib. nos. 585, 586; 956
•\de cheleivrthe ib. no. 922; 1065 ■\Chelleivrda CD no. 817;
1086 in Celeorde DB; 1158 Chelesivurda Pipe 11 (or = Chel-
worth, below); 1322 C/«7?^'(9r/A Pat. E (or = Chelworth, below);
1490 Chelwourth C. Inq. ; (n. d.) {de) Chocllewrpe, (de) ChoI{l)e-
ivrthe (several times) Reg. Malm.
From '"'-'' Ceol{J)an u-eorp (luorp, tviirp, tvyrp), Ceol(l)a being
probably a shortened form of some p. n. beginning with
Ceol-, of which there are numerous examples; see Miiller, p.
50. The final d for tli in the second member may be due
to weakened stress. In DB medial th is generally rendered
by d; see Stolze § 38. Chol{J)ewrthe indicates change of
stress. The form Cellanivirdan is probably due to a latini-
zed ^Cellanivirda (cf. Bvitfordcm under Britford), Avliich has
been treated by the ME scribe as if it belonged to the OE
Aveak declension.
Chelworth SW of Cricklade.
1086 Celewrde DB; 1272 CheUewrth Br. Mus.; 1281 Chele-
wiirth (or possibly Chelworth, above) C. Inq.; Edw. I in
Cheleswortli Plac. Warr.; 1316 de Cheleworthe FA; 1327
Chelleivorth Cinq.; 1334 Great Cheleworth ib.; 1?>^1 Magna
Scheletvorth Phillipps' fines; 1485 Chelleivorth C. Inq.
See preceding name. Scheletvorth is another example of
the ortliographic confusion discussed by Zachrisson, p. 37 f.
Cherhill E of Cahie.
1158 Ceriel Pipe 11; 1215 de Chlriel P. L. CI.; 1240 Cyriel
Macray; 1267 Chyrielih.; 127 b Churiel C. Inq.; 1315 Uiynjel
lb.; 1316 de Chyrrele FA; 1324 CheHel ib.; 1428 Chynjell
ib.; 1490 CMriell C. Inq.; 1577 Cheriell Br. Mus.; 1664
CherhiU ib.
The etymology of this name is obscure. All that is clear is
that the /?27^element is a very late formation, due to popular
etymology (cf. BremhJll, Fonthill).
Cheverell, Great and Little SSW of Potterne.
1086 Chevrel DB; 1217 Cheverel E. fin. exc. ; 1249 Chy-
verel C. Inq.; 1274 Great Chyverel ib. ; 1279 Cheveroil Fine
Rolls; 1286 Chiverel C. Inq.; 1301 Little Cheveroill Ch. R;
1316 ChyvereU Magnet^ Ch. Parva FA; 1402 Cheveryll
Magna ib.
This name is probably not Germanic.
Chicklade [tfiMeid] N of Hindon.
1199 de ChiJcelad Rot. Cur.; Edw. I in ChiJcelade Plac.
Warr.; 1296 de Chiklede Pat. R; 1316 de ChicJclaude FA;
1396 CheJclade Cal. Inq.; 1408 Chekelade ib.; 1428 in Chy-
Icelade, de Chyclade FA; 1491 in Chykelade C. Inq.
Probably from an original '"^'cet Cices (Cicanl) lade (lad
here = 'road^; cf. Chapman slade). Judging from the latinized
CicliKS, which occurs among the signatories of several OE
charters, we are entitled to assume the existence of an
OE p. n. *Cic (perhaps also ''^Cica). This p. n. seems
moreover to be found in other pi. ns, e. g. in Chick Hill
Sussex (1284 Chikehull Cal. Inq.), Chichsands Beds. {Chice-
sane DB; Chikesaund FA, Rot. H). Chi cJcs grove ^, SE of
Chicklade, no doubt also contains the same p. n. -laude
(in FA) seems to indicate a tendency towards the retention
ol: the long vowel in the development of the name; cf.
CreJcJcelaude (Phillipps' fines) = mod. Cricklade.
^ Unfortunately I have not been able to find any old refer-
ences to this name.
Chilhampton ^ [— — — ] N of Wilton.
1291 Childhamjjfoii Cal. Inq. ; \W3 Childliampf on C\. 11; esirly
14tli cent. ChihUimpton TN; 1828 Childchampton Cal. inq.
da. ; 1481 ChUhampfon Br. Mus.
This name is derived from ''■''cilda hdm-tun ('the children's
homestead'), cf. cilda stan C8 nos. 767, 1164, 1287; Cilda
fan CD nos. 796, 1810.
Chilmark E of Hindon.
929—940 jChieldmearc CS no. 745; 1086 Chilmcre DB;
1166 Chilmerc Pipe E; c. 1290 Chilm'k T. Eccl. ; 1296
ChiUmarlc Pat. R; 1816 de Chilmerle FA; 1428 ChilmarJc ib.
The original form seems to have been '•'' cilda mearc; OE
meare f. = 'boundary', 'landmark'. For cUda see preceding-
Chiiton Foliat NW of Hungerford (Berks.).
1086 CiUetone BB; 1221 Chilton Foliot I'sit. li; 1227 Chilton
FoUot Ch. E; 1807 Chylton C. Inq.; 1816 de Chiltone FA:
1321 Chilton Tois Cal. Rot. Ch.; 1822 Chilton Tieys Ch.R;
1386 Chilton Tijeis ib.
The DB form indicates an original ''•''CiUaii tun. A Aveak
niasc. p. n. '''Cilia is not on record, but a f em. '••(7i//e existed
[recorded in dat. (Cillan") in CS nos. 29, 101]. A strong
masc. Cille is also found (CS no. 75, and on a coin of the
time of Harold I).
'Foliat' (Foliot) is a French family name, probably also
'T3^eis' (Tois). In TN, p. 145, Sampson Foliot is mentioned
as the holder of Chilton and Dreycot (= Dra^^cot Foliat).
Note. Kemble's identification of" Cioltan ford CD no. 320
with Chilton is impossible, as this place is mentioned among the
boundaries of Nordniwetune (= Newnton, North).
^ There are no less than four 'Hamptons' in the vicinity of
Wilton, each with a distinctive first element, viz. Chilhampton,
Ditchampton, Netherhamptou, and Quidliampton.
" As in the case of Buggan (see under Bugley), Searle here
makes tlie same mistake of assuming a nom. ''^Cilla from this
dat. form.
[878] to Cipimnhamme AS Chr. [A]; 880—85 (Et Ci2)pan
hamme [^cet Cippenhamme] CS no. 553; •fSchyppenam ib. no.
554; Chippenam ib. no. 555; 901 — 24 cet Cippan homme ib.
no. 591; 940 'fChippenham CS no. 751 (prob. identical);
1086 Chepeham, Cepcham, Clupeham DB; 1176 Chypeliam
Pipe R; 1178 Chep{p)eham ib.; 1200 Chipcham Eot. Ch. ;
J204 Chippeha ib.; 1217 Chipham Pat. E; 1225 Chipeslia
E. L. CI.; 1227 Chip(p)eham Ch. E; Sipeam CI. E; 1240
Sypeham ib.; 1249 Chuppeham, Chipeham C. Inq.; 1264
Cliippenham ih.', 1319 Shippenham CI. E; 1376 Chepenham
Eot. Orig.; 1420 Chippyngham Pliillipps' fines; 1424 CMppen-
kam FA.
The first element can hardly be anything but the gen.
of a p. n. *Cyppa, the patronymic of which occurs in DB
as Chipinc (Ellis, Intr. II, p. 68). The same name is contained
in {to) Cyppanhamme CS no. 246 (= Chippenham, Glos.),
possibly also in {■\)cipes broc CS 1111 (with substitution of
strong for Aveak gen. ending). One may be inclined to explain
'■^•Cyppa (< ■^Cypa) as a pet-name, formed from OE cypman.
The second element was OE ]tam{m), for which see Bremil-
ham. On the orthographic interchange of 5', ^(c)/?, and ch
see Zachrisson, p. 37 f.
Chirton SE of Devizes.
1086 Ceritone DB; 1194 Cherint, Eot. Cur.; 1221 Chirituh
E. L. CI; 1229 de Chiriton' CLE; 1285 Churitone C. Inq.;
c. 1290 de Chirtone T. EccL; 1316 Churughton FA; 1321
CJmrghton C. Inq.; 1324 Churughton Pat. E; Chereton FA;
1348 Chirghton Phillipps' fines; 1373 Chirughton Cal. Inq.;
1428 Cheryton, Shirghton, Chernton, Chyryton FA; 1473
Cherghton Cah Inq.
This name seems impossible to explain.
Note. Cyricestun CD no. 1065 can obviously not be identical
with this place, as is suggested b}^ Kemble.
Chisbury NE of Burbage.
1086 Cheseherie DB; 1247 de Chessehure Uacvdy; 1260, 1270
Chissebury Ch. E,; 1270 Cliysehmj Pat. E,; 1279 Chessehury
Br. Mus. ; 1285 Chussehuria, Chesshuria ib. ; c. 1290 Chise-
bury T. Eccl. (prob. identical); 1316 Chussebury FA; 1360
Chessebury Cal. Inq. ; 1402, 1428 Chissebitry FA.
Most probably fi'om an original '^'wt Cissan byri^, Cissa
being an OE p. n., occurring i. a. in LYD ; see Mulle]-,
p. 50. ^t in Chussehury stands for a ME secondary y (looked
upon as original). As to e for i in the first syllable of
some ME forms, see under Biddestone.
Chisenbury N of Enford.
1086 Chesigeherie DB; 1226 de Chesingebefie Osmund; 1227
Chisingebiir Cli. R; 1270 Chisingbury ib. ; c. 1290 Chesyng-
bury T. Eccl.; 131Q Chusingbury ¥ A; 14:28 Chesyngbury ib.;
1485, 1493 Chesyngbury C. Inq.
Originally ''^''cet Cissinga byri^. For Cissa see preceding
name. In the DB form a stroke (-) over i (representing
the following n) has been left out.
Chisledon or Chiseldon SSE of Swindon.
880 — 885 cet Cyseldenc^ OS no. bbS; "fat Kyseldene^ ih. 554;
Alfred Ciseldenu ^ ib. 565 ; 900 •\Ceolseldcne ^ ib. 594 ; -jCeo-
seldene^ ib. 598; 903 -fCeoseldene^ ib. 602; 925—941 Cysel-
dene ^, t(^^^) Chcseldene ^ "fde Chiseldene ^ ib. 648 ; 1086 Chisel-
dene DB; c. 1290 Chiseldene T. Eccl.; 1299 Chuseldene
Pat. II; 1306 Cheselden Ch. R; 1316 de Chuseldone FA;
1428 Cheselden, Chyselden ib.; 1457 Chiseldeen Cat. A. D. ; 1495
Cheselden C. Inq.
The first element is WS cisil, cysel [Angl. Kent, eeosel]
= 'graver, 'shingle\ The second element was OE denu =
Valley'. Tlie village is situated on a brook (a sub-affluent
of the r. Cole); -don in the modern name refers to the
^ The identity is, if not quite certain, at least very probable.
down on its south side, over which the greater part of the
village now extends, h in Ki/seldene is merely scribaL
Chitterne, AH Saints and Ch. St. Mary [tfit9{r)n] ENE
of Hey tes bury.
1086 Chetre (three times), Cheltre (prob. identical, but cor-
rupt) DB; 1166 Cettra Pipe E; 1205 Cettre Rot. Ch. ;
1232 Cettra Ch. E; 1248 Cettre ib.; 1255 Cetter Cal. Eot.
Ch. (prob. identical); 1289 Chytterne Br. Mus., c. 1290
Cettre T. Eccl. ; Edw. I in Chytterne, in Chyttijrne Plac.
Warr. ; 1316 de Chuterne FA; 1324 Chitterne Maiden (= St.
Mary) Pat. E; 1428 in Chitterne, Cettre Beats Marie FA.
The second element probably represents OE cern = 'house\
Mwelhng', *^place^ which was very common as a termination
in OE (e. g. her(e)-ceni, eorp-cern, heal-cern, hord-cern) ^. The
first element, which is most probably the same as in Chittoe,
may be a p. n., although no suitable independent name is
on record. The local Cytanforde CD no. 714, cytan seohtres
ford CS no. 963, and "fcytan igge ib. no. 1002 indicate,
however, the existence of a p. n. ^Cyta, which may possibly
be concealed in the name under notice and in the next
one. Zachrisson (Stud, i mod. sprakvet. YI, p. 293, foot-
note 2, calls attention to the probability of Cyta in these
OE pL ns being nothing but the bird's name (NE 'kite^), ap-
plied as a nick-name. This also agrees with the initial cJi
in the DB form, but the mod. pronunciation is in that case
a spelling pron. For the change of i > e in some forms see
under Biddestone.
The distinctive names refer to churches.
Chittoe [tfitu] SW of Calne.
1167 de Cheteive Pipe E; 1227 in Cheteweye Macray; 1260
Cheteive Ch. E; 1389 Chutuwe Cat. A. D. ; 1390 Cheteive
Philhpps' fines; 1418 Chutewe Cal. Inq. ; 1634 Chittoe Br.
^ Other Wilts, pi. ns in -erne are Colerne, Potterne, and Vasterne.
Possibly from an original ''Ve^ Gijtan we^e (see above). The
second element was obviously OE ive^^ which after weakening-
has coincided with the common ending -oe {-hoc) ^ in pi. ns.
Cholderton E of Amesbury.
1086 Celdrintone (twice), Celdretone DB; llT-i Cheldrintona
Pipe 11; 1180? Cheldretona Br. Mus.; 1194 de CheJdritoh
Rot. Cur.; 1256 Chedermton C. Inq.; 1257 Cheldrinton ib.;
1270 Cheldrington Ch. E,; c. 1290 Cheldertone, Chelnjngton T.
EccL; Edw. I de Childerington Plac. Warr. ; 1296 Chelde-
r'mgton Pat. li; 1307 Chcldnjngton C. Inq. ; ISIQ Chaldryii-
ton FA; 1318 Childerfon C. Inq.; 1428 Chaldnjngton FA;
1482 Chcddryngton Cal. Inq.
From ^'Ceolredinga (or ^'Ceolricinga) tun, Ceolred and Ceolric
being recorded OE p. ns. For the development of this
|)1. n. cf. Alderton and Hilperton. o in the mod. name is due
to the dialectal pronunciation of e in this position, which
tends to o. The early insertion of d between I and r- and
its subsequent occurrence is probably due to the influence
of the ME adj. cJiald, cheld (< ceald), the influence of this
adj. being particularly indicated by the form Chcddr'ijn{g)ton
(quoted three times), in which a can hardly be explained
in any other way.
For Child- see Morsbach § 109.
Christian Malford NE of Chippenham.
937 '\ Crist emcde ford CS no. 717; 940 ■\Cristemalford ib. no.
752; 1086 Cristemeleforde DB; 1166 de Cristesmeleford Pipe
E/; 1167 Cristes Melesford ib.; 1181 de Cristemeresford'
ib. ; 1194 Cristesmaelford Rot. Cur.; 1196 in Cristcmaleford
Feet of fines; 1207 de Crustemeleford Eot. Ch.; 1227 Crist-
melford Ch.Bj; 1232 Cr istemelef or d ih.; 12S0 C{h)ristemeleford
ib.; P]dw. I Cristc{s)malcford Plac. Warr.; 1316 Cristemallc-
^ On this element see Skeat, PL Ns of Beds. p. 29 fi"., Moor-
man, p. 52, Wyld, p. 95.
^ In the case of alder (< OE idor) for instance, d does not
appear till the 14tli cent.
ford FA; 1540 Christen Malford Dugdale; c. IMO Ckrist'me
Maleforde Leland.
Originally ''Crlstes-mcel-ford ("the ford at the cross^). The
ME forms exhibit two different types: one with an early
shortening of the medial ce (by weakening), which has
sarvived, the other with a later shortening, r for / in
Cristemeresford maj^ be due to AN infl. ; see Zachrisson.
p. 143. The e-voAvel between I and f is merely a con-
necting vowel.
Chute (Forest) [ffuwf] NE of Ludgershall.
1178? Celt Br. Mus.; 1199 Chett not. Ch.; 1215 Cet U.
Oblat.; 1222 Cet Pat. E; 1245 Schet ib. ; 1255 of Cette ib. ;
de Chete E. Pat.; 1258 Chut, Chet C. Inq.; 1284 of Choete
CI. E; of Chute Ch. E; 1288 Chw/t Pat. E; Chiet CI. E;
1291 Shut Pat. E; 1295 Chiiet ib.; 1296 Cheote ib. ; 1328
Cheut CI. E; 1334 Cheut Br. Mus.; 1428 Chiujt Fi^; 1485
in Chute C. Inq.
This is certainly a Celtic name, perhaps the same as is
contained in Preshrtte, below.
Clarendon ESE of Salisbury.
1164 Clarendon Br. Mus.; 1204 Clarendon E.L.Pat.; 1227
Clarendon Ch. E; 1279 at Clarijndone C. Inq.; 12S4: Clarin'
don Ch. E; 1287 Claryndon C. Inq.; 1316 Claringdon E.
Pat.; 1341 Clarington ib.; 1491 Claryngdon C. Inq.; c. 1540
Clarington Leland.
From *Claringa dun, Claring being perhaps a patronymic
of Clare, occurring as the name of a witness in CS no. 882.
Clatford W of Marlborough.
1086 Clatford DB; c. 1290 Clatford T. Eccl.; 1316, 1428
Clatford FA.
The first element is no doubt OE elate, a plant-name,
denoting 'burdock', 'goose-grass', 'clivers'. At the present
day, clote in the southern counties is also applied to other
plants, e. g. 'the coltsfoot', 'the yellow water-lily' (see EDD),
but it is very doubtful whether the latter meanings are
old enough to have been present in the pi. n. under notice.
Note. Clatford CD nos. 1177, 1265 is located by Kemble in
Wilts., although it obviously refers to some place in the south-
west of Berks.
Clench see Clinch.
Clevancy [klev-censi] E of Hilmarton.
1086 {in) Clive J)B\ 1232 in Clive Wancij Gh. E; early
14th cent, m Clive Waiicy TN ; 1316 de Clyve Wauncij ¥A;
1428 in Clyve Aimcy ib.
Originally '"^'clif \cFt (pa^m) clife]. It is interesting to notice
the amalgamation of the distinctive 'Wancy' with the gen-
uine name. The change of i> e in the first syllable is
due to weakened stress.
The AN 'Wancy' refers, according to Jones, p. 207, to
Radulf de Wancy, who held lands here towards the end
of the 13th cent. (TN p. 137).
Ciiffe Pypard [generally pron. Iclijv] S of Wootton
1086 (in) Clive DB; 1230 in Clive Pipart CI. E; 1281 Ciiffe
Piparcl Br. Mus.; 1284 Pypardesclive E,. Pat.; 1290 ad. Clivam
Ch. R; c. 1290 de Clive (Pippard) T. Eccl.; 1304 in Ptj-
pardesclyve Ch. E; 1332 Clivepipard Br. Mus.; 1340 Piperes-
clyve ib.; 1428 in Clyve {Pypard) FA.
Originally "^''clif, '"^'cet {pcem) clife, the modern name being
orthographically a contamination of the OE nom. and dat.
form (the pronunciation, however, representing cleve, cleeve,
for which see NED). 'Pypard' is an AN name, referring
to the Eicus Pipard who is mentioned as a tenant here in
TN, pp. 140, 149, 156 (see Jones, p. 207).
^ There are several places called Clive in DB, and most of
them seem to refer to manors at the present Clevancy and
Ciiffe Pypard.
Note. CUve CD no. 460 cannot possibly be identical witli
Cliffe Pjpard (or Clevancy) as it is mentioned among the boun-
daries of Brokciieherge (= Brokenborongh, Wilts.).
Clinch or Clench S of Marlborough.
1329 Cleynche C. Inq. ; 1354 Clench Cal. Inq.
It seems impossible to explain this name. There is a
dialectal word clench in Northants., applied to a plant ('the
corn crowfoot'), but as this word is quite unknown in Wilts.
at the present day ^, it is naturally very doubtful if it
occurs in this pi. n.
Coate E of Devizes.
1282 Cotes Pat. R; c. 1290 Cotes T. EccL; 1316, 1428 Cotes
FA; 1490 Cotes C. Inq.
Originally "^'cotan (plur. of cote f.) or '^cotu (plur. of cot
n.). OE cote^ cof = 'cottage'. The ME forms quoted show
substitution of the strong masc. plur. ending. Cf. Coates,
Sussex (Roberts, p. 49), which is to be explained in the
same way ; (Roberts' derivation of this name from an ori-
ginal gen. sing. (OE cotes) is quite impossible). Cf. also
the rather frequent Coton (e. g. in Cambs. and Staffs.) <
'■■cotan^ '-'cet (pd^m) cotum.
Codford St. Mary and Codford St. Peter SE of Heytesbury.
901 ■\codan ford CS no. 595; 1086 Coteford (three times)
DB; 1130—35 Codeford Osmund; 1167? Cutiford Br. Mus.;
1180? Cotesford ib.; 1281 Est Codeford C. Inq. (= St. Mary);
1309 Estkodeford ib.; 1316 Coteford FA; 1322 Westcodeford
Ch. R (=:St. Peter); 1327 C{h)odeford C. Inq.; 1413 IVest-
coteford Cal. Inq.; 1428 Codeford Sancti Petri, C. Sancte
Marie FA.
Most probably from ^Ciidayi ford; for the p. n. Ciida see
Miiller, p. 51. As to Mor ^ in the DB and Br. Mus. forms
^ The dialectal word for the common crowfoot species is crazy
(craisey) in Wilts.
see Zaclirissoii, Stud, i mod. spmkvet. 5, p. 8 f. The t in
the later forms above is due to assimilation with f (after the
syncope of c). 'St. Mary^ and 'St. Peter are names of churches.
Colerne [kald{r)]i^ W of Corsliam.
108G Colcrnc DB; 11.77 Citlerna Pipe R: 128:> de Oiderne
Ch. E; 1269 Cullerne, CoUcrn C. Inq.; 1283 in Culernc C\\.
II; 1316, 1324 de Colerne FA; 1330 de Colorne li. Pat.;
1428 {in) Colerne FA.
This name may be derived from '^(Udan cern (cf. Chitterne).
The existence of a }). n. '-'Cnla (■'Cull) is indicated by
eulinga gemcere CS no. 227, Ctdingas ib. no. 326, '\'fet Cidingon
{<*Cidingum) ib. no. 1064, CuUingus Ellis, Intr. 11 p. 306,
to cidan fcnne CS no. 1082, Cf)to odes felda ib. no. 620.
The same ]). n. occurs in the local Condinge Suffolk (see
Skeat: PI. Ns of Suff. p. 72).
CoUingbourne Ducis \ xtxtw p t ^ i ii
\ NNW ol Luao-ershall.
„ Kingston J
903 Colengahiinmni (Lat. ace.) CS no. 602; 921 on Collenga-
hiirnan, "^at Colinghurne ib. no. 635 ; 931 wt ColUnga human
ib. no. 678; 1086 Colingehurne (= C. Ducis), Colehurnc (= G.
Kingston) DB ; 1234 Colighnrn (^ Ducis or Kingston) CI. 1\ ;
1256 Colingehurne (= Ducis) Pat. R; c. 1290 Colingehurn Comit.:
Colingehurn Ahhis (= Kingston) T. Eccl. ; 1323 Colynghurn
Valence (= Ducis) C. Inq.; 1402 Colynghorne Valence FA;
1428 Colgnghourne Comitis, Coh/nghourne Ahhatls ib. ; 1479
Colinghourne Valaunce R. Pat.
The stream on which these places are situated is now
called simply 'the Bourne' (a tributary of the East Avon),
the same which in OE times was called Winferhuma in
its lower course; see Winterbourne (Dauntsoy), below. The
patronymic is most probably formed from Cola, for A\hich
name see Calcutt, above.
For the distinctive names see Jones, p. 208.
Combe near Enford.
1279 de Combe Cal. Rot. Cli.; 1329 Connibe C. Inr,.: U2S
in Comhe FA.
OE cunib (see Alcombe).
Compton XW of Enford.
c. 1080 of C untune (or = C. Cliamberlayne) Cal. France;
1086 Contone DB, p. 69 a; 1329 Co7nptou C. Inq.: (n. d.)
Cumppton Cat. A. D.
Originally '•'cimib-tun. n for m is due to assimilation
Avitli t.
Compton Bassett NE of Calne.
1086 Contone DB, p. 70 d; 1182 Comtona Bi\M.\\^.\ 1220—
28 de Cumptone Macray; c. 1225 Ciimton Br. Mus.; 1271
Cumpton Bassett C. Inq.; 1324. 1402 Compton Bassett FA.
See preceding name. The manor was formerl}^ in pos-
session of the Norman Bassett-f amily ; see TX, p. 141.
Compton Chamberlayne WSW of Wilton.
1086 Contone DB, 65a; 1250, 1275 Cumpton Cinq.; 1316
Compton Chamberleyne FA; 1318 Cumpton Chaumberiayne
Ch. R; 1325 Compton Chamherlayn C. Inq.
For the distinctive name see Jones, p. 209.
Conock SE of Devizes.
1316 de Coneke FA; 1348 de ConnolceR. F-a.t.; 1372 ConnoJc
Br. Mus.
This is undoubted^ a Celtic Avord, the same as Irish and
Gaehc enoe (= hillock, knoll); see 'knock' NED, and Mac-
bain. The svarabhakti vowel is due to AN infl. ; see
Zachrisson p. 49 f. Cf. Knook, below.
Coombe Bissett SAY of Salisbury.
1086 Cumbe DB; c. 1115, 1158 Cumba Osnuind; early 14th
cent, de Cumbe TN; 1385 Combebysset Cal. Inq.; 1402 de
Coiimbe Byset FA.
OE cumh. 'Bissett' is certainly an AN family name. In the
time of Henry III, Johis Biset was tenant here; see TN,
p. 155.
Corsham [Regis] WSW of Chippenham.
1001 'fCosehdm CD no. 706; [1015] -fCosham AS Clir. [E]:
1086 Cosseham DB; 1130 Cosseham H. Pipe li; 1157 Cosse-
liam Cal. France; 1194 Cossam Hot. Cur.; 1225 Corshd R.
fin. exc. ; 1230 Cosham, Corsham Ch. R; 1243 Corsham ib.;
Edw. I Cossam Plac. Warr.; 1284, 1302, 1309, 1310 Cosham
ib. ; 1316 Cosham FA; 1334 Cosseham Eot. Orig.; 1394
Cosham Br. Mus. ; 1428 Cosham FA.
The first element is difficult to account for. The old
forms quoted show that it cannot possibly have the same
first element as Corsley, Corston, or Corton (below). Corsham
may therefore be derived either from ''''Cusan ham, Cusa
being recorded as an OE p. n., or from ''''Cosan ham, *Cosa
being perhaps a hypocoristic form of the Celtic Cospatric.
The change of Cos > Cors- may simply be due to the in-
fluence of Corsley and Corston. In DB the King is mentioned
as chief tenant here.
Note. It is obvious that Corsham cannot be identical with
(to) cartes hamme CD no. 436, as has been suggested by Kemble.
Tiie latter place was moreover situated in the extreme south of
the county (in the vicinity of Bower and Broad Chalk).
Corsley WNW of Warminster.
1086 in Corselie DB; 1166 Corselea Vi\)Q E; 1232 Corslegh
Ch. R; 1233, 1245 Corsleg ib.; 1265—70 de Corsleyghe
Macray; c. 1290 Corsle Magna T. EccL; 1316 de Corseleghe
FA; 1369 Cossteye Cal. Inq.; 1402 Corsle Magna FA; 1428
Parva Corslegh ib.
This name may be derived from '-''cors-leah {-lea^e), cars
being the same Celtic Avord that seems to occur in the
following name, but we may also assume an original '^wf
Corsan lea^e [Corston (W. of Bath), Soms., occurring as
Corsan tan {on corsan streame) CS nos. 767, 1287]. Whether
Corsan is identical with the above-mentioned Celtic Avord
or is a p. n., it is impossible to determine.
Corston S of Malmesbur}^.
1065 Corstuna CD no. 817; 1086 in Corstone DB; 1817
Crostone C. Inq.
The place is situated on an affluent of the Lower Avon,
which is now called 'Gauze brook". This stream is no doubt
identical with {'\)Coysahiirna, "fCorshorne, mentioned in CS
nos. 103, 470, probably also with '\Corsbroh CS no. 922,
'\CoreshroJc CD no. 632 (see besides Akerman's map in
Archseologia XXXVII: I). The first element is most pro-
bably a Celtic word, the same as Welsh cors = 'bog', *^marsh";
see Pughe-Pryse.
Note. Corsantune CD no. 457 is not identical with this place,
as is stated in Kemble, but with Corston, Soms.
Corton or Cortington SSE of Heytesbury.
1086 Cortitone DB (prob. identical); 1130—35 Cortun Os-
mund; c. 1290 Cortyngton{e) T. EccL; Edw. I de Cottyntton
Plac. Warr. ; 1316 cle Cortone FA; 1428 Cortyngton ib.
Originally ''"'Cortinga tun, Corting being certainly a patro-
nymic of the Frisian p. n. Cort {Coert, Curt), for which see
Winkler, p. 219, and Stark, p. 136. The same p. n. occurs
in to cartes hamme CS no. 917, which was situated in south
Wilts, (in the vicinity of Bower and Broad Chalk), probably
also in ■fCortimwde ib. 1009 (near Bath, Soms.)^
^ This explanation of the latter name seems far more plausible
than the one given by Middendorff, p. 30. according to whom
the first element contains an unrecorded OE adj. '-'cort, parallel
to OFris., OS kurt, OHG (MHO, mod. G) kurz (adopted from
Lat. curtus). As a matter of fact, there is no evidence in
support of an OE '^'cort (""''curt)', coiiimeede, which is tlie only
name that Middendorff adduces to support his assumption of this
adj., is quite satisfactorily explained as above.
Gorton E of Hilmarton.
1086 Crosfone DB (prob. identical); 1428 Corston (twice) FA.
The original form may have been "^'cros-tun. OE cros
{= rod), found only in local nomenclature, is, according to
NED, the Norse Jovss, which is adopted from Olrish cros.
In the present case, however, cros is naturally to be con-
sidered as an ordinary Celtic survival, as the Wilts, pi. ns
seem to be quite free from Scand. elements (except p. ns).
Gorton offers an example of the omission of a stem -6' in
the middle of a pi. n. (another instance is Garclone, the DB
form of Garsclou; see below). Hoav are we to explain a loss of
this kind? In connection with Alderbury, attention has been
draAvn to the common omission of the gen. 5 of a p. n.,
Avhen it occurs as a first element in pi. ns. In the light of this,
a plausible reason for the loss of a stem -s in such cases as
Gorton, Gardone w^ould be that the first element even in
these names has been considered by the Anglo-Normans
as the gen. of a p. n. and treated as such.
Note. The numerous cases in which an unetymological s has
been inserted in the composition-joint, on the other hand, ought
to be explained simply as due to analogy with those pi. ns
which have a gen. s after the first element, i. e. exactly
the same explanation as has been given for the intrusive -ing-
(-in-) suffix in such forms as ME Geresindon {- Garsdon), Lut-
lyngton (= Littleton Drew), mod. Sherrington, Uppington, etc., viz.
the analogy of pi. ns, in which the first element is a patronymic.
Coulston, East and West SW of Potterne.
1086 Govelestone DB; 1199? de GouelestoTi Hot Cur.; c. 1290
de Govelestone T. Eccl.; 1800 Goucleston Ch. R; 1316 Gouleston
FA; 1824 Goimeleston Fine It. ; 1428 Gouueleston, Goueles-
ton FA.
Obviously from ''-'Gufeles tun, ''-'Gufel being a diminutive
of the p. n. Gufa. v has here been vocalized to u in ME,
which u together with the preceding one has given u. Cf.
Gowesfield, below, and Goivley Oxfs. (< '''cct Gufan lea^e) (see
Alexander, PL Ns of Oxfs., p. 86); cf. also NE liaivh (< hafoc).
Co wage another name for Bremilham.
1275 at Cotviche C. Inq. ; c. 1290 CozvyJc T. Eccl.; 15-10
Coivych Dngdale.
From OE cii (= cow) and Wic (here to be taken in the
sense of 'farm'). The mod. -age is due to weakening. Cf.
Cowbridge near Malmesbiiry.
1409 Coiibryge Phillipps' fines: (n. d.) de Couhrigg{e), dr
Choubrigge Reg. Malm.
No comments necessary.
Cowesfield E of Whiteparish.
1086 Colesfelde (possibly identical), Cuulestone'^ DB; 1166
Cuuelesfeld Pipe R; 1206 in Cidefeld Bj.h. CI.; 1211 Cuveles-
feld Phillipps' ped. fin.; 1272 Colneston Sturmy^ (corrupt),
CoJeston Spileman^, Coleston Loveraz^ Pat. R; 12^1 Coles f eld
CI. R; 1294 Covelesfeld Cal. Inq.; 1316 de Couelesfelde FA;
1319 Covelesfeld Pat. R; 1337 Couuelesfeld Loveras Ch. R:
1402 Coulesfeld Sturmy et Spylma)/, C. Loveras FA; 1490
Coulesfild Esturmy, Coulesfeld Spilman C. Inq.
The first element is no doubt the same as in Coidsfon.
The name is consequently derived from *Cufeles feld. The
loss of I in the present name, as compared with its survival
in the case of Coulston, is due entirely to sound-physiological
reasons^. 'Esturmy' (Sturmy), 'Loveras', and'Spileman are
family names, the tAvo former AN, the latter Continental-
^ On account of the different terminations there may naturally
be some doubt about the identity here too, but the places were
at least situated in the same hundred (Frustfield), and the first
elements are undoubtedly the same. Cf. the forms quoted from
Pat. R.
" Identical according to the editor of Pat. R.
^ If I had been kept in the present name, a much more
difficult combination of sounds would have arisen than in the
case of Coulston (on account of the fricative f).
5 E. Ekblom
Cricklade [hiJcleid].
[1)04] ad Criccaladam Assei-; [905] to Creeca gelade A. Clir. [A],
to Creoccgelade ib. [D]; [1016] cet Cncgelade ib. [D], cet Crceci-
lade ib. [E], cet Crecalade ib. [F]; 1086 de Crichelade DB:
1130 Grechelada, Crelcelade Macray: c. 1170 CriecheladaC^l.
France; 1231 Crikelad Ch. R; Hen. Ill Kerkelad' Rot. H;
1255 de CriMelade Pat. R: 1260 Kyrhclad ib. ; 1276 CreJcelad
Ch. R; c. 1290 CreeMade T. Eccl. ; 1316 f?e Crelldade
FA; 1319 KiriJcelade, Creeldade Cal. inq. da.; 1376 r>eZ':A-e-
laude Phillipps' fines.
The first element of this name is certainly not Germanic,
For the mere fact that we find such a variet}^ of spellings
in the AS Chr. indicates that it did not contain an element
Avhich was part of the AS yocabulary. The name has
alread}^ been the subject of some discussion. Thus,
Mc Clure, p. 261, foot-note 3, takes Click- to be connected
either with Welsh eraig = 'rock\ or Avith cruc = 'mound'.
Pearson, p. 11, also identifies the element with craig. These
suggestions seem, however, most unlikely, particularly when
compared with the explanation given by Duignan in connec-
tion Avith his discussion of the etymology of Penlcridge
(Notes on Staffs. PL Ns, p. 115 f.). According to him, Crick- is
a Celtic word, meaning 'boundary^ 'frontier (the same as
Irish crioc, crich); see Stokes, p. 98. Consequently Cricklade
would originally indicate '^the boundary between Mercia and
Wessex, which was formed by the Thames (OE ^elad here
= Svater-waj^'; cf. Chapmanslade, Chicklade). Crekkclaiide
(Phillipps' fines) indicates retention of the long vowel in
the termination; cf. Chicklaudc FA (Chicklade). The form
Grechelada (Macray), if not a mere error, may be due to
{)opular etymology; (according to Camden, p. 102, a Greek
school is said to have been founded here bv a certain
Theodorus, Archbishop of Canterbury).
Crockerton S of Warminster.
1350 CroJcerton Phillipps' fines; 1463 CroJcerton Gal. Inq. ;
1467 N. CroJcerton Br. Mus. : 1495 Crokerton C. Inq.
Originally "^'croccera (or possibly crocceres) tun. OE
'"croccere [a nomen agentis from crocc{a)] = 'potter . This
explanation of the first element seems far more probable
than assuming with Roberts, p. 52, a p. n. '■'Crochere.
Crofton ENE of Burbage.
1194 in Corfton Rot. Cur. (possibly iclent.); 1288 Crofton
C. Inq.; 1316, 1428 Crofton FA.
Originally '■' croft-tun (= enclosed croft).
Croucheston E of Broad Chalk.
1328 Criichesfon{e), Croiicheston C. Inq.; 1340 Cruchedon
Phillipp's fines; 1373 Cryiicheston ib.
The etymology is obscure.
Crudwell N of Malmesbury.
854 fat Croddewelle CS no. 470; at (Jriddamvijlle Thorpe;
901 -^de criid{d)ewellc CS no. 586; [956 •\Cruddesetene imere
CS no. 922]; 1065 Creddewilla CD 817; lOSQ Credvelle T>B
1180 Credewella Pipe R; 1194 de Credewalle Rot. Cur.
1222 Credewellie) Macray: c. 1290 de Cnidewelle T. Eccl.
1316 Credewell FA; 1428 Crudetvell ib.
The fact that this place is situated near the source of one
of the head-streams of the Thames points to the probabilit}^
that the first element represents the ancient (Celtic) name of
this stream (the mod. name is 'Swill brook'). This supposi-
tion is strong!}^ supported by the term -\Cniddesetene imere
(= ^emcere) CS no. 922 (in the same neighbourhood), Crudde-
sefene (originally gen. plur.) probably denoting the people
living on this stream': cf. Wilscetan AS Chr. A. D. 800 (see
Introduction) and '\fromesetinga (gen. ])lur.) CS no. 1127
(referring to the r. Frome. Soms.).
Dauntsey [daan(t)si] SE of Malmesbuiy.
850 -fDometesig CS no. 457 ; "fidd) Daunteseye, ■\{in) Dametes-
eye ib. no. 458 ; "fide) Damices eye. '\{in) Dameces eye CD
no. 263; 854 at Domeccesige CS no. 470; 1065 -^Dometesig
CD no. 817; 1086 Dantesie DB; 1142—50 Dantesia Os-
mund; 1162 Danteseia Pipe R; 1178? Dantesi Br. Mus.
Hen. Ill Dantese C. Inq. ; 1257 of Donteseye Cat. A. D.
1270 Dauntesa (lat.) Cli. R; c. 12^0 de Daimtes eye T.¥jCq\.
1316, 1428 Daimtesey FA.
Originally '^'Domices le^ {te^ here = 'marshy land', as is
always the case in Wilts, pi. ns). *Ddmic is to be regarded
as a diminutive form of '^Doma (< ■^Doma), a pet-formation
of some p. n. beginning with Dom- (e. g. Domfrith, Dbm-
liere). For the diminutive suffix -ic {-ec) see Eckhardt, p. 345.
The fact that OE o before nasals only occurred as a
variant of a (W. Grerm. o before nasals > u in OE) explains
the a vow^el in the first syllable. The m has in the earliest
ME been changed into n by assimilation with the following
(tf). Moreover, the fricative (/) has disappeared through
assimilation with the following .y. \t for e in the earliest of
the forms quoted above may naturally as w'ell be due to
orthographical confusion, on account of the similarity of
these two letters. Alexander, PL Ns of Oxfs., p. 32, gives
several examples of such errors.]
au is due to AN influence; see Zachrisson § 9.
Dean, West SE of Salisbury.
1086 Duene DB; 1269 Westdune C. Inq.; 12SI Dene, Deone
ib.; 1296 Westdoene Pat. U; 1309 Westdeene C. Inq.; 1314
at Westdune, Dene, Duene ib.; 1320 Westden Pat. R; 1324
Deone FA; 1371 Westden Br. Mus.: 1402 Deone ¥K; 1485
West Dene C. Inq.
OE denu, dene (= valley), the place being situated in the
valley of an affluent of the r. Test. The ME forms give
a good picture of the complete confusion of don (OE diln)
and dene (OE denu, dene) which is so common in English
Deptford \detfd{r)d\ on the Wiley near Fisherton Delamere.
1086 Depeford DB; 1236 Depeford Ch. R; early 14th cent.
Dujjeford T^ ; VdU Dej^e ford FA; 1SS6 Deope ford Vhillipps'
fines; 1428 Depeford FA.
Originally '^'se deopa ford. In the NE pronunciation the
p has been replaced by t for sound-physiological reasons.
For u as a representative of OE eo see under Bemerton.
Derriads SW of Chippenham.
1227 Derierd Ch. E.
This' single ME form which has been found indicates
that the termination was OE ^eard (geardasl) = 'enclosed
place', the loss of r in the mod. form being due to weaken-
ed stress. The plur. .;? may quite well be of a later date.
The first element may go back either to deor{a) (cf. e. g.
on deor leage CS no. 1108, Deorham ib. no. 1282) or to
Deoran, gen. of Deora, a pet-form of some p. n. beginning
with Deor-, of which there are a great number.
Devizes [ddv-cdziz\.
1141 — 42 Divisas Br. Mus.; 1146 Divisis Macray; 1149 Divises,
apud Divisas ib.; 1227 Devizes Ch. R; 1229 Devises ib.;
1279 Divises C. Inq.; 1290 Dyvises Br. Mus.; 1331 Vises
CI. li; La Wyses C. Inq.; 1333 Dyvyses ib.; 14:72 'the vyse'
Cat. A. D.; 1485 Le Devisee C. Inq.
This name, Avhich has been discussed by Guest, p. 254 f.,
and by Zachrisson, ilnglia XXXIV, p. 319, is an angliciza-
tion of the OFrench plur. devises, and here certainly
denotes some boundary line. The suggestion offered by
Gaest and Zachrisson that the present name may have
originally indicated the frontier forest between Wales and
Wilts, seems, however, not to fit in with the geographical
conditions. It may rather have referred simply to some
boundary line between two properties, a meaning of devise,
d'vise, which is still retained in Normandy.
For the French article and the shortened ME forms see
Zachrisson. loc. cit. According to Guest, p. 255, Devizes
was founded in the J 2th cent.
Dilton 8SW of Westbury.
1221 in Dultuh R. fin. exc; 1249, 1264, 1275 Didhm C.
Inq. ; early 14th cent. Bolton TN; 1324, 1402, 1428 Dul-
ton FA.
The most [)lausible etymology of this name is '''DyUan
tun, the first element being a p. n., the same as the one
contained in Dillington Hunts. (< '''DylUnga tun, see Skeat,
PI. Ns of Hunts., p. 349), and IhdUnghmn Cambs. (< '"^Dyllinga
ham, Skeat, PL Ns of Cambs., p. 22). It is very probable,
as Skeat has suggested, that this p. n. is a nick-name,
identical with the ME adj. dill, dylle (= dull), which point
to an OE '^'dyl, dylle (< '-'duljo-), cognate to OE dol (< ''''dido-);
see \luir NED. Whether the element Dil- in the p. ns Dilmun
{^Dilmund) and Dilra is the same, it is impossible to say.
0 in Dolton (TN) stands for u, which has been considered
as original, (a not infrequent mistake).
Note. Dihvorth, Lanes., of which Wyld gives an unsatis-
factory explanation, probably contains the same first element.
0 in ME Dolleworth (quoted by Wyld) is in that case easily
explained (as in Dolton).
Dinton W of Wilton.
1086 Domnitone DB [partly corrupt]; 1268 Donington Pat.
R; 1816 Donington FA; 1324 JDonynton, Dynton ib.; 1375
Duyupiton CI. R; 1428 Donyngton FA: Dimyton Cal. Inq.
(prob. identical); 1492 Dynton C. In(j.
On account of the comparatiA^ely great number of
forms with o in the first syllable, it seems necessary to
assume an original name of two types: '■Dunninga tun
(without mutation), and '""Dipininga tun (which has sur-
vived). The patronymic is formed from the p. n. Dunn
On -'/- for medial -ing- in DB see Zachrisson, Stud, i
mod. sprakvet. V, p. 10 f.
Ditchampton [ ^ — ] near Wilton.
1045 cet Dicha^matune CD no. 778; 1086 Dechementone, in
Dicehantone DB; 1195 de Dichamtoh Feet of fines; 142S
Dychampton FA; 1491 Dychehampion C. Inq.
The CD form is obviously the original name. D'lc-hcema
(beside "^D'lC-hcemena, a form which is indicated by the first
DB form) is the gen. of '-dlc-hceme, a plural i-stem like
Engle, Mierce, Nordhijmhre, etc. (consequently denoting 'the
inhabitants of '^cMc-hant') ; see on this point Napier & Steven-
son, Crawf. ch., p. 116 f., where several instances of a
similar formation are given.
Association Avith the common element -hampton has then
taken place in the earliest ME (cf. Beckhampton).
Ditteridge or Ditcheridge near Box.
1086 Digeric DB; 1167 Digeriga, Dicherigga (latinized forms)
Pipe 11; 1284 Ditherigg CI. E; 1285 in Dichrugge Ch. R;
1375 Dykerigge Cal. Inq.; 1378 Dicherich ib.; 1428 in
Dycherygge FA; 1443 Dylcerygge Cal. Inq.
From ''■'die-hryc^, the sense of which is obvious. The
change of tf > t in Ditteridge is due to dissimilation with
the final fricative consonant.
The medial p is merely a connecting vowel.
Note. Alexander is certainly incorrect in explaining Ditchley
(PI. Ns of Oxfs., p. 94) from '^dice-leage or "dica-lea^e (dice
being the gen. of the fern, die, and dica gen. plur.), for these forms
would on the contrary have given mod, ^'Dickleij. OE dlc-leage,
on the other hand, would become Ditchley by the influence of
tho independent subst. die (> ditch).
Donhead St. Andrew ) „.^„ p oi p. i .^
^ . , ^ „ ENE ot Shaftesbury (Dors.).
Donhead St. Mary j J v /
871 -fDunheued, -\Dunehefda (latinized) CS no. 531; 955 f^o
dun heafdan ib. no. 917; 956 ■\D'unheued ib. no. 970; 1086
Duneheve DB (partly corrupt); 1199 Dmineheued Feet of
fines; 1235 Dunheved Pat. R; Hen. Ill Doneheved Rot. H;
1279 Donhaved C. Inq.; 1284 de Donhevede (alias Dunhefd)
ib.; c. 1290 Dunhef{de See Marie) T. Eccl. ; 1316 Doimheved
FA; 1334 Dounhevid Cat. A. D. ; 1345 Donehevede St. Andr
Cal. Inq.; 1364 Dounehead St. Mary Phillipps' fines; 1428
Dunhed Andree, D. Marie FA.
From *dun-h6afod ('head or top of a down'), -heafdan in
the 955 form may stand for the dat. plur. -heafdum,
but it may quite as probably be explained in the same
way as Brytfordan and. Cellamvirdan (see Britford and
Chelworth). The distinctive names refer to churches.
Downton SSE of Salisbury.
about 670 {to) Duntun{e) CS no. 27; 826 Duntun ib. no.
391; 905 to Duntune ib. no. 690; 909 Duntun ib. nos.
620, 621 (prob. identical); 948 in Duntune ib. no. 862;
997 wt Duntune CD no. 698; 1086 Duntone DB; 1199 de
Dunnetoh Feet of fines (prob. identical; cf. Dunneheued,
above); 1284 Dunton Ch. R; 1316, 1402 Dounton FA.
The sense is obvious.
Note. Kemble's identification of Duntun, in the charters nos.
599 and 610, with this place is not convincing.
Draycot Cerne N. of Chippenham.
1086 Draicote DB 74c; c. 1170? Draicot Osmund; c. 1180
Draycotha (latinized) Macray; 1228 Draycot Ch. R; 1304
in Draycote ib. ; 1402 in Draycote Cerne FA.
Originally *dr()e^-cot(e). The element dray (OE '''drce^),
which occurs both in Draycot{t) and Drayton, two very
common pi. ns all over England, is difficult to account
for. It seems likely, however, as Skeat (PI. Ns of Cambs.,
p. 9) has suggested, that this word is connected with the
dialectal dray (of unknown origin) = 'a squirrel's nest', a
probable sense of the element drceg in pi. ns being therefore,
according to Skeat, ^place of shelter', 'retreat'. However
this may be, the fact that the element in question is so
common in pi. ns, while there is otherwise no trace of it
in the language, indicates that it is a Celtic word. As a
second element it occurs in Dundrceg CD no. 816 (probably
= Dundry, Soms.). *^Cerne' was a French familj^ name.
Draycot Fitz Payne NW of Pewsey.
1086 Draicote DB 66 b (prob. identical).
See preceding name. 'Fitz Payne' is a French family name.
Draycot Follat SSE of Swindon.
1086 Dracote DB 71 b (partly corrupt); Edw. I hi Draycote
Plac. Warr. ; 1307 Dreyhote FolijoM C. Inq. ; 1309 Draicote
Foliot, of Dreicote ib.; 1327 Draycote Folyot, Drey cote F. ib.;
1428 in Draycote FA.
See Dravcot Cerne. For the distinctive name see Chilton
Dunkirk near Devizes.
Although no early references have been found to this
small place, I have preferred not to leave out the name
on account of its great interest. It is obvious, that this place
has been named by the Anglo-Normans after the Flemish
DunJcerque (DunJcirh). Dunkirk in Kent, Glos., and Staffs,
are certainly all to be explained in the same way.
Durnford SSW of Amesbur}^.
1086 Diarneford, Darneford DB (prob. identical); 1142 — 50
Derneford Sancti Andrece Osmund; 1158 Durneford ib.
c. 1163 Durneford Macray; 1198 Derneford Feet of fines
c. 1220 Deorneford Macray; c. 1235 de Derneforde ib.
c. 1290 Durneford Br. Mus.; 1308 Great Durneford Cinq.
1309 Derneford ib.; Edw. Ill Deorneford NI; 1428 M:a
Durneford, P:a D. FA; 1540 Durriesford Dugdale.
From an original *se dierna {dyrna) ford ('the secret or
hidden ford'). The first element is rather common in Engl,
pi. ns. Beside its regular OE forms dierne, dyrne, derne,
there must, however, have existed (sporadically) the variants
'^dearne, ^"deorne. This is indicated by the ME dearne,
deorne (beside derne), which are also represented among the
ME forms above [cf. also {'\)deornan mor CD no. 570, p. 78,
{-f)diornaniviel CS no. 200]. These unmutated forms are
certainly due to the analogy of OE deamunga, deornuyiga,
the adv. of dyrne; (for eo in the latter form see Biilbring
§ 144).
Durrington N of Amesbury.
1086 Dermtone DB; 1178? Durentona, Hinedorintona Br.
Mus.; 1199 in Sineduriiiton, Hindorintona, de Durintoh
Ivot. Ch.; c. 1200 Derinton Osmund; 1201 de JJerintoh R.
Oblat, ; King John Ihirenton Dugdale: 1215 in Durintone
Macray; 1228 in Dirintoh ^. fin. exc. ; 1256 Durinton C
Inq.; 1270 Durentona, Hinedurintona, Hinedurnetona Ch. E/.;
1286 Kingderinto7i, Hinderinton ib.; c. 1290 IJiryngtone T.
EccL; 1816, 1324 Durynton FA; 1428 Dunjngton ib.
Originally '"Dyringa tun. Whether the patronymic is formed
from Deora (a shortened form of some name beginning
with Deor-)y or from Dyra (found on a coin of the time of
^thelred II, and in the local to dyran treotve CS no. 721), it is
naturally impossible to decide. It is, hoAvever, by no means
impossible that Dyra is merely a variant of Deora, formed
from Dyring, the patronymic of the latter name. Cf. Tud{d)a,
'^'Tyd(d)a, see Ted worth. For the e-vowel in the first syllable
see under Biddestone.
How are we to explain the distinctive Hin{(')- {King-)
in some of the ME forms? The Secretary of Wilts. ArchcBol.
Soc, Rev. E. H. Goddard, has informed me that IIin{e)-
can hardly be a misspelling for Ki^tg-, as the place never
seems to have been crown property; (this is also unlikely
from the fact that only one form wdth King- has been
found). It appears, however, from Rot. Ch. and Ch. E, that
there were formerly two manors here, and it seems therefore
probable that Hine- stands for the (ME) adv. In, Inne, Hine-
durinton being the inner part of the land w^hich is encircled
by the bend of the r. Avon at this place. For the initial
h see under Avon.
Earl Stoke or Eriestoke SAY of Potterne.
1239 Eriestol- Ch. E; 1316 de Eriestoke FA; lS2d ErhjsfoJc
CI. E; 1391 EorlestoJce CaL Inq. ; 1431 ErIestoJc Br. Mus.
Originally '^'cet eorles (or eorla) stocc. OE eorl = 'a man
of noble rank' (distinguished from a ceorl or ^ordinary free-
man')^. For OE stoc see under Baverstock.
Eastcott SE of Potterne.
1349 Estcote Cal. Inq.; 1500 m Est cote Br. Mus.: 1546—48
in Escotte ib.
ISTo comments needed.
Eastcott near Swindon.
1488 Escot C. Inq.
Note. Kerable's identification of jEstcote CD no. 329, yEasi-
cotim ib. nos. 584, 817, jEscote ib. no. 585, and ^eastcoten ib. no.
1099 with Eastcott, Wilts, (which of them he refers to we are
not told) must be incorrect. Of these, Estcote no. 329, and
Eastcotun no. 817 are obviously identical with Eastcourt, probably
also Eastcotun no. 584 (see below). eastcote7i no. 1099 was situated
in south Beds, (see GS no. 659). Escote CD no. 585 seems
impossible to identify. There are however no reasons for taking
it to be one of the present Eastcotts in Wilts.
Eastcourt NE of Malmesburv.
901 -fde Escote CS no. 586; 974 -f Eastcotun ib. no. 1301
(prob. identical); 1065 ^Eastcotun CD 817; 1222 de Estcote
Macray; (n. d.) Escote, Estcote Eeg. Malm.
^ The late OE eorl denoting 'a Danish under-king' (see Bjork-
man, Loanwords, p. 23f>) can hardly come into consideration hero.
Originally '''*''east-cot{e), with a late substitution of cou?i for
cot. Eastcotun may have been Avritten under the influence
of pi. ns in -tun.
Easton NE of Devizes.
1428 Eston FA.
Original^ '^east-tun.
Easton (Royal) E of PeAvsey.
1232 Eston Ch. E; 1251 Eston ib. (prob. identical); 1349
Easton E. Pat.; 1428 Eston ¥K.
Jones states as his opinion (p. 228) that this place, not
being specially mentioned in DB, may have been a portion
of the large manor of Otone (mod. Wootton Eivers), of
which the King himself was the chief tenant. This would
consequenth^ explain the epithet "Eoya?.
Easton Bassett E of Shaftesbury (Dors.).
956 fto Estune CS no. 970; Edw. I in Estone Eot. H.
'Bassett' is an AN family name (see Berwick B.).
Easton Grey W of Malmesburj^.
1086 Estone DB 72 c; Edw. 1 in Eston' Grey Plac. AVarr.;
1316 de Estone Grey FA; 1323 Estone Grey C. Inq.
'Grey' is a famil}" name.
Easton Piercy NW of Chipj)enham.
1086 Estone DB 70 b; Estone ib. 73 a (possibl}^; 1^-^57
Eston C. Inq.
'Piercy' is certainly an AN family name, the same as
'Piers', 'Pierce' (see Bardsley).
Eastridge NE of Eamsbury.
1221 Estrigg Pat. E; 1316 de Estrygge FA; 1438 Estrygh
Cat. A. D.
OF ''■'east-hryc^; kryc^ = 'ridge' (of a down).
1 1
Eastrop near Highwortli.
Hen. Ill or Edw. I Esthrop Br. Mus. ; Edw. I in Estthropii
Rot. H: 1328 Estthrop Br. Mus.; 1333 Estrop C. Jnq.: 1335
Estthorp Cal. Inq.; 1336 Hcsthorp Rot. Orig.; 1Sd2 Esfhorp
Phillipps' fines; 1402 Esthropp FA.
OE '^east-porp{-])rop) = 'farni , 'hamlet', throp > trap is
due to AN influence: see Zachrisson § 2. Cf. Westrop,
Ebbesborne Wake on the r. Ebble near Alvediston.
about 670 {^)07iYhhles human, "^on Ebhleshurnan CS no. 27;
826 l/o cbles human ib. no. 391; 902 •\(Ef Lhleshurnan ib.
no. 599 (prob. identi(3al): 905 "fori Ehlcs human ib. no. 690;
909 \m Ehles human ib. nos. 620, 621 (prob. identical): 948
\in Ehles human ib. no. 862; {^)on Yhlcshurnan {^Ehleshurnan)
ib. no. 863; 955 ^of ehheles human ib. no. 917; 956 ^fo
Ehhshurnan ib. no. 962 (prob. identical); 957 ^cet Ehles-
hurnan ib. no. 1004 (prob. identical); 961 -^(Et Eblesburnan
ib. no. 1071 (prob. identical); 986 -\asf Ehleshurnan CD no.
655; about 995 ■\a't Ehheleshurnan ib. no. 1290; 997 "^on
Ehleshurnan ib. no. 698; 1086 Ehleshorne DB; 1184 Ehlehurn
Pipe E; 1205 Ehleshume Cal. Rot. Ch.; 1222 Ehelehom
Osmund; 1224 Elehurne Walce Macray (corrupt); 1243
Ehlehurne Pat. R; 1250 Ewelburn, Evelhuru R. fin. exc;
c. 1260 Eheleshurne-waJce Macrav: 1270 Ehheleshum WaJc
C. Inq.; Edw. I Eivleshurnc WaJce Rot. H; early 14th cent.
Ehheshurn TN; 1345 EhhleshomeswaJce CI. R; 1402, 1428
Ehleshourue {Walce)\ 1428 Ehheshorn FA.
Originally "^wt Yb{h)eles hurne (human), viz. the affluent
of the East Avon which is now called 'the Ebble' ^ '^'Yh(b)el
is a diminutive form of the common OE p. n. Uh{h)a [also
occurring in Upton (Lovel): see below]. The development of
the initial y into e cannot possibly be regular, because OE
'festes' 2/ develops into i in the Wilts, dialects. The e in the
^ This is evidently a back-formation from the original name.
j)resent name must therefore be due to the influence of
some special name or word, possibly that of the Continental
p. n. Ehulo (see Forssner, p. 62), or perhaps rather of the
subst. ebh. Cf. Nettleton < '^Nytfelan {Nyttelinga) tiln, in all
probability from association with the subst. nettle (see below).
V, w in some of the ME forms is a mistake for b, t)h.
The manor was in possession of the famil^^ of 'Wake' in
the 13th and 14th cent. For this name see Bardsley.
Edington ENE of Westbury.
[878] to Epan dune AS Chr. [A] (prob. identical); 880—85
cet Edandune, "fde Ethandtune CS no. 553 (prob. ident.);
957 Edandun ib. nos. 999, 1347 (prob. ident.); 968 Edyndoyi
ib. no. 1215: 1086 in Edendone (twice) DB; c. 1290 de
Edyngdonc, Edinton T. Eccl.; 1354 Edyngdon CI. E.; 1428
Edyngdon FA; \ ^^2 Edyngdon ^i\lsi\x^.\ 1485, 14:9Q Edyng-
don C. Inq.
This place has been claimed as the scene of King Alfred's
victory over the Danes in 878, on account of the ancient
camp in the neighbourhood (at Bratton Castle). Among
those Avho maintain this theory is Stevenson (Asser's Life
of King Alfred, p. 273), where he also calls attention
to the probability that Edand/un{e) CS nos. 553, 999, 1347
is the same place. Edan may represent the gen. of a p. n.
'■'Eda of unknown origin. For the change of d > d see
Zachrisson, p. 97. The termination was originally diln.
Eisey [aisi] near Cricklade.
775 — 778 "fE.^eg, ('})Esig CS no. 226 (prob. identical); 855 (et
■\Esege ib. no. 487 (prob. identical); 1086 Aisi DB; 1428
Eysy FA; 1540 Eysy Br. Mus.
The termination was certainly OE le^ (= marshy land),
the hamlet being situated on low ground near the Thames.
For the etymolog}^ of the first element, it is impossible to make
an\^ suggestion from the evidence of the old forms which
have been found. The modern pronunciation must be due
to the influence of Isis, the name of the branch of the
Thames that passes here,
Elcombe SW of Swindon.
1086 Elecome DB; 1167 Ellecuha Pipe R: 1179 Helleciimha
ib. (prob. identical); 1250 Ellecumh Ch. R; 1268 of Ellecumhe
ib.; 1286 Elecumhe C. Inq.; 1316 de Elecombc FA; 1428
in Elcombe ib.
Probably from '-'Elian cumb: Ella is most probably a
variant of uElla, both being shortened forms of p. ns
beginning with JEI-, El- {< JEdel-, Edel-y, see Mtiller, p. 45.
For the absence of b in the DB form see Stolze § 34.
Elcot near Marlborough.
1402 in Elcote Cal. inq. da.; 1412 Elcof ib.
The ME forms quoted are obviousl}^ insufficient to explain
the first element. It may, however, perhaps have contained
the p. n. Ella, like Elcombe.
Elston on Salisbury Plain SE of Tilshead.
1298 Winterborne Elston Cal. Inq.; 1316 Elision FA; 1378
Eleston Cal. Inq.; 1383-84 Elision Br. Mus.; 1428 Elyston FA.
Jones, p. 227. states as his opinion that this place was
included in the 'two knights' fees', held, according to TN
142, at Orcheston bv Elya(s) Giffard. If this was the case,
it is most likely that the place is named after him. The
distinctive name refers to the stream on which the place
is situated (see Winterbourne Stoke, below).
Enford N of Amesbury.
934 Eneclford, to Enedforda CS nos. 705, 706: 1086 Ened-
forde DB; 1222 de Ejieford ^.h. CI; 1267 Encford Islacraj ;
1284 Enesford Ch. R; 1285, 1290 Eneford ib.; early 14th
cent. Enetford TN: 1316 dc Eneforde FA; 1333 Enedford
Phillipps' fines; c. 1350 Eneford, Endford Br. Mus.; 137 d End-
ford Phillipps' fines; 1494 Enford C. Inq.; 1540 Endeford
'The ford of the ducks'.
Erchfont see Urchfont.
Eriesloke see Earl Stoke.
Etchilhampton [locally called 'Ashelton"] ESE of Devizes.
1194 Echehamt, de Ehelhatoh Eot. Cur.; 1227 Hechelhamf
CI. R; 1279 Echelhampton C. Inq.; 1288 Hichilhampton
Dugdale; 1316 Echelhampton FA; 1321 Echelhamton, Hechel-
amton C. Inq.; 1349 Ethelhampton Cal. Inq.; 1464 £'cM-
hampton vel Etlielliampton ib.
Originally *Eccela7i tun or possibly ^'•Eccelan hdm-tmi; for
the former derivation cf. Beckhampton. ^Eccela may be consi-
dered as a diminutive, probably of Ecca [for this p. n. see
Miiller, p. 52]. [The corresponding dim. of Acca would
more probably have been ''-''jEccela; cf. jEcci.] EtJiel- for
Eckel- may be due to the common orthographic confusion
between c and t (see under Dauntsey). The transition of
// > / in the modern pronunciation is explained by Zachris-
son, p. 158 f., as an assimilatory process, which may easily
have taken place when tf was followed by a consonant;
cf. Wishford, below. For the initial h see under Avon.
Note. If Ecesatingelone in DB 69 b, 70 a, 74 a. is identical with
this place, as Jones maintains, p. 213. the form in question must
be corrupt.
Everley NW of Ludgershall.
704 •\Ehurleagh CS no. 108 (possibly identical); 1172 Eueiiai
Pipe 11; 1265 Eim-le Pat. II: c. 1290 Evcrle T. EccL; 1296
Evereley Cal. Inq.; 1316, 1428 Everlc FA.
Originally ''^cet Eoforan {Eoforesl ^) Ica^e, '■'Eofora being a
^ This form is, however, less probable on account of the total
absence of any trace of the strong gon. ending in the old forms.
That the first element would denote Svild boar^ (OE eofor) seems
quite excluded.
shortened form of such names as Eoforhwcet, Eofiiruulf,
etc. Ebur- in the CS form is a latinization of eofor.
Farleigh Wick or Farleywick NW of Bradford.
1393 Farleghivijhe Cat. A. D.; 1396 Farlewyl Cal. Inq.
Originally this place was certainly called simply '^lulc,
for which see Berwick B. Because of its proximity to
[Monkton] Farleigh it was later called Farleigh Wick; cf.
Bremhill Wick, Haydon Wick.
Farley E of Salisbury.
1086 Farlege DB 73 c (identical according to Jones); 1109
—20 Fernelega Osmund; 1215—20 Ferlega ib.; 1227 de
Farleye Macray ; 1241 Farle Ch. R; c. 1244 in Farlege Macray ;
1287 Farnle C. Inq.; 1329 Farlegh ib.
From an original "^cet [p<^m, p<^re] fearn-lea^e. OE fearn
(= fern) is a common element in English pi. ns.
Faulstone {folsfnl SW of Salisbury.
Edw. I in Fallerstone Rot. H; 1328 Fallardeston(e) C. Inq.;
1376 Fallardeston R. Pat.; 1421 Fallerdeston Cal. Inq.
The p. n. {*)FaUard (*FaUerd), which is contained in
this pi. n., seems to be introduced from France (on account
of its first member, which can hardly be Germanic). Curi-
ously enough, it has not been possible to find this p. n.
in its independent form.
The termination corresponds to OE tUn.
Fifield [faifi(j)ld] near Enford.
1086 Fifhide DB 65 c; 1285 Fifide Ch. R; Edw. I Fifhide
Epi Rot. H; 1494 Fyffhijde C. Inq. [prob. identical].
Originally */!/* Mda. A "hid' (earlier hl^id) was in OE
times a measure of land, *^primarily the amount adequate
for the support of one family with its dependants; at an
early period defined as being as much land as could be
6 E. Ekblom
tilled with one plough in a year^; NED. The cognate OE
hhvisc is synonymous in meaning. When hid (Mda) occurs
as a second element in pi. ns, it has as a rule not preserved
its form unchanged in the modern name. Cf. Tilshead,
Tinhead, below. The distinctive 'Ep[iscop]i' of the Rot. H
form refers to the Bishop of Winchester, who is mentioned
as the chief tenant here in DB.
Fifield Bavant W of Broad Chalk.
1086 Fifhide DB 70 c [identical according to Jones]; c. 1200
Fifhide Osmund; 1267 Fiffide Escndemoi- Ch. E; ISIG
Fifhide FA; 1335 Fifide C. Inq.; 1428 Fiffj/de, FtjfftdeFA.
See preceding name. The distinctive names are family
names: 'Bavant^ is French, 'Escudemor^ [a Norman rendering
of ^Scudamor(ey] is stated by Bardsley to be native,
. Figheldean [faialdi{j)n] N of Amesbury.
1086 Fisgledene DB (partlj^ corrupt); c. 1115 Ficheldenc,
FiJceldena Osmund; 1157 F f/Jceldene Macra,y; 1222 Fichelden
Osmund; 1226 Fighelden, Fichelden Phillipps' ped. fin.;
1227 FiJcelden Ch. R; 1229 Fighelden Pat. R; 1246 Fichelton
Ch. R; 1252 Filelden ib.; Hen. Ill Ficledene C. Inq.; 1267
Fyheldene, Fycheldene Macray; 1285 Fyhelden C. Inq.;
c. 1290 Figheldon, Figheldene T. Eccl.; 1310 Fighilden Ch.
R; 1316 Fyghelden FA; 1320 Fygheldene C. Inq.; 1324
Fyzelden FA; 1428 Fyghelden ib.
Apparently from an original '-^Fy^elan dene (denu), '^'Fygela
being probably a diminutive of Fu^, occurring as the name
of a witness in CS no. 91, or of ^'Fu^a, its w^eak equivalent,
which seems to be contained in the local {on) Fu^an biorge
CS no. 598.
-ch- is nothing but an AN spelling, probably due to some
miscomprehension of the fricative [gh], and the fact that
ch in early ME records has the double value of tf and Jc
in this position accounts for the ^-spellings also in the
present case, z for g in one of the FA forms is due to
the orthographic similarity between these letters in the
mss. Figliel- in the mod. name is an archaic spelling.
Fisherton Anger in the borough of Salisbury.
1086 Fiscartone DB (prob. identical); c. 1138 de Fissertone
Osmund (or = F. Delamere); 1232 Fisherton Ch. B (or =
F. Delamere); 1272 Fisserton C. Inq. ; 1279 Fisshelfon ib. ;
1285 Fissereton ib. ; 1308 Fiserton, Fyssehertone ib.; 1309
Fysscherton, Fysherstone ib. ; 1440 FissJierton AucJier Br.
Mus. ; 1487 Fisherton Aucher C. Inq.
From "^fiscera tun. sh in Fisherton, if not a mere spelling
for sh (see under Steeple Ashton), is due to a native form
with X, hs (see Bjorkman, Loanwords, p. 137) I for r in
Fisshelton may be a substitution due to OFrench soundlaws
(see Zachrisson, p. 142 ff.).
""Anger^ seems to be a corruption of 'Auchei' (^Auger^), an
AN family which has been in procession of the manor here
(see TN pp. 140, 156).
Fisherton Delamere on the r. Wiley.
1086 Fisertone DB; Edw. I in Fishertone Eot. H; c. 1290
de Fissertone T. Eccl. ; 1318 Fissherton C. Inq.; 1324 i'm-
cherton ib. ; 1491 Fissherton Dalamare ib.
See preceding name. *^Delamere' is an AN family name.
Fittleton SSE of Enford.
1086 Viteletone DB; 1219 in Feteltoh E. fin. exc. ; 1252
Fitelton Ch. R; 1275 Fitelton C. Inq.; 1279 Fhytelton ib. ;
1284 Fytelton, Fetelton ib.; 1300 Fiteleton Cal. Inq.; 1302
Fitilton CI. R; 1316 Fydelton FA; 1330 Fidelton C. Inq.;
1464 Fetelton Cal. Inq.
Originally "^Fitelan tiin, Fitela being a p. n. occurring in
Beowulf and also in the local fitelan sladces crundcel CS
no. 705 (A. D. 934), which place was evidenily situated in
the immediate neighbourhood of Fittleton. Its strong
equivalent Fitel is on record in DB, Ellis, Intr. II p. Ill,
also rendered as Vitel ib., p. 249, the latter being the name
of the tenant of the present place and of Fisterherie (Fos-
bury?) in the time of Edw. the Confessor^. For further in-
formation on this p. n. see Binz, p. 191 f. As to e for i
in some of the ME forms see Biddestone. For the inter-
change between intervocalic d and t in pi. ns see Zachris-
son, Stud, i mod. sprakvet. V, p. 8 f.
Flamston SW of Wilton.
Edw. I in Flamherstone Rot. H; 1354 Flamhardeston Phil-
lipps' fines; 1428 Flaniberdeston FA; 1440 J^Iamherdeston
Br. Mus. ; 1625 Flamston Br. Mus.
Flamhard is a p. n. of Continental provenience; see Forss-
ner, p. 89.
Fonthill Bishop E of Hindon.
Fonthill Qifford SE of Hindon.
900 {•\)Fimteal {■\)FuntgeaU CS no. 590; 901—924 {^)Fun-
tial ib. no. 591; Eadgar {■\)Funteal CD no. 610 (possibly
identical); 984 {■\)funtal CD no. 641; 1086 Fontel DB 65 c
(= F. Bishop); Fontel ib. 72 c (= F. Gilford); 1199 in Fun-
tell Eot. Cur.; 1243 Funtell Pat. R; 1257 Funtel Ch. R;
1284 Funtele ib. ; c. 1290 Fontel [Giffard] Br. Mus.; Fontel
Epi T. EccL; 1316 Fountell Qifford FA; 1402, 1428 Fim-
tel(l) Episcopi ib. ; 1428 Funtell Giffard ib.
The first element may have been OE font, '-'fiint (= foun-
tain, well), but the second part of the name (which shows
a great similarity to that of Cke^^hiU) it seems impossible
to identify. Moreover, the forms quoted from CS and CD
are not much to base a theorj^ upon, as the charters in
^ That this Vitel should have given the place its name, as
is supposed by Jones, p. 238, is, however, by no means certain,
as the local fitelan sladces crundcel, quoted above, proves that
a person called Fitela lived here more than a cent, before the
time of Edw. the Conf.
which they occur are obviously ME falsifications. It is
quite clear, however, that -hill in the modern name (just
as in the case of Bremhill and CherJiill) is a late develop-
ment, due to popular etymology (referring to the hill close
to Fonthill Gifford on which stands the sole relic of the
old Fonthill abbey).
The distinctive 'Bishop' refers to the Bishop of Winchester,
who obtained lands here in 900 (OS 590). 'Giffard' is an
AN family name. In DB Berenger Gifard is mentioned as
chief tenant at Fontel.
Fosbury S of Shalbourne.
1086 Fostesherge DB; Fistesherie ib. [prob. identical but
corrupt]; 1199 Forsteshia Kot. Ch.; 1230 — 40 Forstebery,
Forstehere Macray; 1270 Forsteshijria Ch. E-; 1281 Forstes-
heria Br. Mus.; 1308 Forstehury, Westeforstehury C. Inq.;
1332 Westforstebiiriih.; 1428 Fostebury FA; 148Q Fostebiiry
C Inq.
From an original '-^cet Forstan byrig (with an early sub-
stitution of strong for weak gen. ending), "^Forsta being,
no doubt, a pet-formation of some p. n. beginning with
Forst-. Although no such names can be traced, there is
little doubt that one or more of them may have existed.
Whether Frostulf, found on a coin of the time of ^thelred II,
is native or not, it is impossible to decide. Bjorkman,
Pers. I, p. 44, gives this name as probably Scand., on
account of the first member being Frost- and not Forst-.
It is to be noticed, however, that there existed also a native
OE frost as a variant of forst (although the latter is the
more common). As far as the present pi. n. is concerned,
it can hardly contain the Scand. p. n. (if this really existed),
as all the ME forms have Forst-,
Fovant [fovdfit] ESS of Hindon.
901 ■fFobbanfuntan, -fFobbefunte OS no. 588; 9M po Fobbe-
funten, '\cet Fobbafuntan CD no. 687; 1086 Febefonte DB
(partly corrupt); 1194 de Fohhefone liot. Cur.; 1267 de
Fofunte Macray; 1280 in Fovunte CI. R; Edw. I de Fofunte
Rot H; c. 1290 de Foffimte T. EccL; 1316 de Fovente FA;
1329 Foffonte C. Inq.; 1428 Fovent FA.
Originally *Fohban font (funt) [^'cet Fobhan fontiim {fun-
tum)}. OE font (*fimt) = 'fountain', 'welF. The first element
is certainly a weak p. n. '^'Fohhct, occurring also in Fobhan
tvylle in south Wilts., mentioned among the boundaries of
Duntim (= Downton) in CS nos. 27, 391, 690, 863. and
CD no. 698. Note also the local Fobbing, Sussex (1320
Fobhingge C. Inq., Fobbing TN, Edw. Ill Fobhynge Nl) and
also Fobing (Beds.) Pipe R. A. D. 1164, which evidently
consist of the patronymic of the same p. n.
The development into Fovant is clear. Tiie contraction
by which b was lost seems to have taken place in the 13th
cent.; as an immediate result of this contraction, the medial
/' become voiced. Later on the last syllable was weakened.
The OE forms in -funtan, -funten probabh' represent the
OE dat. plur.
Foxham NE of Chippenham.
1065 Foxham CD no. 817; 1219 Foxam, Foxham Macray;
1496 Foxham C. Inq.
OE '^foxia) ham. Alexander's suggestion that Foxcott,
Oxfs. may have meant 'a cot Avhose owner trapped foxes'
seems very plausible, and the same explanation may be
offered for the present name as well.
Foxley SW of Malmesbury.
1086 Foxelege DB; 1227 Foxlegh Gh. R; c. 1290 Foxle T.
EccL; 1428 Foxele FA.
Originally '-^a't fox{a) lea^e.
Fresdon [frezd'n] E of Highworth.
1262 Fersedon C. Inq.; 1307 Fershesdon ib.; 1335 Freshe-
don Phillipps' fines; 1343 Freshesden ib.; 1359 Fershesdon-
ib.; 1360 Fersehedon Cal. Inq.; 1376 Fressheton CI. 11.
The most plausible origin of this name that can be given
is *fyrs-dmi [OE fyrs = furze]. If this is correct, it appears,
however, that the first element has been confused with the
ME adj. fe7's{c)h, fres{c^h [NE 'fresh'] \ in which case the
e-vowel in the modern form is also to be regarded as a
result of this confusion. The possibility of OE fersc having
formed part of the original name seems quite excluded.
Froxfield W of Hungerford (Berks.).
803—805 -^Forscan feld OS no. 824; 1303 Froxfeid Ch. R;
early 14th cent, ill FrockesfekV TN; 1428 Froxfeid, Froxe-
feld FA.
Originally ''''froxa (for sea) feld [OE frox, forsc = 'frog'].
For scan in the quoted OE form is certainly a mistake for
Forsc(a), due to the influence of the preceding Mildanhald
in the OE charter. Cf. cet Froxa felda OS no. 1174.
Fugglestone St. Peter \faidst'yi\ near Wilton.
1208 de Fuglestoh Rot. Ch. ; 1280 Foleston, Fuleston, Foleton
01. R; c. 1290 de Foghelestone T. EccL; 1296 Fouleston
Pat. R; 1376 Foiigheleston Gal. Inq.; 1428 FoghelestonFA;
1453 Foivleston Gal. Inq.; 1540 Foideston Dugdale.
This name is to be derived from ''-'Fu^ules tun, Fugul
here being certainly the p. n. recorded in LVD; see
Miiller, p. 40 f. The modern spelling is obviously archaic,
but the pronunciation shows regular development. Gf.
Eoulston, W. R. of Yorks, Moorman, p. 75. 'St. Peter is
the name of a church.
[Furzley SE of Downton.
This name is inserted only because of Kemble's identi-
fication of ■\fyrslege GD no. 774, -fFuresleage no. 1052, and
^ The fact that s and s(c)h (sc) were not kept apart in AN
orthography makes it easy to understand how a confusion of
this kind might take place.
Fyrsleage nos. 1117, 1140 with this place; there seems,
however, to be no reason for this statement, if we examine
the charters in question. The modern form, however, in-
dicates an original "^cet fyrs-lea^e (OE fyrs = furze).]
Fyfield [faifi(j)ld] W of Marlborough.
c. 1290 Fifhide T. EccL; 1300 Fyfhide Ch. E (prob. iden-
tical): 1428 Fyfyde FA; 1559 Fyfelde Br. Mus.
See Fifield, above.
Garsdon E of Malmesbury.
701 ■\Gersdune CD no. 48; 1086 Gardone DB; c. 1291 Geres-
don, Geresindon T. Eccl. (prob. identical); early 14th cent.
Gareston TN; 1428 Garesden FA; (n. d.) de Garesdone, de la
Garstone Eeg. Malm.
Apparently from OE '-'■'gcers-{grces-)dun [gcers, grces = grass].
For the loss of the final .s* in the first element of the DB
form see Gorton, above. The intrusive -in {-ing) in one of
the T. Eccl. forms, a not uncommon phenomenon in Engl,
pi. nomenclature, is due to the influence of pi. ns in which
the first element is a patronymic [cf. e. g. Sherrington <
OE *scearn-tiln, below].
Gastard 8W of Chippenham.
1167 Gatestert{a) Pipe R; 1112 de Gatesterd ihr, 1177, 1178
Gateherst (twice) ib.; 1179, 1184 Gatestert ib.; 1230, 1233
Gatestert Ch. E,.
In all probability from an original '^gdt{a)-hyrst [OE gat =
shegoat; hyrst = hurst, grove]. The first stage in the develop-
ment of this name seems to have been early ME ^Gateshijrst
(through insertion of an unetymological .9 in the composi-
tion-joint). After syncope of the medial e in this form,
metathesis of t and s has taken place, the immediate result
of whicli was '''Gasterst (the second element weakened) and
then '"^Gastert (the loss of s being due to dissimilation with
the preceding st). '^Gastert has then given mod, Gastard
by further weakening of the second syllable. ME Gatestert
must be explained as a contamination of the ME variants
*Gates-herst and ^Ga-stert\ (cf. Bincknoll, above).
Goatacre SW of Wootton Bassett.
1348 Gatacre Cal. Inq. ; 1408 Gotagre ib. (both prob. iden-
This name corresponds to OE "^'gat-cecer, the sense of which
is obvious.
Gomeldon SE of Amesbury.
Edw. I in Gomeledon E,ot. H; 1311 ^e Gomeldone, Gonieledon
C. Inq.; 1326 Gomeldon ib. ; 1658 GumUeton Br. Mus.
The first element obviously contains the p. n. Gamal,
Gamel, or perhaps rather its weak form "'Gamela (found in
the latinized form Gamelo) ^ The p. n. is of Scand. origin ;
see Bjorkman, Pers. I, p. 45 f. The termination was OE
dun. For the inorganic h in the Br. Mus. form see Horn
§ 158, 2.
Gore NW of Tilshead.
1086 Gave DB; Edw. I Gares Rot. H; 1369 La Gore
Cal. Inq.
OE gar. This name refers to one of those ridges of the
downs which extend in parallel lines here and have much
the same shape as spears.
Grafton, East and West near Burbage.
1086 Graftone DB; in Gj-astmie (three times) ib.; 1130
Graftona H. Pipe R; 1222 Graftuh R. L. 01. ; 1225 Grafton
Pat. R; 1230—40 de Graftone Macray; 1308 Westgraftone
0. Inq.; 1324 Graffton FA.
^ The OE (poetical) adj. gamel, gamol can naturally not come
into consideration here (cf. Aldbourne).
Either from OE '•^graf-tun {graf = grove) or from '^grcef-tun
{grwf = grave, trench), the latter alternative being, however,
not quite so probable on account of the rocky nature of
the soil. The common orthographic confusion between /
and s is due to the similarity of these letters.
Greenhill near Wootton Bassett.
1408 Gre7iehuU Cal. Inq.
No comments necessary.
Grims Ditch ancient earthwork near Salisbury.
956 grimes die CS nos. 934, 985; 1045 Grimes die CD no.
778; 1887 de Orymesdiche Cal. Inq.
Grim is a p. n. of Scand. origin; see Bjorkman, Pers. 1,
p. 50. Cf. Grims Dijke, Oxfs. (also called ^Devil's Dyke*),
which has obviously the same origin {Dyke representing
the OE dat. form); see Alexander, PI. Ns of Oxfs., p. 117 ^
Grimstead, East and West SE of Salisbury.
1086 Gremestede DB; Gramestede (twice) ib. [prob. identical];
1160 Grenested Pipe li; 1162 Gremesteda ib.; 1167 Grenesteda
ib.; 1200 Gr im estude H. Ohlsit.; 1227 GrymstedM3iCY3,j: 1248
Grimisted, de Grimstede ib.; 1245 de Grymstede ib.; 1258
de Grimmested' R. fin. exc. ; 1269 Estgremsted C. Inq. :
1281 Est Grymstede ib.; 1287 Grimsted, Grymesteden, West-
grymstedeii, Estgrymstede ib.; 13th cent, de Grenestede, Gnm-
stede, Grinestede hiher Yuh.; 1314: Istgrimstede C. Inq. ; 1402
de W estgrymstede FA.
^ The suggestion that Grims Vitch (Dyke) might contain OE
grtma (*^spectre^), the name consequently being equivalent to
'witches' work^ (see Gruest, p. 149, and Alexander, loc. cit.), seems
most improbable. The alternative 'Devil's^ (Dyke), which has
suggested this explanation, may be due simply to old traditions
about the origin of the earthwork in question. The explanation
of the element Grim- offered b}^ Guest, p. 150 f., seems too
improbable to be discussed.
Originally '^'Grimes stede [OE stede = place]. For Grim
see preceding name. Gren- (Grin-) for Grim- in some of the
ME forms must be a pure mistake, perhaps due to associa-
tion with the two Grinsteads in Sussex, for which see
Koberts, PI. Ns of Sussex, p. 74. For e as representing
OE i in DB see Stolze § 9. a in Gramstede DB and the
final -n in two of the C. Inq. forms are clearly errors.
Qrittenham W of Wootton Bassett.
850 -\ad GruteJiam[es suth hele] OS no. 458 [prob. identical] ^;
1065 •\Grutenham CD no. 817; c. 1290 Gretenhm T. Eccl.;
[n. d.] Grutenham, Gruteham, Grucenham Heg. Malm.
The origin of this name is not clear. If, however, the
first element represents a p. n., this was probably the
same as is contained in Gi^ittleton; see below. The termina-
tion seems to have been OE ham.
Grittleton NW of Chippenham.
940 -^at Grutelingtone CS no. 750; 1086 Gretelmtone DB;
1216 Gretelintoii R. L. CI.; Hen. Ill Greteling{e)ton Abbr.
Plac; 1324 Gritelyngton FA; 1330 Gritehjiigton Ch. E:
1337 Gruttelyngton V\\i\\\\)])^' fines; 1338 Grutelijngfon CI. R;
Edw. Ill Grutlyngtonl^l\ 1428 Gretelyngton, GrythyngtonYK.
The first element obviously contains the patronymic of
a diminutive p. n. No suitable p. n. is, however, on record;
[the Scand. Gyrd (for which see Bjorkman, Pers. I) can
hardly come into consideration, as the old forms of the
pi. n. have in every case r followed by the vowel].
We may therefore be allowed to construct a p. n. '^'Grut(a)
or '^Gryt{a), which may be concealed in this pi. n. Grittleton
may thus be derived from ''^Grytelinga tun. Cf. '\{on)Gretindune
CD no. 730, which seems to contain the same p. n. On
the ME forms with e for i (y) in the first sj'llable see under
^ The corresponding charter in CD has Grete- instead of
Groundwell N of Swindon.
1086 Cirendewelle DB; early 14tli cent. Grundeivell, Grun-
dewlle TN; 1329 Grimdeswell C. Inq.; 14:28 Grundeivell ¥A.
The termination is WS iviell(e), wijll{e). For the first ele-
ment, it is, no doubt, the same as that which occurs in (ow)
grinde ivylles lace CS no. 1093, grindan hroc ib. no. 544,
and -fgrynden broJc ib. no. 1187 (the tw^o latter representing
one and the same brook in Hants.). The most probable
explanation of the element in question is to assume, w^ith
Middendorff p. 61, an OE ''"grmde f. (or *grmda m.?) = 'gravel',
'shingle', cognate with grindan, on the ground of Frisian
grind, grint (Middle Fris. grinde, grint)^. The development
into mod. Ground- is to be explained as due to popular
etymology, caused by the AN spelling Grand- (u repre-
senting an older y). Gi. Roundway, below, the development
of which seems to be quite analogous. For the e in the
DB form see Stolze, p. 17.
Groveley (Wood) NW of Wilton.
940 -fgrafan lea CS no. 757; 1086 (foresta de) Gravelinges
DB; 1160 Graueling Pipe E; 1161 Grauel ih.; 1167 Grauelea
ib.; 1178? Graueling Br. Mus.; 1199 Graveling Eot. Ch.;
1222 Graveling Pat. E; 1229 Gravening CI. R; 1270 Grave-
ling Ch. E; 1280 Gravelinges C. Inq.; 1282 Gravelingges
ib.; 1283 Groveley ib.; 1288 Gravele ib.; 1289 GraveUnge
ib.; 13th cent, de Gi^aveninge hihev mh.; ISIQ Grovle Gl.lR.:
1319 Graveley C. Inq.; 1341 Grovle Cal. Inq.; 1402 Grovc-
legh FA.
The CS form above does not allow us to assume OE
graf (= 'grove') as the first element of the original name.
But the name is easily accounted for, if we assume an
original "^'grcefan leak fcef grcefan leage), the first element
^ related by gradation to Scand. and German, grand (of the
same meaning).
being the gen. sing, of OE "^gr^fa (or ^gr^fei.'^) =' brushwood*
(onty recorded in oblique cases). This word, which is
cognate with OE graf (NE 'grove'), exists at the present
day as greave in the dialects; see NED, EDD, and Crawf.
Ch. p. 61 f. The OE form assumed could certainly not
have given Oroveley by regular development, but what is
more natural than a confusion in ME of the genuine first
element and graf, which had much the same meaning?
grafan in the CS form is therefore to be considered as a
ME falsification of the OE form. PI. ns which seem to
contain the same first element are Graveney, Kent, occur-
ring as "f Grafan ma {^Grafon cea) in several OE charters,
and Gravenhurst, Beds., found as Gravenhurst Liber rub.,
Gravenhurste Cal. Inq. (this explanation of the latter name
being more likely than the one given by Skeat, PI. Ns of
Beds. p. 33).
The form Gravelmg(es), which in the ME period seems
to have been in frequent use beside the genuine name, must
be due to the influence of Gravelines, the French (Flemish)
seaport on the Channel (occurring in 1229 as Graveling
CI. E/, 1241 Graveninges, Graveling' ib.). For the transition
of -ling > -ning see Zachrisson, p. 140.
Hacklestone SSE of Enford.
1286 Aclestou CI. R; 1367 HacJcelston Cal. Inq.; 1403
HaJcleston Phillipps' fines; 1490 Hacleston C. Inq.
Originally '-'Hacceles (Hceecelesl) tun, or perhaps *Acceles
tun, the first element being a diminutive formation of the
p. n. Hacca, or Acca. The alternative '-^Acceles tun has
been suggested for two reasons: 1) the fact that initial
A is a rather unstable sound in the dialect of this district,
2) the adjoining Haxton (see below), which may have
influenced the present name.
Ham S of Hungerford (Berks.).
93L cdt Hamme, ■\of Hame CS nos. 677, 678; 1086 Rame
DB; 1284, 1300 Hammc Cb. 1^; 1316, 1428 de Hammr
OE ham{m) {= 'enclosed meadow'); see under Bremilham.
Hamptworth ESE of Downton.
1269 Hampteivorthe C. Inq. ; 1281 Ham/pteivorth ib. ; 1428
Hampteiuorth FA.
Probably from "^'ham-weorp, wbich may have meant muck
the same as hmi-stede, ham-tun, viz. 'homestead'. An original
^cet (pmn) hean tveorde is excluded in the present case be-
cause of the low situation of the place. Cf. Bathampton.
The intrusive -pt- must be due to the influence of the
common Hampton.
Hanging Langford NW of Wilton.
1337 Honyngelangeford Rot. Orig. ; 1428 Hangijng Langeford
FA; c. 1540 Hanging Langforde Leland.
The distinctive 'Hanging' refers to the situation of the
place on a steep hill-side (below Grovely AYood); cf. Hang-
indehluntesdon TN (see Blunsdon). One of the Langefords in
DB may also refer to this place, according to Jones that
on fol. 68 d.
For further information see Steeple Langford.
Hankerton NE of Malmesbury.
680 -^de Hanehjntone CS no. 59 A; 901 '\Hanekijntone
{^Hanecintun) ib. no. 589; 1065 -^Honehynton CD no. 817;
1222 Hanekinton Macray; c. 1290 HaneJcenton T. Eccl. ;
Edw. Ill de HaneJcyngtone NX; 1367 HanJcynton CI. R;
1428 Hanketon FA; 1491 HanJcerton C. Inq.; 1540 Hankenton
Originally '■Hanecan (Hanecingal) tun, '"^Haneca being a
diminutive of Hana, a p. n. which occurs on a coin of
King Eadmund I, and also in the local hanan ivelle CS no.
588. The present diminutive is on record in Hanecan
hamme CS nos. 821, 822, and another dim. form of the
same name is Honoc in LVD; see Mliller, p. 73. The late
change of n > r seems to be due to dissimilation with the
■n of the first syllable.
Hannington WNW of Highworth.
1086 Hanindone DB; 1226 Hanendon Pat. R; 1273, 1282,
1290 Hanedon C. Inq. ; 1316 Hanyngdon FA; 1324, 1428
Ranyndon ib. ; 1428 Est Hanynton ib.
From '■''Haninga dun; (the place is situated on a down).
For Rana see preceding name.
Hardenhuish [locally called 'Harnisli ] NW of Chippenham.
1086 Hardenehus DB; 1177 Hardehiivis Pipe R; 1257
Herdenehywys C. Inq.; 1290 of Hardene Hyivich ib.; 1301
Hardenhitvish Ch. R; 1310 Hardenhiwisch C. Inq.; 1316 de
Hardnyshe FA; 1428 in Harden Hyivysshe ib. ; 1490 Harden-
hysli C. Inq.
Originally ''^'Heardan (or possibly '^' Hear ding a) hlivisc,
'^'Hearda being a pet-formation of some p. n. beginning
with Heard-. OE huvisc is cognate with h'ld Qii^id) and
was used as a synonym of this word; see Fifield.
Note. Bircli's identification of -fheregeardingc hiioisc CS no-
469 with Hardenhuish, Wilts., cannot possibly be correct, for,
apart from the fact that there is nothing in the charter indicat-
ing this identity, it is to be noticed that even the oldest of
the ME forms have a in the first syllable.
Harnham, East and West adjoining Sahsbur}?-.
G 1115 Harnham Osmund; Hen. Ill Estharnham Br. Mus.;
1272 Harham, Est Harnham, West H. C. Inq.; Harham
Fine R. ; 1273 Harham C. Inq.; 1277 Westharham Fine
R.; c. 1290 Harenh'm T. Eccl.; 1300 Westharnam Pat. R;
1316 West Harneham FA.
This name may represent an original "^Haran ham as
well as ^Odt (pd^m) haran hdme; OE hdr (hdra) certainly
occurs in a number of OE pi. ns (as appears from Kemble's
index); it seems, however, as though some of these pi. ns,
on account of their second element, more probably contained
a p. n. ^Hara, used as a nick-name (= 'the grey one^) ; such
names are e. g. haran dene CD no. 133 and haran lea ib.
no. 507.
Hartham NW of Corsham.
1086 Heortham (three times), Hertham (three times) DB (all
these manors were probably at Hartham); 1181 Hertham
Pipe E; 1272 Hertham C. Inq. ; Edw. I Hartham Br. Mus.;
1316, 1428 Hertham FA; 1486 Hertham C. Inq.
From Vieor{o)t{a) ham; OE Aeor(o)^ = 'hart^, "stag".
Hatch S of Hindon.
1199 de Hache Eot. Cur.; 1282 in Hacche Ch. E; 1287 de
Hachche C. Inq.; 1316 de Hacche FA; 1325 Weshacch C.
Inq.; 1331 Westhach Phillipps' fines; 1378—84 E. Hatch
Br. Mus.
This name answers to OE hcec(c) = 'hatch^, 'gate', 'wicket'.
Haxton (Down) W of Ludgershall.
1172 Hakenestan Pipe E; 1212 de HaJcenestoh E. L. CI.;
1239 Haheneston Ch. E; 13th cent. Hacnestone Liber rub.;
1330 Hakenestone C. Inq.; 1365 HaJcenestone Br. Mus.; 1454
Hahjston Cat. A. D. (prob. identical).
The first element contains the Scand. p. n. Hacun, Hacon,
for which see Bjorkman, Pers. I, p. 60. The termination
was probably OE tun.
Haydon NW of Swindon.
c. 1290 de Heydone T. Eccl. ; 1379 Haidon Br. Mus. ; 1428
in Haydone FA.
Undoubtedly from OE '^seo heage dun (the high down).
As to heage for hea see Sievers § 295, note I. Cf. Heywood
and Highway, below.
Note. In this connection attention may be drawn to two
Lanes, pi. ns: Healey and Heywood, which seem unsatisfactorily
accounted for by Wyld. The former of these names seems
to be a regular development from an orig. '^'(Bt (pa^m, p^re)
hean lea^e, in which case its ME forms beginning with Hay-
(quoted in Wyld) are easily explained from hea^an, used as a
variant of hean in the original name. As for Heywood, it is
certainly derived from OE *se heaga ivudu.
Haydon Wick near Haydon.
1299 Haydonwylc Cal. Inq. ; 1394 in Hay clone uijJce Br.
Mrs.; 1428 in HnydonestvyTce FA.
The original name of this place must have been simply
'hvtc, '^cet {pcem) luice, for which see Berwick B. The dis-
tinctive name refers to the neighbourino- Haydon. Cf.
Bremhill Wick, Farleigh Wick.
Hazelbury N of Bradford(-on-Avon).
1001 Ifctt Eeselberi CD no. 706; 1086 (dc) Haseberie DB
(four times, all probably referring to Hazelbury); early
14th cent, in HeseWe TN; 1316 Haselbury FA; 1324
Hasselhury ib.
Originally '^cet [pd;re] hcesel-hyrig. Medial I in pi. ns is
occasionally omitted in DB; see Stolze S 30.
Hazeldon near Tisburv.
Edw. I in Haselden Eot. H; 1378—84 Hazeldon Br. Mus.;
1428 Haselden FA; 1493 Hasilden C. Inq.
Originally ''^hcesel-dun (the place being situated on the
slope of a down).
Heddington N of Devizes.
1086 Edintone DB; 1237 Hedlintim Ch. E (corrupt); 1316
Hedington FA; 1320 Hedynton Pat. E; 1428 Hedyndon,
Edyngton FA.
Most probably from "^Hedinga tUyi, the first element being
a patronymic of '"^Hod, or "^Hoda. This p. n., which is
7 E. Ekblom
found in several OE local names, e. g. Hades ac CS no.
1282, hodan hlcew ib. 899, of hodes hlceive ib. 687, hodes
mcere ib. 1199, hodan mere CD no. 767, is probably the same
as occurs in the mythological [Rohiri] Hood^. Cf. Hodson,
below. For the omission of // see under Avon.
Hewish see Huish.
Heytesbury SE of Warminster.
1086 Hestrehe DB (the termination corrupt); 1109 — 11 Heh-
tredeberia Macray; c. 1115 Hegtredehiri Osmund; 1158 Hec-
tredeMri ib.; 1159 hehtrebia Pipe K; 1165 — 70 de Hegtrede-
herie Osmund; 1179 Hictredeheria Pipe E;; 1183 Hichtredes-
beri, Heichtredeberi ib.; 1194 Hegtretesbuf, de Hettredebrie,
Hectretesbri P-ot. Cur.; c. 1200 de Hechtredeburie Osmund;
King John Hecdredhere Br. Mus.; 1214 Hecthredebif Pot.
Ch.; 1226 HechgtrideUrye Cal. Pot. Ch.; 1227 Heitrebir
CI. P.; 1269 Hegtredeburi C. Inq. ; c. 1290 Heghtredehury
T. EccL; 1324 Hezestrehiuiy), Hegstredehur{y) FA; 1328
Westheghtre{de)bury, Istheghtredehiiry C. Inq.; 1S29 Hextred-
bury R. Pat,; 1383 Heyghtredbury ib.; 1384 Heitredbury
Cal. Rot. Ch.: 1402 Heyghtresbury FA; 1428 Heghtre{de)s-
bury ib.; 1533 Heightredesbury, Heytysbury Br. Mus.; c. 1540
Heitredesbury Leland.
The first element can hardly contain anything but the
Scand. p. n. '^Estrid (occurring in DB as Estred, in
Exon DB as Estrit: see Bjorkman, Pers. I, p. 38). In
connection with the discussion of Brigmerston, attention
has been drawn to the fact that the combination st mav
sometimes be an AN renderintr of OE lit. In the lio^ht of
this, the development of the present name is easily explained
as due to an early substitution of the genuine st in the first
element by ht (glit), by which the first syllable must have
coincided Avith the ME adj. hegh (liey). The few ME forms
^ In some OE pL ns *Hod (^Hoda) may actually refer to this
mythological person himself, as is assumed by Bradley (Academy,
Sept. 15, 1888) and Binz. p. 222, foot-note.
which reflect the original first syllable are, as is seen,
those of DB 1 and FA (A. D. 1324).
The termination answers to OE hyri^.
lieywood N of Westbury.
1224 Heiivode Phillipps' ped. fin.; c. 1460 Heywode Cal. Rot.
Ch.; 1496 Heivode C. Inq.
From an OE ^se liea^a wudu. Cf. Haydon. e for ei in
Heivode may be an AN spelling; see Zachrisson, Stud, i
mod. sprakvet. V, p. 16.
Highway NE of Calne.
1086 Hkvi (prob. identical). Hiivei DB; 1214 hveia E. Oblat.
(latinized); 1219 Hyivey, (^e F^(;e?/e Macray ; 12.20 Hiiveia i^d.\
1232 Hyiueie Ch. E; Edw. I in Hey way e, Hywey Plac. Warr.;
1316 de Hijweye FA.
Originally ''^se hea tveg, or rather "^'cet {pcem) hean we^e.
Unlike Haydon and Heywood, the first element has in this
case been influenced by the independent adj.
1086 de Wide DB; 1091 Wortha Osmund; 1158 Wrda ib.;
1194 de Wurpe Rot. Cur.; 1231 Hey worth CI. R; Hauteivorfh
Pat. R; 1257 Alta W^horth Ch. R; 1262 W{o)rthe C. Inq.;
1276 Worth Br. Mus.; 1289 Hautewrth Pat. R; 1316 de
Heyworthe FA; 1352 Heyyheivorth Phillipps' fines; 1428
Hyworth FA.
The original name was obviously simply *iveorp {ivorp,
tviirp, ivyrp)), for which see Atworth. For d in Wrde,
Wrda see Zachrisson, p. 115 f. In two of the ME forms
the first element has been replaced by the corresponding
French adj. Jiaiit.
^ The initial h is here quite unimportant, h in this position
being a most unstable element in the DB forms; see Stolze § 48.
Hilcott WS\^^ of Pewsej.
1194 in Hulcote Eot. Cur. (prob. identical); 1816. 1428 dc
Hulcote FA.
OE '■'hyU-cot{e), the meaning of which is clear.
Hill Deverill S of Warminster.
1086 Dcvrel DB' [see the foot-note under Brixton D.] ; 1130
—35 Hull Osmund; 1206 Deverhill U. h. CI: 1220 Hidl
Osmund; 1316 de Hidle FA; 1324 Hulledevcrel \h.: c. 1330
in Hulle Dcuerel Br. Mus.; 1428 Hidl FA.
OE hyll. For the distinctive Deverill see Brixton D.
Hilmarton NNE of Calne.
1086 Ad/ielmertone (identical according to Jones), Helmcrin-
tone, in Hehnertune DB; c. 1290 Helmerton T. EccL; 1300
Helmerton Ch. E. ; 1428 Helmerton FA; 1576 Hilmerton
Br. Mus.
From '■'Hehnceres [or possibly '■'Helmceringa] tHu: '•Helmcer
(< ^Helm-mcdre) is not recorded in OE, but occurs in DB as
Helmerus [Ellis, Intr. II, p. 335]. If Jones is correct in his
identification of Adhehnertone [DB 71 d.], which it has been
impossible for me to settle, the initial Ad- must naturally
be the Lat. preposition, which has been taken as belonging
to the name. For the raisini>- of e > i in ME see Mors-
bach § 109.
Hilperton NE of Trowbridge.
1086 Helprintone, in Helperitune, in Helperintone DB; 1205
de Helpringetoh E. Oblat.; 1285 Hiil/prington Cal. Inq. :
1288 Hilprynton Dugdale; c. 1290 de Hulpruggtone T. Eccl. ;
1316 de Hulpryntone FA; 1405 Hulpryngton Br. Mus.;
1415 Hylprington Cal. Inq.; 1423 Hulpcrton ib.; 1428
Hulpurton, Hidprynggton FA.
The original first element is made up of the patronymic
of a p. n. beginning with Help- and with a second member
beginning with r. Helpric is the only p. n. of this kind
which is on record in OE, but the compound '''Helpred may
also have existed (cf . the Continental Hilprad, Helfrat : see
Forstemann, Pers.). Hilperton is therefore to be derived
from '^Helpricinga (or "^'Helpredinga) tmi, the development
being exactly analogous to that of Alderton (NW of Gritt-
leton) and Cholderton (see above).
The w-vowel of the first syllable in some of the ME
forms stands for a secondary ij (< i). [For the change of c > i
see Morsbach § 109.]
Hindon NE of Shaftesbury (Dors.).
1284 Hyneton, Hynedon Ch. E; Edw. I in Hynedon Rot. H;
1332 Hynedon Ch. E; 1401 Ryndon Br. Mus.; \A02 Hyndon.
The etymology of this name is not quite clear. The first
element seems, however, to be the same as in Hinton,
Suffolk (DB Hinetuna), which name is derived by Skeat
from OE "^'hlna tun, lima (fugna) being the gen. of hltvan
(M^cin), a plur. subst. = "^members of a family or household',
'domestics' (cognate with Jii^id, lud).
The original termination was in that case probably tiin^
as dun would hardly give a likely meaning.
Hinton, Great ENE of Trowbridge.
1316 Henton FA; 1485 Henton C. Inq. : 1491 Henton
Br. Mus.
This name is certainly of the same origin as (Broad)
Hinton. It is a small village situated on the edge of a
Hinton, Little E of Swindon.
854 '\Hynyton, ^Hyneton, '(HyHctiinc CS nos. 477, 478;
Hen. Ill de Hyneton Eot. H; 1285 Hyneton Ch. E [prob.
identical]; c. 1290 Hyneton T. Eccl. ; 1300 Hyneton Ch. E;
1316 de Hynetone FA; 1428 Hyneton ib.
Probably from ''■'hrna tun ; see Hindon, above.
Hippenscombe NE of Ludgershall.
1231 HeppingcumV CI. R; 1258 Huppingescumhe C. Inq.;
1291 Hip]^ingescumhe CI. ii; 1382 HuppT/ngescoumbe C.
Inq.; 1371 Ippingescomhe Cal. Inq.; 1411 Huppingeombe
R. Pat.
Originally "^^ Hipping es cumh, IIip)ping being the patronymic
of Heppo i^'Heppal), recorded in DB [Ellis, Intr. I, p. 433],
which Forssner, p. 147, takes to be a Continental-Germanic
name. The t'-vowel in the 1231 form may be due to the
influence of the independent j)- ^- The u in the first
syllable of some forms stand for v/.
Hodson SSE of Swindon.
1222 Hodestoii Phillipps' ped. fin.; 1312 Hodeston Cal. inq.
da.; 1314 Hodeston Pat. E; 1482 Hoddesdon Cal. Inq.;
1495 Hodeston C. Inq.
Originally '^Hodes (Hodanl) tun. For '''Hdd{a) see under
Heddington. The loss of t is due to weakened stress; cf.
Rabson, below, Benson, Chilson, Oxfs. [see Alexander, pp.
51, 75], Winson, Glos. [see Baddele}^, p. 165].
Holt N of Trowbridge.
1252 Holt Ch. R; 1316 de Holte FA.
OE holt = 'wood*, 'copse'.
Homington SW of Salisbury.
956 ■\hu7nming tun CS no. 962 [prob. identical]; 1086 Hu-
mitone DB ; 1130 Humintona H. Pipe R; 1167 Huminton
Pipe R; c. 1194 Himintoii, Hum Iton Macr ay ; i 199 Hiimiton
Feet of fines; 1206 de Huminton R. L. Pat.; 1284 Homijnton
Pat. R; c. 1290 de Hometonc T. Eccl.; Edw. I in Humeton
Rot. H; 1316 Homynton FA.
Originally '■Huminga tun, the patronymic being formed
from '-Huma, no doubt a pet-formation of the OE [). ns
(^')Humbcald or Himbeorht (< Hun- by assimilation of n to
b; for this element see Miiller, p. 114). The occurrence
of -?'- for -ing- is discussed by Zachrisson, Stud, i mod.
sprakvet. Y, p. 11.
Hook [hnk] NNE of Wootton Bassett.
1310 Ic Hoke Cat. A. D.; 1327 Le Houk C. Inq.
From OE hoc, denoting Vomer', 'nook' ^
Horningsham SW of Warminster.
1086 Horningesham, Horningham DB; 1150 — 60, 1224: Hor-
ningesham Osmund; 1237 Hornigesham CI. R; 1316 Hor-
ningesham FA.
Originally '•■Hormnges ham [or possibly ]iam(m)], Horning
being a patronymic of the p. n. Horn.
Horton NE of Devizes.
1203 Horton Cal. Kot. Ch.; 1220 de Hortone Macray [prob.
identical]; 1428 Horton FA.
This name probably represents an OE Vior{u)-tun; OE
'^horn, gen. horives, = 'dirt', 'mud' (not recorded in the nom.
as an independent word). (For the vowel in the composi-
tion-joint see Bergsten, p. 33 f.) The village has a low
situation on one of the head-waters of the East Avon. Cf.
Horton [Kirkhy], Kent, which occurs as ^Horatun (for -^Horu-
tun) in CS no. 538.
Huish or Hewish [huij, juif] SW of Marlborough.
1086 Itvis DB; Hen. Ill Iwys Cinq.; IMd Hytvyssh Clli;
1428 Hmcyssh FA; 1494 Hivijs Cat. A. D.
OE hnvisc, for which see Harden Huish. For the un-
stability of initial // see under Avon.
^ There is certainly no topographical evidence at the present
day to support this meaning, but as the southern border of the
ancient Braden forest extended to this region, it may have
given rise to the name because of its shape at this point.
Hullavington [locally called 'Hnllington] SW of Mal-
1086 Hunlavintone DB; 1170? Huntlavinton Osmund; 1194
Rimdlcmint Rot. Cur.; 1202 Rundlavington Phillipps' ped.
fin.; c. 1290 Hundlavinton T. EccL; early 14tli cent. Unde-
lavinton TN; 1328 Hunlcwintona Ch. E; 1330—35 Hulla-
vington Br. Mus.; 1428 Hundlavyugton FA; Queen Elizabeth
HuUavington, alias Hidlouton Cat. A. D.
Originally ''•'Hunlafinga tun, Hunlaf being a common OE
]). n. In ME, assimilation of n and I has taken place. For
the inorganic d (t) between n and I cf. Horn § 185. Hullo-
iifon (Cat. A. D.) seems to be a corrupt rendering of the
contracted form.
Hurdcott W of Wilton.
1086 Hardicote DB [prob. identical]; 1175 de Herdicote Pipe II.
[or possibly = Hurdcott NE of Salisbury]; 1269 Hurdecote
C. Inq.; 1283 Herdecote Ch. 11; 1288 Hurdccotte C. Inq.;
1315 Herdecote Ch. E; 1316 de Herdcote FA; 1402, 1428
in Hurdecote FA.
Either from '■■■heord-cof{e) or from '^heorda cot(e); OE lieord
= 'flock', heorde (a variant of liierdeY = 'herdsman\ For ME
it as a representative of OE eo see under Bemerton. The
n in the mod. form, on the other hand, is, no doubt, of
another kind, being due to the levelling of ur and cr in
pronunciation. The rr-voAvel in the DB form must be an
error, occasioned b}^ the fact that a and c before r oft(m
occurred ])romiscuously in DB, viz. when representing OE
ea (< a before r + cons, by breaking).
Hurdcott NE of Salisbury.
1086 in Herdicote DB; 1324 Hurdecote Pat. R.
See preceding name.
^ heorde (for hierdc) may naturally be duo to the inflnence
of heord; but see also Hiilbring § 186 Anm.
Hyde X of Swindon.
1495 Hyde C. Inq.
OE Jiid, for which see Fifield.
Id mist on SE of Amesbury.
947 -^at Idemesto7ie CS no. 829; 970 ■^Idemeston{e) ib. no.
1259 [both probably identical]; c. 1280 Ydemiston Osmund;
c. 1290 Idcmeston T. EccL; 1316 de Idemistone FA; 1330
Idemeston Ch. R; 1428 Id{e)meston FA.
Originally ^Idhelmes tun. A p. n. '•'Idhelin is certainly
not on record, but, judging from the present pi. n., its
existence seems indisputable. Another OE p. n. with Id-
as the first member was "^IdJiild (fem.) occurring in the local
idhildc stem CS no. 1114. There also existed a male hypo-
coristic Ida. Contrary to what was apparently the case in
OE, the element Id- {It-) is very common in OGerman
p. ns, where it had a great capacit}^ for composition (see
Forstemann, Pers.). For its etymology see Forssner, p. 161.
In the pi. n. under notice, the loss of I must have taken
place at the same time as the syncope of the preceding e\
(the occurrence of this e in the ME spellings does not imply
its occurrence in the local pronunciation).
Imber on Salisburv Plain.
1086 Imemerie DB; 1146 Immemera Macray; 1164 Irmnema
PipeH; c. 1200 Ymmer, Himmemere Osmund: 1238 Ymmere
Macray; c. 1290 Imere T. EccL; 1316 Immere FA; 1324
Ynmer ib.; 1330 Immere C. Inq.; 1428 I{n)mere FA.
Originally '-^'Imman m^re [OE metre, ^emcere = boundary,
landmark]. The first element contains the male OE p. n.
Imma, for which see Forssner, p. 69. For the insertion of b
see Horn § 158. The termination in the DB form must
be an error due to the influence of the common -herie.
Ingelburne [ipgolhorn] adjoining Mnlmesbury.
[late 7tli cent.] '\Ingelhourne{-castel) Enlogium; 956 •\Inge1-
bourne {aqua), (Yngleburne) CS no. 921; [n. d.] {ad aguam
de) IngeUhourne Reg. Malm.
This name denoted originally the more northerly of the
two head-waters of the Lower Avon, which rises near Tet-
bury [see Akerman's map in Archa^ol. XXXVII]. The first
element is difficult to identify. If it was a p. n., this
was probably the native OE Ingdd, for which see Miiller,
pp. 100, 126. The Continental Ingel- (see Forssner, p. 70 f.)
can, on the other hand, not possibly come into considera-
tion here because of the early date at which the name
occurs. The original form may consequent!}^ have been
*In^eldes hurn{a) [hurjie]. In its position between I and h,
the old 2:en. .v was not likelv to be retained verv lone:.
Of. Inglesham, beloAV.
Inglesham [iyjgdls{h)dni\ N of High worth.
1177 Ynglesluim Pipe E; 1202 Inglesham II. L.Pat.; 1225
Englesharn Pat. R; 1240 Inglesham, Inglisham Macray; 1262,
1273, 1282 Inglesham C. Inq.; c. 1290 Ingelshm, T. Eccl.;
1428 Inglesham FA; 1542 Englesham Cat. A. D.
From ''^'In^eldes (or possibly ''■'Ingelan) ham, ''■'Ingela being
a hypocoristic form of some p. n. beginning with Ingcl-
(see Forssner, p. 70 f.). For In^eld see preceding name.
Ivychurch SE of Salisburj^
1109 — 20 Monasterlum Hederosum Osmund; 1155 — 60 de
Monasterio Oderoso [mistake for Edcroso] ib.; 1214 Monasterii
Hedcrosi (gen.) Macray; 1242 Ivi church, Ivechhch Pat. R:
1246 Ivychurch Ch. R; 1249 Ivychurch C. Inq.; 1492 Ive
Church, Ivy-church ib.
The meaning is obvious.
Keevil E of Trowbridoe.
1086 Chivele DI>; 1205 Kivelia Rot. Ch.; c. 1210 de Chivele
Macray; 1217 dr Kivele Pat. R; 1239 Kyvel e gh CIH; 1272
Cufiy C. Inq.; 1275 Cyvel Pat. E; 1283 of Kivele, Kyveleygh
C. Inq.; 1316 de Kyvde FA; 1318 of Keyvck Pat. R; 1326
Cuvele C. Inq.; 1337 Kyvcleije Phillipps' fines; 1^2 Keivele
Cal. Inq.; 1402 dc Kywele FA; 1556 Kevill Br, Mus.
This name can hardly be Germanic. The terminations
-legh, -J eye, -ly in some of the ME forms are certainly only
orthographic, for there seem to be no cases of OE -leah
(-lea^e) in pi. ns having been weakened simply to / in the
mod. form.
Kellaways NE of Chippenham.
1226 Cailleivay Phillipps' ped. fin.: (n. d.) de Kayleweye
E-eg. Malm.
This is certainly a Celtic name; see Ca/l{a)way, Calloway,
Kennett, East and West on the r. Kennet. W of Mail-
939 on cy}teta}(, {juxta Bipani) Khiete CS no. 734; 944 on
Cynetan ib. no. 802; 956 on Cynetan ib. no. 942; 972
Cynetan ib. no. 1285; 984 Cynete, on Cynetan CD no. 1282;
[1006] cet Cynetan AS Chr. [E], cet Cynestan [D]; 1050 Cynete,
on Cynetan CD no. 792; 1086 {in) Chenete (three times) DB;
1214 in Kenet Uot. Ch.; c. 1290 de Kenete T. Eccl. ; 1300
EsJcenet CI. E; Edw. Ill Ktjnete, de Estkenete NI; 1380
Eshenet Cal. Inq.; 1428 in Est Kenete FA.
All the forms previous to Domesday refer to the Eiver
Kennet (the forms from CS nos. 802, 942, CD nos. 792,
1282, and that of the AS Chr. having reference to the
Berks, part of the river). Kennet{t) is a pre-Germanic
name, certainly identical ^\\i\\ ^Cnnetio (Cunetione)^ mentioned
in Antoninus' Itinerarj', which place has been located in
the vicinity of Marlborough. Kinthury, Berks., takes its
name from the same river. Note also Kennet, Cambs., and
Kentford, Suffolk, for which see Skeat, Pi. Ns of Cambs.,
p. 71, and PI. Ns of Suffolk, p. 38. Kennet occurs also in
Scotch pi. ns.
Kingston Deverill NE of Mere.
1086 Devrel DB^; 1-205 in King es clever ell E. L. CI. ; 1240
Wrelquinsten Ch. E (corrupt); c. 1290 de Kyngestone T. EccL:
1318 Kyngeston Deverel C. Inq.; 1-128 Kyngeston FA.
Kingston answers to OE '^'eyningo^ fun. For Deverill see
Brixton I).
Kington Langley N of Chippenham.
1086 Lcmghelei DB [prob. identical].
Originally ''Uef pmii (pcere) langan lea^c. The distinctive
name refers to the adjoining Kington St. Michael.
Kington St. Michael NNW of Chippenham.
1174—91 Chinctuna Br. Mus.; 1242 Kington Ch. li; 1280
Kyngton, Kingtone ib. ; c. 1290 Kington Michis T. EccL :
Edw. I hi Kynton Micliis Plac. Warr. ; 1320 Muuchene-
Icyngton CI. B; 1428 Kyngton (Michaelis) FA.
The complete absence of au}^ trace of a gen. -s in the
present name indicates an original '"■'rync-tun, rather than
'■■cyninges twn ; OE cyne (= royal) being an element only used
in compounds. Cf. Kingston, West, beloAv. Munchene- in
the CI. E-. form (< OE myneeenii = 'a nun') refers to an ancient
Benedictine nunnery Jiere (see Heath, }). 172). Cf. Mo7ih n-
(leverel (= Monl^ton Deverill) Monhen Farlegh (== Monkton
Farleigh), below, and also Minchcn lane, M. meadow etc.,
(juoted in NED (under 'minchen').
'^St. Michael' refers to the church.
Note. Birch's identification of yKingtone CS no. 704 vvitli
tliis place seems to be a mere conjecture, for nothing indicates
even that it was situated in Wilts.
^ See the foot-note uiulei- Brixton D.
Kington, West NW of Corsliam.
1086 Chintone DB [or possibly = Kington St. Michael]; 1175
(■hingfona Macraj: 1233 m WestUngfoii \l. fin. exc.; 1235
1240 Wcsflhifon Ch. R.; 12Wj West Kyngton G.Ivlo^.: Edw. I
de Wrs{t)]:'niio}f Plac. Warr. ; c. 1290 WestUnton T. EccL;
1316 Wed Kyn{g)ton FA; Vill Westhynton Vsit.'R; 1322
Wesihynl-foti C. Inq.: 1324 Kynton FA: 1468 Westhynington
Cal. Inq.
In all probability from '^'cyne-tun: see Kington St. Michael.
Knighton near Broad Chalk.
1200 Knichteton Phillipps' ped. fin.; 13tli cent. Kiiyghttefon
Cat. A. D.; 1314 Knyghteton C. Inq.; 1418 Knyghtcston Cat.
A. D. ; 1428 Knyghteton FA.
This name corresponds to an OE '■'cneohta [cni{e)/ita] tun.
Knook [nnlA near Hevtesbiirv.
1086 Cunuche (twice) DB; 1226 Cmich Osmund; 1249
Knucli Br. Mus. ; Hen. Ill Kniik C. Inq.; 1314 CnouJc ib.;
1316 Knoid- FA; 1327 Knoulce C. Inq.; 1402 KnotvJce Cal.
Inq.; 1428 in KnoJce FA.
This name is of Celtic origin; see Conock. The leng-thened
vowel is certainly due to the analogy of JiooJc, nooJc.
Knoyle, East or Bishop's Knoyle SW of Hindon.
„ West oi- Little Knoyle W of Hindon.
948, 956 Cnugel CS nos. 870, 956 [possibly identical]; 984
cnugel CD no. 641 (prob. ident.); 1086 Chenvel (twice) DB
(corrupt); 1227 StepelhioeV CLE [= Knoyle, East]: 1284
Knoel Ch. E,; c. 1290 Cnoel Magna [= K., East], Cnoel
hodierne [= K., West] T. Eccl. ; 1299 CnoiveU Cal. Inq.; 1316
Knowell FA; 1331 Knouicell Magna Pat. E; 1402 Cnoel
Episcopi ib. ; 1428 Knoyel, Cnoel Magna, Knoel Parva, Cnoel
Hodiern {Hodyerne) ib.; 1458 Knoijll Episcopi Cal. Inq.; 1491
Est Knoell C. Inq.; 1493 in Weste Knoyle ib.
This is undoubtedly a pre-Euglish name, and therefore
its explanation must be left to Celtic scholars. One may
mention, however, that the g in (hmgd (CS and CD), if
the identification is correct, must have represented a
palatal fricative [Cnugel consequently stands ''^Cnui(^)d]:
cf. the Celtic p. n. Boia (Boiga), which also occurs as Boga
(see Forssner, p. 51). The form Kno7vell must be merely
orthographic, probably due to the fact that the scribe was
unfamiliar with the non-Germanic combination oi (og).
Association with the subst. tvell may perhaps also have
aided in causing the spelling in question.
For the distinctive names see Jones, p. 205.
Lackham S of Chippenham.
1086 Lacliam DB; 1252 Lacham Br. Mus. ; Edw. I Lackam
ib.; loOO Lahliam Ch. E; 1430 Lackham Br. Mus.
Originally Hac{u)-hdm'^\ OE lacu f.= 'small stream", here
referring to the little affluent of the Lower Avon at this
place. As a dialectal w^ord lake is still used in the sense
of 'brook', 'stream' in several of the southern counties.
Lacock or Laycock [both pronounced leikok] S of Chip-
845 (■\)Lacok CS no. 470; 1086 Lacock, Lacoc DB; 1166
Lachocha (latinized) Pipe E,; 1167 Ljachoca ib.; c. 1210
Lacoq Br. Mus.; 1230 Lacok Osmund; 1239 iacoc Macray;
c. 1250? Lackoc ib.; 1260 Lacock Ch. E; 1316 de La-
cocke FA.
This name is obviously quite the same as Laycock, Yorks.,
whicli, according to Goodall, consists of OE lacu + the diminu-
tive suffix oc (uc) [consequently OE Hacoc], and there seems
indeed to be no objection to this statement. Cf. hillock,
whicli is a quite analogous formation. The present village
is situated on a little tributary of the Lower Avon near
the point where it joins this river-.
For ay in the modern form cf. Braydon, above.
^ For the vowel in the composition-joint see Bergsten, p. 34.
Lake SW of Amesbuiy.
1324 LaU Pat. E.
This name refers to the East Avon, on the upper portion
of which the place is situated.
Landford ESE of Down ton.
1086 Langeford DB 74 b, ib. 72 a?; Hen. Ill Laneford Rot.
H; .c. 1290 Laneford, Langeford T. EccL; 1316 Laneford
FA; 1327 Laneford Phillipps' fines; 1428 Laneford FA.
Originally ^'se langa ford. On account of the AN ren-
dering of ng by n, the sense of the first element must
have been forgotten, and it was later confused wuth land,
which has persisted in the mod. name. It is interesting
to notice Langford^ Notts., which has developed in quite
the opposite way (from land- > lang-)\ see Mutschmann,
p. 80.
Note. Stevenson's suggestion, p. 319 f., that Leonaford men-
tioned in Asser's Life of King Alfred, may be identical with
Landford, Wilts, is obviously quite impossible for philological
Langford, Little NW of Wilton.
c. 1290 Langeforde pva T. EccL; 1428 Parva Langeford FA.
See Steeple Langford. The OE forms quoted under that
name refer also to Langford, Little (as well as to Hanging
Langford). One of the Langefords in T>^ probably also
refers to this place, according to Jones the one mentioned
on fol. 68 a.
Langley Burrell Within in the mun. bor. of Chippenham.
„ „ Without adjoining the above.
940 -^ad Langelegli , '\de Langeleythe (corrupt) OS no. 751
[possibly identical]; 1086 Langefel DB [prob. identical];
c. 1290 de Longaleye T. EccL [or possibly ident. with
Kington Langley]; 1258 Langele C. Inq. ; 1316 Langele FA;
1333 Langle Burel Phillipps' fines ; 1428 Langeley, Langle FA.
Originally '''(et fjr?m {pr^re) langmi lea^e. The termination
in the DB form represents the OE synonymous feld (for
the loss of d see Stolze § 37 ; cf. Winkfield, below).
For the family name ^Burreir (Borel) see Hildebrand,
p. 331, and Bardsley. According to Jones, p. 221, the
*Burrells' held the manor from the time of Domesday till
the earlv 14th cent.
Latton NNW of Cricklade.
1086 Latone DB; 1241 in Lcdtoh Ix. fin. exc. ; Edw. I in
Lacton (three times) Plac. Warr. ; c. 1290 de Latfonc T.
Eccl.; 1316, 1428 Lattoyi FA.
Probably from OE '■Hac(u)-tun , lacti referring to '^the
Churn\ one of the head-waters of the Thames, which flows
here bv the side of the Thames and Severn Canal. Assira-
ilation of A: to ^ has consequently taken place.
Laverstock [I(EVd{r)stolc] near Salisbury.
L086 LavcrtestocJie, Lavvrecestohes [corrupt] DB; 1221 La-
verTcestoh Pat. B.; 1227 de LaverstoJce Macray; 1249 Laver{e)-
hestolc C. Inq. ; 1303 LarJcestolc Cal. Inq. ; 1311 in Lmverke-
stoJce E/Ot. Orig. ; 1316 de LaverstoJce FA; 1320 LavirJcestoJc
Eot. Orig.; 1349 Laverestoke ; 1402 m LarhestoJce F A : 1428
in Laverkestohe ib. ; 1492 LaverstoJc, at LaverstoMe C. Inq.
Originally Haferc{e)-stoc \lawerc{e)-stoc\. The first element,
which also occurs in a few other names [e. g. Km) lauerJce-
boerge OS no. 125, '\(on) laweorc dune ib. no. 870, "fito) lauro-
can beorge ib. 1005, lauerean heorh ib. no. 1238, {uppan)
'\lauerces byrig CD 1129] most probably represents the bird
(*^the lark') ^ The first of the DB forms is another example
of orthographic confusion between c and t. For the ter-
mination see Baverstock.
' The possibility that it was a p. n. is very slight; in that
case it would probably have been of Scand. provenience (like
Raf{e)n, Sualeua)^ but ONorse Ifevirki is not recorded as a
p. n.
Note. Lcefer CS no. 879 is stated by Birch to be the name
of the river on which Laverstock is situated. This localization
seems, however, to be erroneous. The stream that flows past
Laverstock is "^the Boule\ in OE times called Winter-burn{a)\ see
Winterbourne (Dauntsey), below.
Lavington, Market or East L. S of Devizes.
1086 Laventone DB; 1254 Stejpellavinton, Pat. E.; 1257 Ste-
pellauintJion G. Inq. ; 1271 Stiipellaunton ib. ; 1276 Stupelavin-
toti ib.; c. 1290 de Stiipellavyngtone T. 'Keel.; ISOl Lauentov
Br. Mus. ; 1316 Stapid Lavynton FA ; 1318 Stepel Lavynton
Cli. R; 1324: StupellavyntonFA; 1402 Lavyngton^ Stepillav{m-
ton) ib. ; 1428 Stupel Lavyngton ib. ; 1496 Est Lavyngton C. Inq.
From '-'Lafinga (or '^ La fan) tmi, Lafa being a p. n. recorded
in LYD [see Mtiller, p. 57]. Of the distinctive Stepel
{Stupel) and Stapid, the former is probably the correct form
(referring to the church steeple). A confusion of this kind
may have easily taken place, particularly as both elements
are frequent in pi. ns. Cf. Stapleford, Steeple Ashton, S.
Langford, below, and Steeple Aston, Oxfs. [see Alexander,
PI. Ns of Oxfs.]. In the present case, the substitution of
stapid for step^el may of course be due to the fact that the
place was formerly a market town; [see Camden, p. 108].
Note. Alexander's explanation of stepel^ steeple (in connection
with his discussion of Steeple Aston, PI. Ns of Oxfs., p. 195)
from the Mercian steapul [with w-umlaut] is a strange mistake.
Lavington, West or Bishop's L. SW of Lav. E.
1086 Laventone DB; 1091 Lavinton Osmund; c. 1136 La-
vintona Macray; 1140 — 42 Lavinton Osmund; 1195 in Lauin-
ton Feet of fines; 1232 in Lavinton' Episcopi 01. E; 1238
de Lavinctune Macray; 1294 Lavynton Ch. R; 1316 Lavyn-
ton FA.
See preceding name, c for g in Lavinctune is a AN
spelling [see Hildebrand, p. 360, § 18]. The distinctive
name refers to its former tenant, the Bishop of Sarum.
S E. Ekhlom
Lea SE of Malmesburv.
c. 1290 Legh T. Eccl. [or = Leigh Delamere]; 1346 la Lee
Rot. Orig.
OE leaQi) (= 'meadow').
Leigh near Westbury.
1316 de Lye FA; 1318 m Leye Ch. E; 1330 Lye C. Inq. ;
1340 La Lee Ch. R.
The modern form is developed from the OE nom. leah,
Lnje^ Leye from the dat. lea^e.
Leigh Delamere NW of Chippenham.
1428 LygK Legh FA; 1488 LJgh C. Inq.
See above. ""Delamere' is an AN family name; cf.
Fisherton Delamere.
Liddington SE of Swindon.
1086 Ledentone DB; 1204 de Lidintoh R. Oblat. ; c. 1290
Ludinton T. Eccl.: 1316 Ludynton FA; 1428 Ludijngton'FA..
Probably from "^Lydinga tun, the first element being a
patronymic of the OE p. n. Lud{d)a; cf. Luddington, AVarws.
[see Duignan, PI. Ns of Warws.], Luddenden, Yorks. [see
Good all], and Ludwell, below. For e as a representative of
OE y in DB see Stolze § 15.
Littlecott NE of Hilmarton.
1086 Litleeote DB; 1232 Littlecot Ch. R; 1316 de Liflecofe
FA; Edw. Ill de Littellecote NI.
*.S60 lytic cote or ''^pcet lytle cot.
Littlecott near Enford.
1300 Littelecotc Cal. Inq.; [n. d.] de Ltjttlekote Cat. A. D.
See above.
Littlecott NW of Hungerford (Berks.).
1428 in LyteJcote FA. See above.
Littleton Drew or St. Andrew Littleton W of Grittleton.
1065 Litletun CD no. 817 [possibly identical]; 1086 Litel-
tone DB 66 b; c. 1290 Litleton T. Eccl.; early 14th cent.
Littelton TJST; 1316 Litleton Drew e^K\ Vd>2^ Littelton Dreiu
ib.; 1351 Liitlyngton Dru Phillipps' fines; 1428 Lyttelton
Brew FA.
*se lytla tun. The m^-suffix in one of the ME forms is
due to analogy with pi. ns containing a patronymic as the
first element; cf. Sherrington, below. For the AN 'Drew'
(possibly referring to Walterus Drew, TN 142, 158) see
Forssner, p. 60 f. ''St. Andrew' refers to the church.
Note. There seems no reason to locate Lytletun CD no. 654
in Wilts., as is stated in Kemble's index.
Littleton Pannell S of Potterne.
1086 Liteltone DB 71 d [prob. identical]; 1239 de Litlin-
tone Macray; 1316 Lutleton Paynel C. Inq.; 1318 Lytleton
ib.; 1324 Lyttleton Paynel ib.
See preceding name. 'PayneF (Pannell) is an AN family
name; see Bardsley.
Littleton NE of Trowbridge.
1470 Litilton Br. Mus.; see above.
Lockeridge WSW of Marlborough.
1086 Locherige DB; Edw. I LoJcerrigge Rot. H; 1316 de
LoTcerugge FA.
The termination is obviously OE hryc^ ■-= 'ridge (of a
down)'. The first element may have contained a (hypoco-
ristic?) p. n. '^Luca, found in the local Incan heorJi CS no.
1066, probably also identical with the first member of
Luceman (on a coin of the time of ^thelbeorht), Lucumon
(AS Chr.). A Continental Liica is also quoted in Searle;
cf. Luckington, below.
Longbridge Deverill S of Warminster.
1086 Devrel DB i; 1253 in Longo Ponte Beverell Pat. R;
Hen. HI Deverel Lungpunt Rot. H; 1267 Deverel Lungepunt
Pat. R; 1316 Dever(iU) Langebrigge FA; 1330 Deverellange-
brigge Ch. R; c. 1333 Deuerel Lajigebrigg Br. Mus.; 1428
Deverell Longepond FA.
For Deverill see Brixton D. Whether 'Longbridge' goes
as far back as the OE period, it is impossible to sa3^
Longford SE of Salisbury.
956 cet Langanforda CS no. 934 [possibly identical]; 1086
Langcford DB 74 b; 1290 Langeford Ch. R; Edw. I Lange-
ford Br. Mus.; 1316 Langeford FA; 1485 Lang ford (Cer-
vyngton) C. Inq.
For the distinctive 'Cervyngton' see Heath, p. 188.
Longleat WSW of Warminster.
1235 la Langelete Macray; 1240 — 50 Longalete ib.; 1265—70
Longaleta ib. ; late 13th cent. La Langhelete Br. Mus.; 1315
Langelete C. Inq.; 1333 Longleat ib.
This name refers to the long sub-affluent of the r. Frome
which flows down here from the neighbourhood of Hor-
ningsham. leat corresponds to OE ^elM{e) n., which, besides
the present meaning, has also the sense of 'junction^ (e. g.
we^a ^elMe). Whether *^Longleat' originated as far back as
OE times, it is of course impossible to say.
Luckington NW of Grittleton.
1086 Lochintone (twice) DB; 1194 Luchinton Rot. Cur.;
1199 de Lokintoh ib.; 1217 LoUntun Pat. R; c. 1290 Lo-
Jcinton T. Eccl.; Edw. I in LoTcinton Plac. Warr. ; 1316 de
Lokyntone FA; 1382 LucJcington Br. Mus. ; 1458 Lokyngton ib.
Probably from '^Lucinga tun, the first element being a
patronymic of *Luca, for which see under Lockeridge.
^ See the foot-note under Brixton D.
Lud^ershall [Icigsfil] NE of Amesbury.
1086 Litlegarsele DB [obviously corrupt]; 1203 de Lote-
gareshal R. L.Pat. ; 1215 Lutegareshal ib ; 1227, 1238 Lute-
gareshal Ch. B,; 1233 de Luttegarishar CLE,; 1251 Liidgers-
hall Ch. R; 1261 of Lutteger shale Pat. R; 1264 o/" Lote-
gereshale ib.; 1268 Lotegarsal, apud Lutegereshalam Ch. P;
1271 Lotegareshal ib.; 1292 Ludgershall ib.; 1316 cZe iw^e-
garshale FA; 1334 ^e Luggershale Pot. Orig.; 1336 i/it^
gareshall P. Pat.; 1428 (^e) Ludegarscde FA; 1528 o/*
Liirgarsale Cat. A. D.; 1572 Lurgassill Br. Mus.
It is obvious that the first element is made up of a p. n.,
which is the same one as occurs in the local "fludegarstone
CD no. 654, {^)Liiteg are shale ib. no. 722 {Lutegaresheale,
Thorpe) ^, and also in Ludgershall ^ Backs, and Glos., and
Lurgershall, Sussex (the ME forms of the last three pi. ns
being exactly analogous to those of the Wilts, name). It
is, however, quite impossible for me to identify this
p. n. in any Avay, for no similar compound is on record
either in England or on the Continent. All that seems
clear is that its second member is the common (OE) p. n.
element gar. The explanation of this name must therefore
be left to some authority on p. ns.
hall in pi. ns may go back either to OE heall (hall) =
'palace', 'residence', or to healh (halh), dat. heale, which has
been thought to denote 'nook', 'corner', 'secret place'; see
'hale' NED, and Wyld, p. 340 f.
The r in the first syllable of the Cat. A. D. and Br. Mus.
forms is certainly not a spelling mistake, for we may note
the same change in the mod. Lurgershall (Lurgashall),
Sussex [see Poberts, p. 105]. This substitution is, no doubt,
due to sound-physiological causes (on account of the diffi-
culty of pronouncing two explosives in succession).
^ There seems, however, no reason to identify this place with
Ludgershall, Wilts., as is suggested in the indexes of CD and
Ludwell E of Shaftesbury (Dors.).
1195 in Ludeivell Feet of fines; 1216 Liidewell Rot. Ch. ;
1252 Liidetvell Ch. R.
Originally '^'Ludan wieU(e) [ivyU(e)], For the p. n. Luda
see Liddington, above. Cf. Ludwell, Oxfs. (Alexander,
PI. Ns of Oxfs.).
Lushill NW of Highworth.
1268 LustreshuU Pat. R; 1276 LiistesJmll Ch. R; 1324
Lusteshull Pat. R; 1329 LusteshulJe C. Inq. ; 1428 Lusteshull
FA; [n. d.] de Lustreshulle, de LustrushuUe Cat. A. D.
Probably from ^'Lustan hyll (Avith a later insertion of
the strong gen. ending), *Lusta being a pet-form of some
name beginning with Lust-, of which Lustivine is on record.
The forms with r inserted are certainly errors, due to the
influence of OFrench words in lustr- (e. g. lustreux).
Lydiard Millicent I „„ „ ^„
... ^ ^ NE of AA ootton Bassett.
Lydiard Tregoze )
900 -\Lidgeard, '\Lidegceard, "fLidgerd CS no. 590 [possibly
identical]; 901 — 24 '\Lidgeard ib. no. 591 [poss. ident.];
1086 Lidiarde (= L. M.), Lediar (=L. T.)DB; 1228 Lydierd
Ch. R; 1283 Northiideyerd (= L. M.) Pat. R; 1285 Lidiard,
Lydeyerd Ch. R; Edw. I in Lydeyard' Viae. Warr. ; c. 1290
Lydyerd Milsent, L. Tregos T. Eccl.; 1307 Lydyherd C. Inq.;
1315 Lidiard ib.; 1316 Ledyerd, Lydyerd FA; 1324 LAjdeard
Tregos ib.; 1327 Lydeyerd Tregoz C. Inq.; 1349 Suth
Ledyerd (= L. T.), NortJi Lidyerd Cal. Inq. ; 1428 Lydyard,
Lydeyerd Milsent, L. Tregos FA; [n. d.] de Ledeyarde ^eg.
The termination is obviously OE ^eard (= enclosed place).
The etymology of the first element its not clear. The best
suggestion that I can offer is that the element may have
contained an unrecorded p. n. "^Lyda, formed from *Li/ding
(the patronymic of Luda; see Liddington, above). Cf.
Tud{d)a : *Tyd{d)a under Tedworth.
For the e instead of i in the first syllable of some forms
above see under Biddestone. On the AN distinctive names
see Jones, p. 222 f.
Note. Searle's assumption of a p. n. *Lida, on the ground of
the local Lidanege CS no. 1282, p. 585, is probably a mistake, as
the first element of the name in question seems to refer to the
River Leddon, Worcs. ; nor does his inference of a p. n. *Lidgeard
from lidgeardes heorge CS no. 1125 seem authenticated, for Lidgeard-
may just as well represent a pi. n.
Lidigerd{e) CD no. 897 was obviously in Soras., prob. = Lydeard
St. Lawrence, (not in Wilts., as is stated by Kemble).
Lyneham [lainQiysmI SW of Wootton Bassett.
1285 Linham Ch. H; c. 1290 Lynlim T. EccL; 1316, 1428
Lynham FA; 1596 Lyneham Br. Mus.
OE H~in-}idm\ OE Un (= flax) is not uncommon in pi. ns.
Note. Lineham, Oxfs., is evidently of the same origin, but
Alexander's suggestion that the modern diphthongized vowel of
the first element indicates a derivation from the dat. case [conse-
quently '""'cet Une-ham{m)e] is impossible, as the preposition could
only have affected the second element. The retention of the
long vowel is simply due to the influence of the independent
subst. line (now chiefly a dialectal word).
Maddington AVNW of Amesbury.
1277 Madinton C. Inq.; c. 1290 cle Madyngtone T. EccL;
1294 Wynterburn Maidijnton (corrupt) Cal. Inq.; 1316
Madijnton FA; 1428 Madijngton FA; 1485, 1493 Wynter-
home Madyyigton C. Inq.
Probably from '-'Madrnga tun, the first element being a
patronymic of a (hypocoristic?) p. n. *Mada, recorded in
the local •\Madanlieg (CS no. 1312, which is identified by
Birch with Madeley, Staffs.). The name evidently occurs also
in Madingley, Cambs. [see Skeat, PI. Ns of Cambs. j3. 67].
The distinctive name refers to the stream on which the
place is situated; see Winterbourne Stoke, below.
Maiden Bradley N of Mere.
1086 Bradelie DB; 1178? Deuerell Puellarum Br. Mus.;
c. 1210 BradeJe Macray; 1228 Bradeleg Ch. E; Bradleigh
Leprosi Cal. Rot. Ch.; 1267 Meydenebradele Ch. E; 1270
Braddeleg Ch. R; 1271 Maiden Bradley E. Pat.; 1280
Maydenehradclegh C. Inq. ; 1281 Deverill Br. Mus.; c. 1290
Bradele Abhis T. EccL; 1328 Maydenhradlegh Ch. E; 1428
Bradeley (Ahhatis) FA; 1492 Mayden Bradlegh C. Inq.
Originally *cp^ ^<^m {p^re) hradan lea^e. For the distinc-
tive names see Camden, p. 110, and Jones, p. 199. The
place is situated at the source of the Deverill-stream, which
accounts for the Br. Mus. forms above.
Note, to hradan leage CD no. 133 and yBradelege ib. no. 460
are erroneously stated by Kemble to be identical with Maiden
Bradley. The former of these places was obviously situated in
east Wilts, near Bedwyn, and the latter in the north-west, near
Brokenborough. There seems also no reason for assuming with
Birch and Kemble that 'fBrada?il(eh CS no. 153 (CD no. 79) was
situated here.
675 -fMaldumeshiwg {^ Mealdumeshurg) CS no. 37; 681 -^Mel-
dulfeshirg (•\MeIdunesburg) ib. no. 58; 683 '\Maldumes'burg
{■\MceIdubeshurg) ib. no. 65; 701 •\MeIdumeshurg {"fMaldtmens-
burg, "^Mceldumesburgg) ib. no. 103; '\Meldumesburg, Meldum
ib. no. 105; Maldumes bui'uJi, cet Mealdiimesbyrig, Meldum
ib. no. 106; 705 -fMaldubesburg ib. no. 114; [n. d.] Mail-
dulfi urbs Bede; 745 Maldunense monastervum CS no. 170;
758 in Maldubiensi {Maildubiensi) monasterio ib. no. 185;
854 ■\Malmesburg {^Meldubesburg) ib. no. 470; Alfred -^Mal-
diiberi, '^Mceldunesbiirg, -\McBldiihiiri ib. no. 568; '\Maildu-
beri, "^Maldumesburg, Maildubiensis [cecclesice] (gen.) ib. no.
569; ^thelstan Meldidfuensis burgi (gen.) ib. no. 720; 937
Meldunensi [ecclesice] (dat.) ib. no. 718; 965 — 971 to Meal-
dcelmces byrig ib. no. 1174; 974 '\Malmesburgh ib. no. 1300;
[1015] binnon Mealdelmes byrig AS Chr. [E], Ealdclmes byrig
ib. [C and D]; 1086 Malmesberie, Mamcsberie DB; c. 1125
Meldunurn (corrupt) W. Malm.; 1131 Mahnesberioe (gen.)
Macray; 1199 Maumesbif E. Oblat.; 1200 Malmcsbir Eot.
Ch.; 1206 Malmesbif E. L. Pat.; 1215 Maumeshif\h.\ 1220-25
de Mamesbirie Osmund; 1252 Mamnesbiri Ch. E,; 1254
Malmyshiire Macray; 1280 Malmeshury Ch. R.
This name has been discussed by Miller, PL Ns in the
Engl. Bede, p. 79 f. The place is, he says, associated
1) with Maildu{l)fj the Scotch founder of the monastery
[see Eulogium Cap XCII], 2) with Meldiim as founder [see
CS no. 105], 3) with Aldhelm, the well-known Malmesbury
abbot (died in 709). As far as the first and third sugges-
tions are concerned, there is no objection, but in the case
of the second one, there is considerable doubt about the
existence of anyone called Meldum^ in spite of the state-
ment in CS no. 105: monasterium . . . quod Meldum reli-
giosce memorice condidit, quod etiam nunc Meldumeshurg voc-
atur . . . This name is most probably a mere construction
from Meldumeshurg. Mcdmeshurij is consequently in all
probability made up of two p. ns only: Maildii{I) f Siud Aid-
helm (Ealdhelm), which have been hopelessly confused w^ith
each other in this pi. n. The independent Meldum is, no
doubt, a formation quite analogous to Sarum (see below),
viz. a latinization, formed from the first syllable of the
pi. n. by means of the Latin ending -um. For the loss of
u (< I) in Mamesherie, Mamesbirie see Zachrisson, p. 150.
Manningford Abbots |
Bohun SW of Pewsey.
„ Bruce I
987 Maningaforda, ^Manyngforde L. de Hyda; 1086 Maneforde
(= M. A.), Maniford (twice) [= M. Bohun and Bruce] DB;
1142 — 80 Mangesford Br. Mus.; c. 1200 Manegesford Osmund;
1218 Maningeford Macray; c. 1243 Manigge f ord ih.; c. 1290
Mannmgeford Abbis T. EccL; Eiiw. I Maningford Plac.
Warr., Maningford Parva [= M. A.] Eot. H; 1296 Manyng-
feld Brewose Pat. E; 1311 Manyngeford {Breivose), Manyng-
feld C. Inq.; 1316 Maningford Abbatis, M. Boun, M. Bre-
wose FA; 1324 Manijngeford, Br ewes ib.; 1325 Manyngford
Brewes C. Inq. ; 1428 Manyngford Abbatis, Manyngford
Sancti Petri {= M. Bruce) FA.
The first of the forms quoted from L. de Hyda obviously
represents the original name. Man{n)mg is a patronymic
of the OE p. n. Man(n) or Man{n)a. Manningford Abbots
was a former estate of the abbey of St. Peter, Win-
chester (see DB), Avhence its distinctive name. 'Bohun^
(occurring as ^Bohum^ in DB, see Hildebrand, p. 345) and
'Brewose' are AN family names. 'Bruce^ in the present
case is only a corruption of 'Brewose'.
Manton near Marlborough.
1086 Mmietune DB; 1258 Manton C. Inq.; Edw. I Maniton
Eot. H; 1428 Manton FA.
Probably from ''Man(n)an tun] for Man(n)a see preceding
Note. Birch's identification of Me}i{h)andun CS nos. 584, 585
with this place is obviously quite impossible.
Marden or Merton SE of Devizes.
940 ^on mcerdenum CS no. 748; 963 -\merh dcene ib. no.
1118; 1086 Meresdene DB; 1167 Mergdena Pipe E; 1170
Mercdena ib.; 1172 Merede^ia ib.; 1185 de Meredon ib.;
1204 in Mardeh E. Oblat.; 1205 Mereden E. L. CI.; 1233
Meredeh E. fin. exc; 1261 Mereden Ch E; c. 1290 de Mergh-
dene T. EccL; 1316 de Meredene FA; 1321 Merden CI. E;
1322 Meriuheden (twice) Pat. E; Edw. Ill Merghedene NI;
1428 Mereden, de Merghdene FA.
From the situation of this village it is evident that the
original termiantion was OE dene (denu) = Valley\ The first
element obviously contained the subst. mearh (= horse). The
old forms quoted above indicate, however, two variants of the
original name: *mearh-dene (denu) and *meara dene (denu)
[meara gen. plur.]. It is true that both these forms would have
given by regular development a instead of e in the first
syllable even in the early ME forms. The ^-spellings are,
however, easily explained as due to the influence of the many
pi. ns containing ME Mere- (< OE mcere or mere) as the first
element. The s of the DB form may be accounted for in two
ways : if Meresdene represents an OE '^'mcarh-dene, the s is
an AN rendering of the fricative x (see under Brigmerston);
if, on the other hand, it corresponds to *meara dene, the .9
has been inserted through analogy w^ith pi. ns, the first
element of which has a gen. s.
Another pi. n. containing OE mearh is {on) mearh forda
CS no. 931.
Note. From what has been said above it is evident that
Plummer's suggestion that Mere tune [A], Mcere dune [E].
AS Chr. A. D. 871 are identical with this place must be wrong,
as the former of these forms (belonging to the Parker ms) has
the strongest claims to be genuine. Kemble's identification of
'\Meard(jeno (latex) CD no. 103 with Marden, Wilts., is also an
obvious mistake. Meardceno is on the other hand to be located
in the vicinity of Malmesbur5^
Marlborough [maa{7^)Ibdrj, molbsrd].
1086 in Merleherge DB; 1091 Marleberg Osmund; [1110]
(JBt Mcerle heorge AS Chr. [E]; 1147 Melleburga Cal. France;
c. 1148 Merleberga Osmund; 1158 Merleherg ib. ; 1176?
Melleberga Cal. France; 1226 Merleburge Cal. Rot. Ch.;
1229, 1246 Marlborough Ch. R; 1258 Marleberg C. Inq.;
1280 Marleborgh ib.; 1308 of Merleberge \h.\ 1320 de Marle-
herewe CI. R; 1361 de Merleborotve Cal. Inq.; 1390 Marle-
bergh Br. Mus.; 1428 Marleburg.
The first element seems to be the same as in Marlesford,
Suffolk, which Skeat (PI. Ns of Suffolk, p. 34) takes to be
a p. n. In that case it is certainly connected with the
obscure first member of the Scand. McErleswegen (Mcerlas-
wegen) [see Bjorkman, Pers. I p. 93] ^ The second element
^ As it seems quite impossible to explain ilicerZ- as a Ger-
manic element, one mav be inclined to connect it with the
Irish Mcsrlin (the name of the well-known mythical figure in the
Arthurian epics).
was OE beorh, which later on has been as usual replaced
by borough; see Brokenborongh. The pronunciation [mol-
bdro] is due to an older form, in which r has been lost
(see Horn § 237, note I).
Marston SW of Potterne.
1309 in Merstone Br. Mus.; 1331 Mersheton VhiWi^^^' fines;
1413 Mershton Cal. Inq.; 1428 Merssheton FA.
Original^ '^'mersc-tun (OE mersc = marsh). The situation
is on low ground on a tributary of the Lower Avon. For
the change of sh > s which has taken place in the majority
of the pi. ns containing this first element, Alexander (PI.
Ns of Oxfs.. p. 150 f.) assumes, with great probability, that
there were two factors which co-operated to this develop-
ment: 1) the AN spelling s(s) for sh, 2) the analogy of the
gen. s of the first element in other pi. ns.
The next two names, which also refer to low-lying places
near water, have the same etymology.
Marston Maisey (Meysey) NE of Cricklade.
1194 de Merstoh Eot. Cur. (or = M. South); Hen. HI Merston
C. Inq.; c. 1290 Mershtone T. Eccl. ; 1301 of Mershtone
Meijsi Cat. A. D.; 1316 de Northe Mershton FA; 1331
Merston Meysy Pat. R; 1332 Mershton Meijsy ib.; 1428
Mersheton FA.
See above. *^Maisey' (Me3^sey) is a family name, probably
of native origin.
Marston, South NE of Swindon.
1262 Merston C. Inq.; 1330 Suthmershton Phillipps' fines.
See above.
Marten E of Burbage.
1086 in Mertone (twice) DB; 1227 Merton, Mereton Ch. R;
1246 de Mertone Macray; 1278 Marthon C. Inq.; 1428
Merton FA.
Probably from an original ■'^mcere-tun ("the farm at the
border). The termination has become -ten through weak-
Medbourne SE of Swindon.
955 fow medebourne CS no. 904 (prob. identical); 1306 Med-
hurne Cal. Inq. ; 1392 Medebourne ib.; [n. d.] Medebunie
Cat. A. D.
No doubt from an original '^wt (pcere) mmd-bui'ne [cet
{pdnn. p^re) mced-burnan\, denoting the little affluent of
the r. Cole here. WS m^d (Angl. med) = 'meadow' (mead).
We obviously have the same name in medeburne (Dors.?)
CS no. 754, and in mod. Medbourne (Leics.) [occurring as
Medhurne in DB, 1278 Medburn C. Inq., Medburn TN].
Melksham NE of Trowbridge.
1086 Melehesham (twice) DB; 1194 Melcheshci, Melkesha.
Mulchesha Eot. Cur.; 1200 MelJcesham Osmund; 1222 MelJce-
ham R. L. CL; 1228 de Milkeshani CI. H; 1232 MelJcesham
Ch. R; 1240 Melcsham Pat. E; 1253 Melkesham C. Inq.;
1260 Melksham Ch. R; 1280 Mulkesham CI. R; 1316 Mel-
kesham. FA; 1377 Melehesham E.. Pat.; 1458 Milkesham
Br. Mus.
Originally '■'meolc-ham. This place must consequently
have been a sort of dairj^ farm in OE times. The -s- is'
no doubt, a later insertion.
Mere [mi9{r)].
1086 Mera, Mere DB; 1091, c. 1190 Mera Osmund; 1220
Mere ib.; 1243 Mere Ch. R; 1316 Maijre FA; 1380 Meere
Cal. Inq.; 1402 Mere FA.
OE m^re (= boundary, landmark). As the town is situated
in the SW corner of the county near the border of Soms.,
it is most probable that the name originally denoted the
border between the 'Wilssete' and the "Sumorssete^ ^ Mayre
(FA) is to be considered as an inverted spelling (French
ai > ME ce).
Merton see Marden.
Midgehall near Wootton Bassett.
1319 of Miggehale Pat. E.
Probably from "^Mec^an heall (or healh), Mcc^a being an
OE p. n. (recorded among the signatories in CS no. 379),
no doubt the same word as OE mcec^a {^'inecga) = 'man'.
Cf. Midgehaigh, Lanes., whicli probably also contains
the same p. n. (see the old forms quoted by Wyld). For
healh see Ludger shall.
Milbourne a suburb of Malmesbury.
1315 Milburn Eot. Orig.; Mulhurn Pat. E; 1388 Mulherne.
Originally '^''cet (f)mre) mylen-hurnc [cet {pcem, pmre) mylen-
hurnan], denoting a tributary of the Lower Avon.
Mildenhali (locally 'Minall') ENE of Marlborough.
803—805 ■\MUdanhald CS no. 324; 1086 Mildenhalle DB;
1241 in MiUehale Ch. E; 1260 Mildehal C. Inq.; 1281
Mildehall ib.; 1316 de Mildenhale FA; 1327 Mildenhale
C. Inq.; 1428 de Myldenhale FA.
From ^'Mildan heall, "^'Milda probably representing some
name beginning with Mild-, e. g. Mildred', cf. Milston, below.
The final d in the CS form must be an error.
Milford at Salisbury.
1086 Meleford (twice) DB; Hen. Ill Muleford Eot. H.. C.
Inq.; Edw. I Mideford Eot. H.; early 14th cent. Muleford TN.
^ The question of the exact limits of the counties in OE
times seems not to be quite settled, but their general limits
are considered to be of great antiquity (see Pearson, p. 27).
Originall}^ ''mylen-ford. For e as a representative of OE
y in DB see Stolze § 15.
Milston N of Amesbury.
1086 Mildestone (twice) DB; 1178? Mildistona Br. Mus.;
1199 in Mildestoh Rot. Ch.; 1272 Mildeston C. Inq.; 1270
Mildestona Ch. R; 1330 Mulleston C. Inq.; 1361 Milesto7i
Cal. Inq.; 1428 Mildeston FA.
Probablv from "^Mildan tun (with a later substitution of
strong for weak gen. ending). For Milda see Mildenhall,
above, u in Midleston stands for a secondary y.
Milton Liibourne E of Pewsey.
1205 in Mideltoh R. L. CI. [prob. identical]; 1281 Middelton
Lillebon C. Inq.; c. 1290 Middelton T. EccL; 1308 to Middle-
tone C. Inq.; 1319 Middelton Lillebon ib.; 1402 Milton ¥K\
1416 Milton Cal Inq.; 1428 Mijd(d)elton FA.
Originall}^ ''^'middel-tun. 'Lillebon' looks like a French
familv name, of which 'Liibourne' in that case must be a
corrupt form.
Minety NE of Malmesbury.
844 "^Minty {Mintijg) CS no. 447; 880 •\Mmtih, •\Minti
(Mintig) ib. no. 444; 1199 Minthy Rot. Ch.; 1232 Minthi,
Menthi Ch. R; 1258 Mynti ib.; 1336 Minty ib.; 1428
Mynty FA.
The first element is OE minte (= mint) and the termin-
ation le^ (here as always in Wilts, pi. ns denoting 'marshy
land') 1.
Monkton Deverill NE of Mere.
1086 Devrel DB 66 c or 66 d; Edw. I Deverel Monketon
Rot. H; c. 1290 Deverel Monachor' T. EccL; l?,l^ Monketon
FA; 1336 MoncJceton Deverel Cal. Inq.; 1340 MonJcendeverel
CI. R.
^ It is a well-known fact that the most common species of
this plant (Mentha arvensis) flourishes on moist ground.
'Monkton' is here probably a distinctive name, due to
the fact that the abbot of Glastonbury was formerly tenant
of the manor (see DB). For Monhen- (CI. R), which seems
to be improperly added here as w^ell as in the following
name, see Kington St. Michael, above. For Deverill^ see
Brixton D.
Monkton Farleigh E of Bath (Soms.).
1001 -fat FarnUghe CD no. 706; 1086 Farlege DB 73 c;
1194 de Farnlege, Ferleia, Ferneleia Rot. Cur.; 1227 Ferleg(h)
Oh. E; de Farlegh' CI. R; c. 1243 Fernleya, de Fernlege^
Farley ge Macray; 1316 Farley Monachorum FA; 1363
Munkesfarlegh Cal. Inq ; 1397 in Farleglie Br. Mus.; 1400
Monken Farlegh Cat. A. D.; 1408 Monkenfarlegh Phillipps'
Originall}^ ''^'fearn-leah (OE fearn = fern). The distinctive
name refers to a Cluniac priory, which w^as founded here
in the 12th cent. (Heath, p. 233). For MonJce?i- see Kington
St. Michael and preceding name.
Moredon [mD(r)d'n] NNW of Swindon.
1086 Mordone DB; 1227 in Mordone Br. Mus.; 1305 Mor-
don CI. R.
Originally '^mdr-dtln. OE r)idr = *^moor', 'waste (and damp)
land'. The o of the first element has been shortened in
ME before two consonants.
Note. Wyld's suggestion, p. 191, that the first element of
Moreton, Lanes., is OE ''^'^emare (= ^emdire) must be a mistake,
as no unmutated variant of ^emcere exists.
Murcott [mdd(r)lcdf] NNE of Malmesbury.
1065 -fMorcotun CD no. 817; [n. d.] MorJcote, Morcote Reg.
Originally ''''mdr-cot{e). The vowel of the first element
was obviously shortened in late ME or early NE while it
was at the stage il of its development (see Horn § 103: 2),
after which it had the same development as the genuine
w-vowel (before r + cons.); see Horn § 65. The quoted
CD form may represent the OE dat. plur., or — as seems
more probable tun has been added by the scribe through
the influence of the other pi. ns in -tun occurring together
with this name m the charter referred to.
Netheravon S of Enford.
1086 {in) Nigravre, Nigravra DB; c. 1115 Netheravon Os-
mund; 1149 — 53 Nederauena Round, Ancient ch. ; 1158
Netheravcn Osmund; 1173 Nederauena Pipe R; 1212 de
Nederaveh^ de Nethaveh 'R. L. CL; 122Q Nutheraven Osmund;
c. 1290 de JSIytherhavene T. EccL ; 1316 de Nether avene FA;
1331 of Netherhavenne Ch. E; 1428 in Nether Havene FA.
Originally *«?^ nider-Afene or ^'cet pd'm nideran Afene.
The DB forms are accounted for by Zachrisson, pp. 117,
142 ^. For the initial h of the second element in some ME
forms see under Avon.
Netherhampton SSE of Wilton.
1316 Nether Hampton FA; 1333 Nitherhampton CI. R;
Nytherhampton C. Inq.
The second element goes back to ^helm-tun (not ^hean-
tun, as the place is situated in the Nadder valley). Nether
serves to distinguish this place from the neighbouring
Quidhampton, Chilhampton, and Ditchampton.
Nettleton "WSW of Grittleton.
944 '\at Netelintone, '\de Netelingtone CS no. 800 [possibly
identical]; 956 -^at Netelingtone ib. no. 933; 1086 Niteletone
DB; c. 1290 Netlinton T. Eccl.; 1316 de Neteltone FA;
^ The suggestion of Jones, p. 226, that these forms represent
^nigrum arvum\ a Lat. rendering of "^Black Heatli^ the name
of the downs NW of Netheravon seems too hypothetical to be
trusted, for Lat. *^arvum' would certainly not have been used to
denote an unfertile heath.
9 E. Ekblom
1324 Nettelton ib.; 1330 Netelton Ch. E; 1428 Netelton,
Nehjlton FA; 1493 Nettleton Br. Mus.
From ^'NijUelinga (or -^Nyttelan) tun, *Nyttel{a) being a
diminutive of Nytta, a p. n. occurring in LVD. The reason
why e has replaced y (i) in the first syllable must be assoc-
iation with the subst. nettle, for OE y does not develop
into e in this dialect. Cf. Ebbesborne, above.
Netton NNE of Wilton.
1308 Netton C. Inq.; early 14th cent. Neteton TN; 1322
Netteton C. Inq.
Possibly from OE '''net(t)-tun (an enlosure fenced in by
nets'); cf. Stanton, Stockton.
Newnton, Long NW of Malmesbury.
681 •\Niuentu7i OS no. 58; 1065 Netventuna CD no. 817;
1086 Neiventone DB 67 a; c. 1290 Niweton^ Neiiton T. Eccl.;
1316 Neivynton FA; 1331 Long Neiventon Phillipps' fines;
Edw. Ill de Nywyntone NI; 1428 Neweton FA.
From an original "^OBt (pd^m) nleivan tune. The OE dat.
n has consequently survived in this pi. n. as well as in
the following.
Newnton, North SW of Pewsey.
892 ■\Norpniivetune CS no. 567; 933 If Nyw antun ih. no. 699;
1086 Neweton DB 67 d; 1199 de Niwentoti Rot. Ch. [prob.
identical]; c. 1290 Northnyweton T. EccL; 1296 North-
neiuendo7i Pat. B; 1316 de Newentone FA; 1428 Nyweton,
North Newton ib.
See preceding name.
Newton Toney ESE of Amesbury.
1086 Neiventone DB 70 b; 1256 Neuton C. Inq.; 1270
Niwetona (Umfridi de Bohiim), Niivetona {Johannis de Nevill)
Ch. R; c. 1290 Neweton T. Eccl.; 1316 Nyiventon FA;
1363 Netvynton Tomj, Newenton Touny CI. E.; 1369 Newen-
ton Tony Cal. Inq. ; 1428 Nyiveton Teny FA.
See above. The change of -en- > ing is due to analogy
with pi. ns, the first element of which contains a patrony-
mic. The distinctive names are AN family names. For
Toney' see Hildebrand, p. 343.
Newton Without, South NNW of Wilton.
943 ■\Sad Niivetune, in Niivantime CS no. 782; 1086 Neiven-
tone DB 68 a; c. 1190 Sud Nyweton Macray; c. 1290 de
Suthnywetone T. EccL; 1316 Neiveton FA; 1358 Newenton
CI. R; 1453 Sotvtke Newton Cal. Inq.
'Without' refers to the situation of this parish outside
the municipal borough of Wilton, in which part of the old
parish is incorporated.
Norrington near Alvediston.
1307 Northynton Ch. E; 1312 Nhorthyntone C. Inq.; 1331
Northyngton Phillipps' fines; 1361 NorthynJcton C\. 'R; 1485
Northyngton C. Inq.
This name may be derived from *Nordinga tun, Nor ding
being a patronymic of '^Norda, a shortened form of some
name beginning with Nord- (e. g. Nordman^ Nordgar). The
assimilation of r and d seems to have taken place at a
rather late period.
Norton SW of Malmesbury.
931 -fNorthim, ■\Northon, ■\de ISortone CS nos. 671, 672;
1065 "^Nortuna CD no. 817; 1086 Nortone DB no. 67 a;
1222 de Northone Macray; c. 1290 Norton T. Eccl.
OE *norp-tun.
Norton Bavant NW of Heytesbury.
1086 Nortone DB no. 70 c; c. 1290 Northton, Northone
T. EccL; 1335 Norton Scydemor C. Inq.; 1428 Norton
Bavent FA.
OE ''-'norp-tun. 'Bavant' (Bavent) and 'Sc^^demor' (Scuda-
more) are family names ^. the former AN ; see Bardsley.
The latter refers to the Petrus de Skydemore to whom
Upton Scudamore owes its dist. name (see Rot. H. II,
p. 277).
Oakhill WSW of Himgerford (Berks).
1257 HoehuUe, Hokhull C. Inq.; 1428 Hoklmll FA.
The sense is obvious. For the initial h see under Avon.
Oaksey NE of Malmesbury.
1086 Wochesie DB; 1197 }yolesla Feet of fines; 1274 of
Wockes{eie) C. Inq.; 1275 at Wohesei/e Ch. R; c. 1290 de
Woleseye T. Eccl.; 1302 of Woleseije Ch. E; 1324 Wockescy
FA; 1402 in WokJceseye ib.; 1428 Wolcesey, de Wockeseye ih.
Pi-obably from '''■'Woc{c)es leg. A p. n. '■Woc{c) certainly
existed in OE, if we ma}^ j^^^g'^^ from the local tvocces geat
(CS nos. 594, 1080); see also Forstemann, Pers. 1628 f.
The termination means 'marshy land^ (referring either to
the east or south portion of the present parish, both of
which have a low situation and are watered b}^ the
Thames and the Swill brook respectively). For the loss of
the initial iv see Horn § 173.
Oare N of Pewsey.
1232 in Ore Ch. R; 1316 de Ore FA; 1428 in Oare ib.;
1498 in Ore C. Inq.
Originally '^'ora, ^'cet {pdmi) oran (= border, edge). OE
or a being a word chiefly used in pi. ns [e. g. on Wind-
lesoran AS Chr. E (A. D. 1096) =-- Windsor, Berks.] The
present name no doubt refers to the long well-marked
edge of Hewish Hill, under which the village lies.
Odstock S of Salisbur3^
1086 Odestoche DB; 1173 Odestoeha Pipe B; 1199 Odestoka
1 Q
See Jones, p. 226.
Feet of fines; 1281 Oddestock Ch. ii; 1816 de Oddestohe
FA; 1428 OdestoJc, in Odestoke ib.
Probably from '^'Odaii stoc. For the p. n. Oda see Forss-
ner, p. 198 1
Ogbourne St. Andrew ) „ ^ ^r ^^ ^
* N of Marlboroup-h.
„ St. George )
1086 Ochehorne, Ocheburne DB; 1133 Occhehitrna Cal. France;
c. 1190 Oclehurn ib.; 1208 Ohehurn Osmund; 1252 Ocke-
hurn Ch. R; 1277 HoTceburn Pat. E,; Edw. I NorthoTcehirne
Eot. H. (=0. St. George); 1316 Oklcehurm Parva FA (=0.
St. Andrew); 0. Magna ib. (= 0. St. George); 1428 Okehurn
Sandi Andree, Okehourne mhwri ib.; 0. SancH Georgii, 0.
major i ib.
Originally "^(^t Oc{c)au hurne [burnan], viz., the affluent
of the r. Kennet. now called 'the Og' (a back-formation
from Ogboiirne). '■Oc{c)a, recorded in the local ocan lea
CS no. 627, ocean slceiv (prob. mistake for hlceiu) ib, no.
1230, is probably a variant of the p. n. Ocea, which occurs
among the signatories of several OE charters. The distinc-
tive names refer to churches.
Note. In this connection attention may be drawn to the
name Ogletliorpe, W. R. of Yorks. Moorman's statement that
Ogle- might represent the p. n. Acivulf cannot possibly be
correct on account of the DB forms, which are Ocelestorp, Ogles-
torp. I am, on the contrary, inclined to trace a diminutive
form of ''''Oc{c)a, Ocea in this name, viz. *Ocel{a).
Orcheston St. George ) .^^^ „ . .
NW 01 Ames bury.
St. Mary I -^
1086 (in) Orcestone, Oichestone DB; 1195 de Orcliesdeh Feet of
fines; 1261 Orcheston C. Inq.; 1281 Horcheston Ch. R; 1314
Ordrycheston C. Inq.; 1316 Orcheston FA; 1428 Orcheston
Georgii ib.; 0. Boyvile ib. (= 0. St. Mary).
From ''^Ordrices tiin, Ordric being an OE p. n. Cf. the
development of Urchfont (Erchfont), below'. The distinctive
names refer to churches. 'Boyvile' (Bovill) is an AN family
name (see Bardsley).
Overton, West WSW of Marlborough.
939 ■\Uferan tuny '\Oferan tun{es), -fOfretone CS no. 734;
949 'Icet Ofoertune ib. no. 875 (possibly identical); 972 -^cet
Uuertune ib. no. 1285; 1086 Ovretone DB; 1284 Overton
Ch. E; Edw. I Westovtone Rot. H; 1316 Overton {Ahha-
tisse) FA.
Originally "^se ufer{r)a tun ^mt pcem ufer{r)an tune].
The distinctive name in FA refers to the abbess of
Wilton, who is mentioned as tenant here in DB.
Note. Kemble's identification of XJferantune CD nos. 1092,
1094 with this place is erroneous. It is, on the contrary,
identical with Overton (SW of Basingstoke), Hants, {cet) TJferantune
CS no. 1152 is also identical with this Hants, place, although
Birch incorrectly locates it in Wilts.
Oxenwood ESE of Burbage.
1265 Oxinwod Pat. R; 1332 Oxenetvode G. Inq.
No comments needed.
Patney SE of Devizes.
963 wt Peatanige, to Peattanige, to Pittanige CS no. 1118;
c. 1050 -^oet Peattanigge CD no. 949 (prob. identical); 1221
Patenia Macray; 1284 Patney Ch. R; c. 1290 Pateny T.
EccL; l?>m Pateneye Ch. R; 1331 m Pateneye C. Inq.
The termination is OE le-^ (here = 'marshy land'). The
first element can hardly be anything but a p. n. (of un-
known origin), the same as that which occurs in ^Peatting
tune CS no. 587. '^Pitta in Pittanige, if not merely a mis-
take, is to be considered as a variant of '^Peatta^ formed
from the regular patron3^mic of this name ^'Pi{e)tting\ Cf.
Tud(d)a: ■^■Tyd(d)a, under Tedworth, below.
Paxcroft ENE of Trowbridge.
1253 Paclcelescrofte C, Inq.
The first element contains the diminutive of a p. n. which
is certainly not on record independently but the existence
of which is nevertheless proved by several local names:
-fPeccinges CD no. 414, Pceccingas ib. nos. 481, 715, 896 (= Pat-
ching, Sussex), ^Pakenhdm ib. nos. 851, 957, -\Pakinton ib.
no. 916, '\Pakyngton ib. 939 (the two latter = Packington,
Leics.), Padeshdm ib. no. 824. The termination is OE croft
(= 'enclosed field').
Pertwood NW of Hindon.
1086 Perteworde DB; 1166 Pteumrda Pipe R; 1200 Pertes-
ivrdCj Perteswrih Phillipps' ped. fin.; 1324 Perteivorth FA;
1365 Perteivorth Phillipps' fines.
The first element was probably a p. n., the same as that
which occurs in peartan heal^ CS no. 1282, p. 587, and
Peartinga ivyrth ib. no. 262; cf. also Pertenhall, Beds, (see
Skeat PL Ns of Beds., p. 23 f.) The first member of
Pertnith, found on a coin of the time of Ceolwulf I, seems
to be the same. The earlv forms show that the termination
of the present pi. n. was originally OE weorp.
Pewsey SSW of Marlborough.
880 — 85 ■'feet Pefesigge, '\Pevesy, -\Pefesy CS nos. 553, 554,
555; 940 Pevesige ib. no. 748; 108Q (de) Pevesie (lour times)
DB; 1166 Peuesia Pipe E; c. 1290 Peveseija T. EccL; 1316
de Peueseye FA; 1324 Peuesy ib.; 1428 de Peueseye ib.
The termination is OE le^ (= marshy land). The first
element most probably contains the p. n. Peiif, found in
LYD beside the weak Peufa, probably of Celtic origin;
see Miiller, p. 43.
Pewsham SE of Chippenham.
1263 Peusham Pat. E; 1284 Peicesham CI. E; 1288 Peu-
wesham Cat. A. D.; 1298 Pewesham Pat. E; 1303 Pevesham
^ Also written pyrtan h. in the same charter, for which cf.
Pittanige (mod. Patney) above.
R. Pat.; 1307 Pewsham C. Inq. ; 1315 Fewesham ib.; 1320
Powesham CI. R.
Probably from '"^Peufes ham. For Peuf see preceding-
Pltton E of Salisbury.
1215—20 Piitton Osmund; 1246 Putton Ch. E; 1255 Put{t)on
Pat. R; 1273 Puttone C. Inq.; c. 1290 Puttene T. EccL:
early 14tli cent. Piton TN; 1316, 1402 Putton FA.
I suggest an original '''pytt-tun; (pytt = 'pit').
Porton SE of Amesburv.
1086 in Poertonc (prob. identical), Portone DB; 1269 de
Portone Macray; c. 1290 Portun T. EccL; 1316 Pourton
FA; 1326 Porton C. Inq.; 1428 Porton FA.
Tlie oriofin of the first element is obscure.
Potterne [yotd{r)n\ SSW of Devizes.
1086 {in) Poterne DB; 1091 Potern Osmund; 1146 Poter-
nam (Lat. ace.) Macray; 1148 Poternas^ ib.; 1195 Poterna
Feet of fines; 1236 Poterne Ch. R; 1279 Poterna C. Inq.;
1316, 1428 Potterne FA.
The original form may have been '■^■Put(f)an cern; Put(t)a
is recorded as an OE p. n.^ Cf. Chitterne, Colerne, Vasterne.
Poulshot [pouljdf] SW of Devizes.
1199 Paulesholt Rot. Cur.; 1220 — 28 de Paulesholte Macray;
1228 Paleshot CI. R; 1272, 1219 Paul eshoH(e) C. Inq.; early
^ The final -s is no doubt a mistake, cluo to the influence of
Caningas, which occurs immediately before it in the document.
^ To infer, with Skeat, PI. Ns of Beds., p. 54, an OE p. n.
'■■Pot, '^Fot{t)a from the patronymic Pot{t)ing- (in ■\Potiingtun CD
no. 1299, fPotintiin ib. no. 1358. and ■\potingdu7i ib. 1368) is
rather dangerous, as it is impossible to know if the o-vowel is
14th cent. Pawelesholt TN; 1316 de Paulesholte FA; 1422
Polesholt Cal. Inq.; 1428 Poulesholt FA.
Originally "^Paides holt. The loss of I in the termination
is due to weakened stress. Note the spelling pron. of the
mod. name.
Preshute Within [2^refdf] in the mun. bor. of Marlborough.
„ Without adjoining the above.
1185 Prestcheta Pipe E; 1223 de Preschete Macray; 1252
PrescJmt, Preshiit ib. ; c. 1290 Prescut T. Eccl. ; 1313 de
Purshute CL R; 1314 de Perslmfe ib.; 1320 of Pershute
Pat. E; 1332 Preshute PhilHpps' fines; 1338 of Presf chute
ib.; 1426 Presshiujte Cal. Inq.; 1428 Presthut FA; 1534
Preshet Dugdale.
This cannot possibly be a pure Germanic name. It seems
as if the same Celtic word as occurs in Chute, above, is
also present here.
Purton N^" of Swindon.
796 -fPiertean (corrupt), "^ide) Ptiritone, '\Perytuii, {^Puritun)
CS no. 279 (prob. identical); 854 "^at Peritune (Pirigtime)
ib. no. 470 (prob. ident.); 1065 •fPirituna CD no. 817 (prob.
ident.); 1086 Piritone DB; 1257 in Peritoh E. fin. exc;
1281 Peritone C. Inq.; c. 1290 Puryton T. Eccl.; Pyritoa
C. Inq.: 1299 Pyryton Br. Mus. ; 1316 de Purytone FA;
1428 Puryton ib.; 1494 Pereton C. Inq.; 1498 Pyrton ib.;
1568 Perton alias Purton Cat. A. D.
The first element is OE piri^e ^ *^pear-tree'. The forms
with e in the first syllable have, no doubt, been influenced
by ME xjere (< OE pere, pern = NE 'pear').
Purton Stoke N of Purton.
1476 Puryton Stoke Cat. A. D.
Originally '"^'oet [pcem] stoce; see under Baverstock. Purton
is only a distinctive name (referring to the neighbouring
Quemerford near Calne.
1240 — 45 Quemerford Macray; 1293 Quimerford Cal. Inq.;
1370 Quemerford Phillipps' fines; 14:04, Quimerford Cal. Inq.
It is impossible to identify the first element^. The form
Cummer ford, quoted by Camden p. 106, must be corrupt.
Quidhampton W of Salisbury.
1287 Quidhamton C. Inq.; Edw. I QMe<i^am^^o?^ Plac. Warr. ;
1324 Quidhamptone C. Inq.; 1331 Quedehmnpton Phillipps'
fines; 1459 Qut/ddehampton Cal. Inq.; 1485 Quedham{p)ton
C. Inq.; 1493 Quydhampton, Quedehampton ib.
Quid- cannot possibly be a Germanic element. Cf. Quiden-
ham Norfolk, (occurring as Cuidenham in DB, Quydenham,
Quidynham C. Inq.). -hampton goes back to OE "^ham-tun.
Rabson N of Avebury.
Edw. I Eahbedesfone Eot. H; 1316, 1428 Rahhedeston FA.
From ^'Radhodes tun, Radhod being a Continental-Ger-
manic p. n.; see Forssner, p. 205. The loss of t in the
second element is due to weakening; cf. Hodson, above.
Ramsbury NW of Hungerford (Berks.).
909 {ad ecclesiam) Corvinienscm Osmund (prob. referring to
this place); 947 frammeshuri CS no. 828 (prob. ident.); 1023
Coruiniensis (ecclesice) CD no. 737 (prob.); 1086 Ramesherie DB;
1091 Rammeshiri Osmund; c. 1125 RamesheriaW . Malm.; 1146
Rammesheriam (ace.) Macray; 1196 Rameshif Feet of fines;
1227 Remmisbiri Ch. R; 1240 Ramesblri ib.; Remmesbure
Macray; 1275 Ramsbury Ch. E; 1294, 1300 Remmesbury
ib.; 1316 Rammesbury FA; 1428 Remmesbury ib.
It is often a matter of mere conjecture to say whether
the common elements Raven-, Ram- in Engl. pi. ns origin-
^ An OE p. 11. ''Civenmer can hardly be assumed, as tlie
member -mer (whicli would here represent mdru) is quite un-
known in female names.
all}^ represent OE Jircefn (hrcemn) = 'raven', or the Scand.
p. n. Baf{e)n (see Bjorkman, Pers. I, p. 109). In the present
name, hoAvever, the latter alternative is strongly supported
by the character of the second element. For the develop-
ment of Bafn > Ramn, see Biilbring § 485. The ^-voAvel
in the first syllable of some ME forms is due to the in-
fluence of the bird's name, ME rem (< OE hrem).
Ratfyn near AmesburA^
1086 RotefeId{e) (twice) DB^; c. 1115, 1226 Rotefen Osmund;
1270 Rothefen Ch. R; c. 1290 Roffen T. EccL; Edw. Ill
Rothefen NI; 1428 Roffen FA; 1540 Rothfenne Dugdale.
Probably from ^Hrojjan fen{n), *IIropa being a pet-form
of some p. n. beginning with Hrop-, e. g. Hropgar, Hrop-
muncl (see Mliller, p. 105 f.). The change of o> a is due
to the dialectal peculiarity mentioned in connection with
Calcutt, above. It is curious that the weakening of the
second element has resulted in -fyn {fin) instead of fdn.
For the unusual rendering of intervocalic (5 by t m early
ME documents see Zachrisson, p. 115, foot-note. The later
change of j^ > ^ is due to the following fricative.
The place has a low situation by the East x4.von.
Ridge E of Hindon.
1407 Rugge Cal. Inq.; 1558 Ridge Br. Mus.
'The ridge' (of the down).
Rockley NW of Marlborough.
1086 {in) Rochelie DB; 1221 Rohel R. L. CL; 1270 Roclea
Ch. R; 1273 Rode C. Inq.; 1299 RouUeij Cal. Inq.; 1316
Roucle FA; 1335 Rookie C. Inq.; 1428 Rohele FA; 1485
RoJceley C. Inq.
^ This place is certainly situated in Ambi'esbury hundred, and,
if not identical with modern Ratfyn. the places seem at least
to be connected with each other on account of the similarity of
the first elements.
Probably from an original *(et pceni (peers) hroc-Iea^e (OE
hroc = 'rook^). The on in Cal. Inq. and FA may denote
simply 0.
Rodbourne S of Malmesbury.
701 '\Bedhurna (latex), [■\Reodburna] CS no. 103; 758 ^'Reod-
huma (latex), [\Botbiirne] ib. no. 185; 844 •^Bodhurne ib.
no. 444; 982 "fReodburna, '\Rodburne CD no. 632 (prob.
identical); 1065 Rodburna ib. no. 817; 1232 Redburn CI. K
(or = R. Cheney); 1316 Rodburne FA; 1453 Roddeborne
Cal. Inq. (or = R. Cheney).
Originally '^cet pceni (pcere) hreod-burnan (^cet pr£re hreod-
burne), burne referring here to the little affluent of the
Lower Avon which flows south of the ancient *^Corsburn^ ^
(mod. Gauze brook). OE hreod = 'reed'. Shifting of stress
has taken place in the OE diphthong.
Note. There seems no reason to locate (on) Hreodhurnan,
■\Hredhurnan CD nos. 1146. 1185 in Wilts., as is stated in Kemble's
Rodbourne Cheney NNW of Swindon.
1086 Redborne DB; c. 1290 Rodeburn T. EccL; 1316 Rod-
burne FA; 1428 Rodebourne, Rodeburn ib.
This name, which has obviously the same derivation as
the preceding one, designated originally the little stream
here that runs into the r. Hay (an affluent of the Thames).
'Cheney' is an AIST family name, see Bardsley; and Jones,
p. 229.
RoIIestone [roulsVn'] W of Amesbury.
c. 1290, 6?e Rolvestone T. EccL; 1428 Rolveston, RoulestonYK^
This name obviously contains the Scand. p. n. Rolf, for
which see Bjorkman, Pers. I, p. 113. The termination is
OE tun.
^ See under Corston, above.
Rood Ashton SE of Trowbridge.
1475 Bode Asshefon Cal. Inq. ; 1596 Rowde Asheton Br. Mus.
See Steeple Ashton, below. The distinctive 'RoocV must
refer to a cross which formerly existed here.
Roundway [or 'Roundaway'] NNE of Devizes.
1316 Byndeiceij FA; 1337 Ryndivay Phillipps' fines; 1428
Byng{e)ivei/ FA; 1491 Bundeivey C. Inq.
The most plausible origin of this name is "Hringan rueg
i^'cet Hringan we^e)^, "^Hringa being a hypocoristic form of
such p. ns as Hrmgwine, Hringwulf. The modern Boimd-
is in that case easily explained as a popular development,
caused by ME '^Bun-, an AN rendering of Byng-; (cf.
Groundwell, Landford, above).
Rowde [roud] NW of Devizes.
1086 Bode DB [prob. identical]; 1205 Bodes, Budes R. L.
CI.; 1221, 1223 Budes Pat. E; 1261 Boudes ib.; c. 1290
Boudes T. Eccl.; 1316 Boudes FA; 1318 Boude CL R; 1330
Bo^id Pat. R; 1428 Boives (corrupt) FA.
It is not improbable that this name represents OE rude f.
(plur. riidan) = mod. 'rue' (a plant of the genus ^Ruta',
formerly used for medicinal purposes). Bowde may conse-
quently be a pi. n. analogous with Bedwyn, BremJiill, above.
Most of the ME forms show" substitution of strong plur.
ending for the original Aveak one.
Rushall [rdfl] SW of Pewsey.
1086 Busteselve (corrupt), BusteseUe^ DB; 1160 Busteshala
Pipe R; c. 1200 de Busteshale Osmund; 1207 de Btistes-
hall R. Oblat.; 1258 BusteshaJ C. Inq.; 1284 Busteshell
^ The possibility that the adj. Vound' formed part of the
original name is, on the contrary, not supported by the quoted
ME forms.
" Or possibly meant to be Lustesellc, as is supposed by Jones,
p. 230. in which case it would be identical with Lushill.
Pat. B; of Eosteshale CI. R; 1285 (m) Rusteshale Ch. U:
c. 1290 <ie Rusteshale T. EccL; 1316 rfe Rusteshale FA;
1397 Rusthalle Cal. Inq.
Originally "^Rnstes {Rustanl) heall (or healh). A p. n.
*Rust (^Rusta) is not on record, but its existence seems
authenticated by the local Rustington, Sussex, (see the old
forms quoted by Koberts, p. 136), and ^rusting den CS
no. 459.
Salisbury or New Sarum.
1146 Sarisherice (Lat. gen.) Macray; 1205 Saleshif Rot. Qh..\
1218 Sarrishurie Pat. R\ 1227 Novcb Sarum {Sarisherice)
(Lat. gen.) Macray; 1232 Sarresbiri, of Saresherie Ch. R;
1258 New Sarum C. Inq.; 1268 apud Sareshyriam Ch. E,;
1270 Sareshury ib.; 1289 Sarrum C. Inq.; 1316 Nove Saris-
burie (gen.) FA; 1336 Salesbirs Pat. R; 1376 Saresbirs CI. R;
1428 Nova Sarisburia FA.
See Sarum, Old, below. For the final s in the forms
of 1336, 1376 see Westphal § 24.
Salterton NNW of Sahsbury.
1309 Saltertone, Salterton Derneford C. Inq.; 1428 Salter-
ton FA.
Originally *sealtera {sealteresl) tun. OE sealtere, saltere
= 'a Salter", 'dealer in salt\ Cf. sealtera cumh CS nos. 158,
727, '\{on) Salter forda ib. no. 1109, saltera iveg ib. no.
1282, p. 588. The distinctive Derneford refers to the neigh-
bouring Durnford.
Salthrop SE of Wootton Bassett.
1086 Salteharpe DB; 1198 Sauteharp Feet of fines; 1240
de Saltharp' CI. R; early 14tli cent, in Saltharepe TN;
1328 Saltharpe C. Inq.; 1428 Saltharp FA.
Originally ^sealt-porp, probably denoting a place where
salt was stored for sale. Salt- is a rather common element
in Engl. pi. ns. It is curious that in all the ME forms the
termination shows weakened stress. Has the element possibly
been influenced by the dialectal tendency to change o > a
(see Calcutt)?
Sandridge NW of Devizes.
1418 Sandrigge Cal. Inq.
The meaning is obvious.
Sarum, Old N of Salisbury.
[552] cet Searo hyrg AS Chr. [A], Searo hyrig ib. [E], Sceles-
heri ib. [F]; [1003] to Seafhjrig ib. [E, F] ; [1085] to Scare
hyrig ib. [E]; 1086 Sarisberie DB; 1091 Sarum Osmund;
[1096, 1099, 1100, 1106] {on, of, cet) Sear hyrig ib. [E];
[1123] of Seres hyrig, of Sceres hyrig, of Seares hyrig ib.
[E]; [1125] of Swreshyrig ib. [E]; [1126, 1130] of Sceres hyri
ib. [E]; [1132] of Seresheri ib. [E]; [1137] of Sereheriih. [E];
1195 Veteris Sarum (gen.) Macray; 1218 apud Veteres Saris-
hirias ib.; 1319 Old Sarum C. Inq.; c. 1540 Old-Sareshyry
Old Sarum is a place of great antiquity and is generally
considered to be the '"Sorhiodunum {Sorhiodoni, Sorvioduni)
mentioned in Antoninus' Itinerary. If this is the case, it
seems not improbable that Searo- in Searohyrig may be
simply an AS corruption of the first element of the Celtic
name (no other pi. n. containing OE seam is on record).
The insertion of s in the composition-joint is due to ana-
logy with other pi. ns in -hyrig, which as a rule have a
gen. s. The change of r > I is due to AN infl.; see
Zachrisson, pp. 120, 130.
Sarum was formed from the first element of Sareshiiry by
means of the Latin ending -um, (see Zachrisson : Some Inst,
of Lat. Infl. on Engl. PL Nomencl., p. 11); cf. Meldum
under Malmesbury.
Savernake (Forest) SE of Marlborough.
933 Safernoc (silva) CS no. 699; 1221 de Savernak E. L.
CI.; 1223 de Severnak ib.; 1232 Savernak Ch. E; 1246 of
Saverndke ib.; 1248 Savernae ib.; 1306, 1333, 1355 SevernaJc
CI. E; 1354, 1426 SavernacJc Cal. Inq.
This name can hardly be Germanic. Guest, p. 61, states
as his opinion that it is connected with the name of the
River Severn, which he takes to be derived from the Irish
sabQi)rann (= boundar}^) ^, Savernalce representing an adj.
'''sab{h)ranach from this snbst. [coif (=Svood^) understood].
Seagry SSE of Mahnesbury.
lOSQ SegrieBB; 1207 Segreij 'Rot. Gh.; 1211 Segre R.h. CI;
c. 1220 Segreya Br. Mus.; 1232 in Segreye, Segrey Ch. R;
1258 Segrc C. Inq.; 1316, 1428 Segre FA.
The etymology is obscure.
Sedgehill SW of Hindon.
1398 Seggchull Cal. Inq.; 1493 Seggehill C. Inq.
The first element most probably refers to the plant-name
sedge, the assumption of an OE p. n. ''-'Sec^a being hardly
Seend W of Devizes.
1203 Sendes Rot. Ch., Cal. Eot. Ch.; 1269 Sende C. Inq.;
1282 Sende ib.; 1286 m Sende Ch. E; 1316, 1402, 1428
de Sende FA.
This is no doubt the same word as is contained in the local
wt Scndan CS no. 1063 (according to Birch = Send, Surrey),
perhaps also the same as the first element in senthylle
ib. no. 216, and '\senet ricge ib. no. 1282, p. 587. It seems
not impossible that Middendorff, p. 115, is correct in assuming
that we have in this word an English equivalent of the 'ober-
deutsch' sente (= Yiehof, Yieherei)^, but it is curious that there
^ See Stokes, p. 289, and Holder II, p. 1272.
" On the other hand it is quite impossible to see why Mid-
dendorff at the same time connects this word with German
Sende (= Binse), as this word was semida in OHGr.
are no other traces of the word, not even in the English
Semington NE of Trowbridge.
1470 Semington Br. Mus.
Originally *Semmga (or "^Semmi) tmi. An OE p. n.
^Sema is certainly to be connected with the Scand. Scemingry
Semingr (see Lind). Cf. '\Semes lod CS no. 125, and next
Semley NE of Shaftesbury (Dors.).
955 |o?i Semeleage CS no. 917; c. 1190 Semele Macray;
Edw. I SemeligK Rot. H; 1316 de Semeleghe FA; 1428
Semele ib.
*(jet Seman leage. For *Sema see preceding name.
Sevenhampton [called 'Sennington"] SSE of Highworth.
Hen. Ill Sevehampton Cat. A. D.; 1262 Sevenhampton C.
Inq. ; 1276 Sevehampton Ch. R. ; Sevenht., Sevehampton Br
Mus.; 13th cent. Suvenhantone Liber rub.; 1313 Sevene-
hampton Pat. R; 1316 Sevenhampton FA; 1330 Senhampton
Pat. R.
'The seven homesteads'. The loss of the original plur.
s may be due partly to the early weakening of the first
element, owing to which its meaning has been forgotten,
and partly to the influence of the singular -hampton in
other pi. ns. Sevenhampton, Glos., is also called 'Senning-
ton'; for this contraction cf. sennight. For the ?*-vowel in
the Liber rub. form, see under Bemerton.
Note. It is very uncertain whether fSeofonhcemtune CD no.
767 and -fSeofenempton ib no. 1324 refer to this place.
Shalbourne [f(jelhd{r)n, fQlhd{r)n] SSW of Hungerford
1086 Scaldehurne (three times), Saldehorne DB; 1242 Scaude-
brne R. fin. exc; 1253 Schaldesburne IPsit.l^; c. 1290 Schal-
10 E. Ekhlovi
dehorn T. Eccl.; 1329 Westshaldebourne C. Inq. ; 1375 Chalde-
hourne CI. R; 1428 Shaldebourne FA; 1493 Shalburne C.
Inq.; c. 1540 Chauburne Leland.
Originally "^cet (pa;m, pcere) scealdan human {*cet poire se.
burne), viz. the little affluent of the r. Kennet which
passes here. For OE *sceald (NE shoal), which is only
recorded in pi. ns, see Stevenson, Trans, of the Philol.
Soc. 1895—98, p. 532, and NED (under 'shoaF)i. ch for
sh in two of the forms above is merely orthographic (see
Zachrisson, p. 37 f.); cf. Chatv, Charnton, Cherston {~ Sha,v^\
Sherrington, Sherston, below).
Note, {on) Scealdehurnan CD nos. 598, 600, 1082, 1084 was most
probably in Soms. and not identical with Shalbourne, Wilts.,
as is stated in Kemble's index. The same error is made by
Birch, CS no. 611.
Shaw NW of Melksham.
1166 Schaga Pipe E, (prob. identical); 1199 in Saghe Rot.
Cur. (prob. ident.); 1285 Shaghe Cal. Eot. Ch.; 1370 Chatv
Cal. inq. da.; 1428 in Shaive FA; 1495 in Shawe C. Inq.
OE scea^a (= shaw, copse).
Sherrington. SE of Heytesbury.
968 -fSchearntune Reg. Wilt.; 1086 Scarentone (tAvice) DB:
1130 — 35 Serenton Osmund; 1166 de Slier intoh Pipe H;
1247 Sernton C. Inq.; 1252 Sherinton Pat. R; 1281 Sherton
Ch. R; c. 1290 de Schertone T. Eccl; 1299 Scharnton Pat. R;
1316 Sharenton FA; 1324 Schrynton ib.; 1327 Sherntone
C. Inq.; 1337 Sharneton R. Pat., Pat. R; 1375 Charnton
Cal. Inq.; 1413 Sherrimjton Br. Mus.; 1428 Sharrenton,
Schernton FA.
Originally ^'scearn-tun; OE scearn = ' dung\ 'filth'. Cf.
Scearndmi CD no. 518, Scearnden ib. no. 700, cBt See am -
^ Middendorff's explanation of the element in question (p. Ill)
seems quite absurd. Note also Searle's incorrect assumption of a
p. n. *Scealda.
forda ib. nos. 710, 1298. The later insertion of -ing- is
due to analogy with those pi. ns that contain the patro-
nymic -ing.
Sherston WSW of Malmesbury.
[1016] cet Sceorstane AS Chr. [E], oet Scor[s\tane ib. [D]
[perhaps identical]; 1086 Sorestone (or = Sherston Parva),
Sorstainl DB; 1167 Scorestan Pipe E; c. 1200 Sorestan
Osmund; 1204 Sorestan R. Pat., de Sorestan E. L. CL;
c. 1207 Sorestane Br. Mus.; 1227 Schorestafi Omxiund; 1237
Shorestan Ch. E; Schorestan Pat. E; 1240, 1247 Shorestan
Ch. E; 1248 Sherestan ib.; 1252 Schorstan ib.; 1280 Sher-
ston Magna Pat. E; Edw. I in Sereston Plac. Warr.; c. 1290
Scherston T. EccL; 1316 Sherston FA; 1334 Sherston C.
Inq.; 1337 Sharston E. Pat.; Magna Cherston Pat. E; 1338
Sharston ib.; 1340 Magna Sherstan ib.; Shareston E. Pat.;
1428 Sherston FA.
It is obvious that the termination of this name was OE
stdn. The first element I am inclined to think is the same
M''ord as NE shore. This is certainly not recorded as an
independent Avord till the 14th cent., but is found in pi. ns
as early as the 11th cent.: Shoreham, Sussex, occurs as
Sorham Cal. France A. D. 1073, and as Sore{s)ha DB; Shor-
well, Isle of Wight, as Soreivelle DB. In the case of the
Sussex name it is evident that the first element denotes
'sea-shore', and this may also have been the case with
Shorivell (although this place at the present day is situated
at a distance of 2 miles from the coast). But it seems
also to be a fact that the element in question occurs in
names of places situated far inland: Shorediteh SSE of
Taunton, Soms., Shoreham N of Sevenoaks, Kent, Shore,
near Rochdale, Lanes., and the name under notice. Judging
from these names, it would seem as if shore might origin-
ally have denoted not only 'border between land and
water but also 'border between two different territories';
(of. the significance of OE ora). This explanation is specially
suitable in the case of Sherston on account of its situation
near the borders of Grlos. Sherstoyi may consequently have
meant 'boundary-stone'.
The change of o > e in the first syllable, which did not
take place until the change of -staii > -ston, is most prob-
ably to be considered as a dissimilatory process.
Note. McClure's explanation, p. 286, foot-note II, that the
first element represents OE scear, the name consequently denoting
%i stone with a sharp edge' is impossible. If this was the case,
how is the o vowel to be explained?
Sherston Parva or Pinkney near Sherston.
1316, 1428 Sherston Parva FA.
'Pinkney', according to Bardsley an AN family name,
refers to E-alph de Pinkeny, who held lands here in the
13th cent.; see Jones, p. 232.
Shorncote NW of Cricklade.
1086 Schernecote DB; 1234 de Sernekote CI. R; 1268 Sernekote
C. Inq. ; c. 1290 de Cernecote T. EccL; 1316 de Cernecote FA;
1334 Cornecote C. Inq.; 1397 Sharnecote Cal. Inq. (prob.
identical); 1428 Cernecote, in Shernecote FA.
Zachrisson, p. 159, who gives this name as an example
of the change of tf>f, due to French influence, suggests
that it may be derived from the River 'Churn (like Ciren-
cester^ Glos.). The present situation of the place is cer-
tainly about a mile from this river, but it is probable,
however, that Zachrisson's view is correct. 'Churn' is of
course a Celtic name (see Baddeloy, pp. 38^ 42).
Shrewton WNW of Amesbury.
1236 Winterhurn Shyreveton Ch. R; Winterburne Sireveton
Cal. Rot. Ch.; Edw. I in Schreveton Plac. Warr.; c. 1290
S chirr eneston T. P]ccl. {n mistake for r); 1302 Wy7itrehu7m
Shirveton Pat. R; 1310 Sherrevetone, Wynierhorn Sherretonc
C. Inq. ; 1316 Slier evetoyi FA; 1S22 Wynterbourn Schireueton
0. Inq.; 1428 Shereveton FA.
Originally *scir^erefan tun. For sclrgerefa (sheriff) see
NED. The distinctive name refers to the affluent of the
Wiley that passes here (see Winterbourne Stoke, below).
Slaughterford NW of Corsham.
1175 Slachtoneford Pipe B; c. 1290 Slahteford, Slalit ere ford
T. EccL; 1298 Slaghteneford CI. E; 1299 Slaghtenford Pat. R;
1300 Slaghtenford ib.; 1316 Slaghterford FA; Edw. Ill
Sla(u)ghtenford NI; 1428 Slaghtreford FA.
According to Camden, p. 103, tradition has connected this
name with a great slaughter of the Danes which was suppos-
ed to have taken place here. Stevenson, who takes the oppor-
tunity of discussing the etymology of this name in his edition
of Asser's Life of King Alfred, p. 275 f., clearly proves,
however, that it has nothing to do with the subst. '^slaughter'
and consequently that the tradition has no foundation. Ste-
venson suggests, on the other hand, an etymology which seems
very probable. On account of the forms with the first element
in -n (which occur too frequently to be merely orthographical
mistakes) he derives this element from OE sldh-porn (= sloe-
thorn). Cf. Slaughter and Slaughterford, Glos., which are
analogous; (see the old forms quoted by Baddeley).
Smithcot W of Wootton Bassett.
1086 Smitecote DB; early 14th cent. Smithcot, Smethecote,
in Smezecote TN; 1428 in Smethecote FA; 1536 to Smethcote
Br. Mus.
Originally '^'smippe-cot{e) or perhaps *smipes cot(e). OE
smippe = 'smithy'. As to t for th in the DB form, see
Zachrisson, p. 115, foot-note. The change of i>e is dis-
cussed under Biddestone, above.
Somerford, Great and Little SE of Malmesbury.
683 Sumerford CS no. 65; 931 Sumerford ib. no. 671; 956
pomerford ib. no. 922; 1065 Sumerford CD no. 817; 1086
Sumreford, in Somreforde DB; 1232 Sumerford Cli. li; 1252
Somerford Maudut Cal. Eot. Ch. (= Little S.); 12^4: Sumer-
ford Maudut Pat. E.; 1333 Somerford Mauduyt Br. Mus.;
1428 Sooner ford Magna, Parva FA.
The name indicates that the Avon at this place was only
fordable in summer. 'Mauduit' (Maldoit) is an AN family
name; see Hildebrand, p. 338. For further information
see Jones, p. 235.
Note. Sumerford CD no. 714 and '\{to) Sumceres forda ib. no.
1093 were not in Wilts, although Kemble states that they were.
The former may be Somerford Keynes, Glos., and the latter
was situated in Surrey or Hants.
Sopworth W of Sherston.
1086 Sopetvorde DB; 1252 Shoptvurfh Ch. E (corrupt);
Edw. I de Suppeworth' Plac. Warr. ; c. 1290 Soppewrth,
Soppeivroth T. EccL; 1316 de Soppeiuorthe FA; 1318 Soppe-
worth Ch. E; 1428 Soppeivorth FA.
From '^Soppan weorp. The first element is obviously
the same p. n. as occurs in the local Sop2)anhyrig CS no.
582. A corresponding German Soppo is recorded by Searle.
Cf. Sop well, Herts, (see Skeat, PI. Ns of Herts., p. 53) and
Sopley, Hants. (1086 Sopelie DB, 1262, 1274 Soppele, C. Inq.).
As to d for th in the DB form, see Stolze § 38.
Southbroom St. James adjoining Devizes.
1227 Suthhrome Macray; Suthhrmi Ch. E (corrupt); 1231
Suthbnim Pat. E; 1308 Suthhrom Br. Mus.; 1491 in South
The second element is OE hrom. 'St. James' is the name
of a church.
Southwick SW of Trowbridge.
Hen. in Southwick Br. Mus.; 1322 (of) Sotheivyke Ch. E.
For wiclc (OE wlc) see under Berwick (Bassett).
Standen NE of Ludgershall.
1086 Standene DB (identical according to Jones); 1249
Standeii Ch. R; 1327 Staundene Cal. Inq.
Originally '^stan-dene (denu). For Staunden see Zachris-
son § 9.
Note. Standene CD nos. 133, 430, fStaunden ib. no. 520 p.
417, and Standene ib. no. 1235 were obviously not situated in
Wilts., as Kemble assumes. The first of these seems, however,
to be identical with North Standen, (Berks.) near the Wilts,
Standlynch SSE of Salisbury.
Edw. I Stanling' Eot. H; 1361 Stallynch Br. Mus.; 1388
Stanlynch ib.; 1403 Stanlynch Phillipps' fines.
Originally *stdn-hlinc. OE hli7ic = 'rising ground', 'ridge'.
For the inorganic d in the mod. form cf. Horn § 185.
Stanton Fitzwarren SW of Highworth.
1086 Stantone DB 74 a; c. 1290 Stauntofi T. Eccl.; 1316
Stau7iton FA.
Originally '^stan-tun, which may have denoted 'an enclos-
ure fenced in by stones' as well as 'an end. on stony
round'. 'Fitzwarren' is an AN family name.
Stanton St. Bernard E of Devizes.
903 Stantun"^ OS no. 600; 957 Stantun^ ib. no. 998; 960
Stantun^ ib. no. 1053; 1086 Stcmtone DB 67 d; 1267 de
Sfantofie Macray; c. 1290 Staunton T. Eccl.
'St. Bernard' is a famil}^ name.
^ The identity is not quite certain but may be assumed on
account of the fact that "^Wodnes die' is mentioned among the
boundaries. The statement in Birch's CS that they represent
S. Fitzwarren is, however, quite incorrect.
Stanton St, Quintin NNW of Chippenham.
1086 Stantone DB 72 d; 1286 Stanton St. Quintin Ch. R;
c. 1290 Staunton T. Eccl. ; 1428 Staunton (Sancti Quintini) FA.
'St. Quintin is an AN family name.
Stapleford NNW of Wilton.
1086 Stapleford DB; c. 1115 Stapetford Osmund; 1139?
Stapelford Macray; 1239, 1322 Stapleford Ch. R; 1428 Sta-
ptdford FA.
The first element is WS stapol = ^a post', 'a pillar' (prob-
ably erected here to indicate the shallow place in the
Staverton [stwvd{r)fn] N of Trowbridge.
1086 Stavretone DB; c. 1540 Stavertun Leland.
This name is most probably to be derived from ■'■'stcefera
(or ^'stwferes) tun, OE ''^stcefere being a nomen agentis from
st(Ff (= letter, character), consequently^ meaning ''a scribe'
(cf. hocere). Cf. Staverton, Northants., which occurs as '\(to)
stcefer tune CS no. 792, p. 542, Staverton, Glos.^, and Star-
ton, Warws. ^
Steeple Ashton E of Trowbridge.
880—885 cet JEsctune, -fde Asclc{e)tune CS nos. 553 — 55
[prob. identical]; 1086 Aistone DB; c. 1290 de Hastone,
Astone T. Eccl; 1316 Asshton FA; Edw. Ill Stepell Asschton
NI; 1470 Stepulasshton Br. Mus.; 1485 Stepid Aisshton
C. Inq.
The original name, which also indicated the neighbouring
Hood Ashton and West Ashton, seems, on account of the
first CS form above, to have been cesc-tun (OE a^sc = ash-
tree). scJc for s{c)h (in CS) is, no doubt, merely orthographic.
^ See the old forms given in Baddeley, p. 146, and Duignan,
PI. Ns of Warws., p. 106. The explanations given by these
scholars seem, on the contrary, far from convincing.
Note. Birch's identification of yAshtone CS no. 1127 with
this place is very doubtful, for the boundaries given do not
point to this. There is just as little reason for identifying
fAscesdune CD 246, jAysshedoune ib. no. 415, and -fees dune ib.
no. 446 with any of the present Ashtons in Wilts., though
Kemble does so.
Steeple Langford NW of Wilton.
957 |o>i langan ford CS no. 992 ; 963 cet langanforda ib.
no. 783; 1086 Langeford^; 1256 Lange ford C. Inq.; c. 129a
Langeford Magna T. EccL; 1294 Stepel Langeford Pat. E,;
1309 Stupellangeford C. Inq.; 1316 Steppul Lang ford FA.
The original name also refers to the adjoining Hanging
L. and L. Little (see above).
Note. There seems no reason for locating j-Langeforth CS no.
901 in Wilts., as Birch does.
Stert SE of Devizes.
1086 Sterte DB; 1269 Sterte C. Inq.; 1311 Steurte Pat. E;
1313 Steorte CI. R; 1315 (of) Sterte Ch. E; 1326 of Sturte
Fine E; 1330 Steorte E. Pat.; 1333 Sturt CI. E; 1342
Sturte Cal. Eot. Ch.; 1402 in Steerte FA; 14:28 in Sterte ih .
OE steort {= tail; projecting point). Stert is situated on
the greensand in the Pewsey valley below the escarpment
of the chalk-downs, and, as is often the case in the green-
sand districts, projecting spits or points beside deep, narrow
valleys are found here. It is evident that such a spit
must have given the present place its name. For ME u
representing OE eo see under Bemerton. The mod. spelling-
is archaic.
Stitchcombe E of Marlborough.
1086 Stotecome DB; 1216 de Stotecumbe E. L. CI.; 1227
Stutescumh' CI. E; Edw. I de Studescombe Eot. H; 1316 ^e
^ There are three Langefords in the Imndr. of Branche men-
tioned in DB (fol. 68 a, 68 d, and 72 a) each probably referring
to one of the three mod. Langfords here (Hanging L., Little L.,
and Steeple L.).
Stutescomhe FA; 1414 Stotescombe Phillipps' fines; 1424 of
Stotescombe Cat. A. D.
We may assume an original "^Stutan cumb^ ''^Stuta being
probably a hypocoristic form of some compound p. n. with
Stut- as the first member, of which '''Stutheard and *Stuthere
seem to have existed, judging from the local '\{to) stutardes
cumbe CS no. 814 and Kon) shiteres hylle ib. nos. 179, 628,
905. Cf. also '\stuting CD no. 773 (= Stowting, Kent?). The
late change of 8tut{e)s- > Stitch- must be due to popular
etymology. It is interesting to notice a similar development
in another name: Stu{t)chhiinj, Northants. (early 13th cent.
Stutesbyr Br. Mus., c. 1230 Stotesbur ib.). For the absence
of b in the I)B form see Stolze § 34.
Stockley S of Calne.
1335 Stohkele Cal. Inq. (prob. identical); 1445 Stockley Cal.
Eot. Ch.; [n. d.] of StocMeghe Cat. A. D.
*cBt [pmm, pcere] stoc(c)'leagp (probably = 'a meadow with
stumps of felled trees').
Stockton SE of Heytesbury.
1086 Stottune DB; 1130 — 35 Stoctun Osmund; 1189 Stocton
Br. Mus.; 1284 Stocton Ch. R; c. 12^0 de StottoneT.^GoX.]
1316 StoUon FA.
OE *stoc{c)-tun (pr-obably = 'an enclosure fenced in with
stocks or posts'), t for c in two of the forms aboA^e is an
error (due to the similarity of these letters).
Stoford [stoufd{r)d] N of Wilton.
1284 Stoford C. Inq.; 1352 Stouford CI. R; 1453 Stofford
Cal. Inq.; 1559 Stovorde Br. Mus.
Probably from '^stow-ford; OE stow = 'placed "^dwelling',
'house'. Cf. Stowford, below.
Stoke Farthing hi of Broad Chalk,
c. 1190 Stokes Macray (prob. identical); 1258 Stokes Ch. R;
1273 StoJc C. Inq.; 1316 StoJce Verdon ib.; 1316 de Stoke
FA; 1-128 in StoJce Verdon ib.
*cet [p(^7n] stoce [stocuml^]; see under Baverstock. 'Far-
thing' is nothing but a corruption of the French surname
'Verdon .
Stokke [stok] near Gr. Bedwyn.
1230—40 Stoh de Stoke Macray; 1312 Stokke Cal. Inq.;
1335 Stoche C. Inq.; 1360 La Stoke Cal. Inq.; 1428 in
Stokke FA.
OE stoc = 'place'. Stokke is an orthographic contamina-
tion of "Stock (< OE stoc) and Stoke (< OE cet stoce).
Note. (cBt) Stoce CS do. 611, CD nos. 1082, 1084 is certainly
not identical with this place, as is stated by Birch and Kemble.
but was probably situated in Soms.
Stonehenge [stounhentf].
12th cent. Stanhenges Luard, Ann.; Stanenges Henry of
Stonehenge^ the extensive group of megalithic stones on
Salisbury Plain, W of Amesbury, is, no doubt, derived
from OE '^stan-henc^a (plur.). OE "^'henc^ f. (< prim. Germ.
''^hangjci-; cognate with hangian) is ME heng{e), NE hinge
(of. MLG henge f.). In order to explain the meaning of
the name it is necessary to state that the so-called outer
circle at Stonehenge consists of standing stones upon which
other blocks of stone are laid horizontally^. The original
^stdn-henc^a may therefore refer to these horizontal stones
which appear to 'hang' on the others. For the date of
Stonehenge see Guest, p. 212 ff.
^ The plural forms in Macray and Ch. R. may of course
equally probably have originated in ME.
^ Originally there were 30 upright stones and as many hori-
zontal ones; at the present day, there are only 17 of the former
and 6 of the latter left.
Stourton [std9(r)fn] NW of Mere.
1086 Stortone DB (prob. identical); 1199 de Sturtoh U. Oblat.;
1255 Storton Pat. E; 1291 Sturton C. Inq.; 1299 Stourton
Cal. Inq.; 1315 Stotirtone C. Inq.; 1428 Stourton FA; c. 1540
Stoiirtouyi Leland.
The place has got its name from the River Stour, which
rises in this neighbourhood ^ Stour is a Celtic name ^.
Stowell NW of Pewsey.
1300 StoweUe Ch. R.
Probably from OE '•'stdw-/vyll(e). OE stow = 'place', 'dwel-
ling', 'house'.
Stowford SW of Bradford.
1458 Stowford Br. Mus.
See Stoford, above.
Stratford sub Castle NW of Salisbury.
1091 Stratford Osmund; 1316 de Stratforde ¥A; USb Strat-
ford (-under-tJie-Castlc-of-Old-Sarum) C. Inq.
OE "^strM-ford. Two Roman roads crossed the Avon here:
the road running south-west to Dorchester and Eggardou
Hill, and the road west towards the Bristol Channel^. The
village is situated at the foot of the hill on which the
fortified Castle of Old Sarum was situated.
Stratford Toney SW of Sahsbury.
670 -fStretford CS no. 27; 826 -fStretford ib. no. 391; 905
'\Stretford ib. no. 690; 948 -fStretford ib. no. 863; 961
■\Stretford ib. no. 1071; 986 ■\Stretford CD no. 655; 997
\str6tford ib. no. 698; 1086 Stradford DB; 1309 Stretford
C. Inq.; 1315 Stratford Tonij, 1316 de Stratforde FA.
' Leland says about this place (part X): 'The ryver of Stoure
riseth there of 6 fountaines or springs'.
^ That the river name in question should have been introduced
from the Continent, as is assumed by Jelhnghaus, p. 333, seems
most improbable.
^ See Guest., p. 218 ff. [The four Roman ways.]
OE "^ street-ford. The Roman road between Old Sarum
and Dorchester crossed the r. Ebble at this place. For
Stradford cf. Bredford. (Britford). For the distinctive name
see Newton Toney, above.
Note. yStreteford CD no. 398, ^Stretforde ib. no. 460, and
'\StrcBdford ib. no. 571 were obviously not identical with this
place (as is stated by Kemble). The two former were situated
in the NW corner of Wilts, (or perhaps in Glos. near the Wilts,
border), the latter near the r. Kennet (between Marlborough and
Stratton St. Margaret NE of Swindon.
Stratton. Upper adjoining the above.
1086 Str atone DB; 1279 Ketherestratton, Overestratton Cat.
A. D.; 1304 Overe Stratton Cal. Inq.; 1316 Stratton Inferior,
Stratton Superior FA; 1427 Stretton sancf Margaref Cal.
Rot. Ch.
OE ^strdit-tun. The places are situated on the ancient
Roman road which passed between the ancient Cunetio
(near Marlborough) and Cirencester (Glos.). 'St. Margaret'
is the name of a church.
Studley W of Calne.
1194 Stodleia Rot. Cur.; 1232 Stodleg Ch. R; 1240 de
Stodlege Macra}-.
Originally "^cet [fdem, pcere^ stod-Iea^e; OE st od = 'sti\d\
^herd of horses'.
Surrendell SW of Malmesbury.
1086 Sirendone DB [prob. identical]; 1316 Suryndene FA;
1330—35 Cyrendene Br. Mus.; 1428 Serenden FA; 1567
Sorenden Br. Mus.
The first element may have contained a p. n. '-'Si/ra,
probably the same as occurs in Sirintone (Sussex) DB,
Sirestun (Notts.) ib., and mod. Syresliam (Northants.) [1284
Siresham FA]. Judging from the present situation of the
place, the termination seems to have been denu (dene). The
change of the final 7i into I Avas a dissimilatory process.
Sutton Benger NNE of Chippenham.
854 ta^ Suttune CS no. 470; at Sudtune Thorpe; 956 "Tfde
Suttone CS no. 922 (possibly identical); 1065 •\Suttuna CD
no. 817; c. 12d0 Suttone T. ^cc\.; ISIQ de Sottone'F A; 1377
Siideton Berenger E,. Pat.; 1488 Sutton Benger C. Inq.
OE sud-tun. 'Benger is a contraction of the French
Note. Sudtmi CD no. 319 was in Dors, (not in Wilts., as is
stated in Kemble's index).
Sutton Mandeville SE of Hindon.
1086 Sudtone DB 72 b (identical according to Jones); 1275
Sutton {Maundevyle) C. Inq. 1428 Sutton {Maundevyle) FA.
See above. 'Mandeville' is an AN family name. See
Jones, p. 234.
Sutton Veny near Heytesbury.
1086 Sutone, in Sudtone DB 72 b, 73 b; 1225 Magna Sutton
Pat. R; c. 1290 Fenni Sutton T. Eccl.; 1298 Great Sutton
Ch. R; 1316 Fenny Sutton C. Inq.; 1341 Fenny-suttoyi
Br. Mus.
See above. According to Bardsley, 'Fenny' is a native
family name. The use of v initially in place of f (just as
z for s) is, according to Ellis, p. 38, one of the most con-
spicuous features of the western Mid Southern dialect. (Cf.
Vasterne, Zeals, below).
Swallowcliffe SE of Hindon.
940 Stvealewandif, to Sivealewanclife CS no. 756; 1086
Svaloclive (three times) DB; 1150 — 60, 1220 de Sivaleiveclive
Osmund; 1275 of SivalJclyfe, Sivaluweclive C. Inq.; 1288 —
92? in SualwecUffe Br. Mus.; c. 1290 de Swaluclive T. Eccl.;
1339 Swalclyff Pat. H; 1428 in Swaluclyve, de Sivalu-
dyffe FA.
'The swalloAV-clifP. Bjorkman, Pers. I, p. 134, gives a
Scand. p. n. Sualeua, but there is no reason to assume a
p. n. here. Cf. SwalcUffe, Oxfs. (Alexander, PL Ns of Oxfs.),.
and Swalecliffe, Kent, both of the same origin.
Note. Whether {cet) Swaletvanclife CS no. 874 (CD no. 1176)
was situated in Wilts., it is impossible to say. In CS it is
given as identical with Swalecliffe, Kent, in CD with Swallow-
cliffe, Wilts.
1086 Svindune, (ih) Svindone DB; 1205 de Sivinedoh R. L.
CI. ; 1252 Sivindon Ch. R; Edw. I in (Alta) Sivvrnden Rot. H;
1302 Hautesivyndon Rot. Orig. ; 1304 (juxta) Altmn Swyndon
Cal. Inq. ; 1323 Swijndon Valence C. Inq.; 1324 Swyndon
Valence Fine R; Heghe Swyndon FA; 1386 Hisivyndon Cal.
Inq.; 1488 Hi Sivynden C. Inq.; 1495 Thevyn ^ Stvyndon ih.
Originally *swln(a) dim. The old forms above obviously
refer to different parts of the place. 'Valence^ is a French
surname. For further information about it see Jones,
p. 235.
Tedworth or Tidworth, North SW of Ludgershall.
1086 Todeiv(o)rde (three times) DB; 1178? Thudeivrda Jo-
hannis Marescalli, T. Hogonis de Lacy Br. Mus. ; 1199 de
Thodesivrth Hug de Lasci, Thotvrtha Joins Maresc Rot. Ch.;
1205 Tudeivord, Thudesivrth R. Oblat. ; early 13th cent.
Tudetvorth Br. Mus.; 1227 Tudeuurth Ch. R; 1232 Tucle-
worth ib.; 1234 de TuddeiviirtK CI. R; 1270 Tudeworda
Johannis Marescalli, T. Hugonts de Lacy Ch. R; 1278 North-
tudewrthe C. Inq.; 1289 Todeivorth ib.; 1S14: Northtodeivoj'th
ib. ; 1316 de Tudeworthe FA; 1324 Todeivorth Meleivys "Pat. R;
1428 Tudetvorth FA.
In the case of this name it seems necessary to assume
two orit^inal variants: '^Tud{d)an iveorp (represented by the
many ME forms with o in the first syllable) and '^Tyd{d)an
weorp (which has survived). ^Tyd{d)a is to be explained
as formed from '^'Tyd{d)ing, the patronymic of Tud(d)a (for
^ = The even.
this p. n. see Miiller, p. 60). Cf. the discussion of the
first elements of Dur ring ton, Lydiard, Patney, above. The
mod. Ted- is due to the influence of a dialectal tendency
to change i > e (see under Biddestone).
Of the distinctive family-names 'Melewys' (Melhuish) is
native, the others are AN. See also Jones, p. 237.
Teffont Evias or Ewyas | ^^r o ^tti,
> W of Wilton.
„ Magna )
860 -\he Tefuntc CS no. 500; [940 •fteofuntinga gemcere ib.
no. 757]; 964 -^at Teofunten, -fad Teofontem ib. no. 1138
[perhaps identical]; c. 1290 Teffunte T. Eccl.; 1292 de
Tefhunte Pat. E; 1316 de Teffunte FA; 1335 Teffonte Ewyas
C. Inq. ; 1374 Tefent Br. Mus.; 1428 in Teffonte Eiuijas,
Tevent FA; 1493 Over Teffent C. Inq. (= T. Magna).
I derive this name from '^Teoivan font (ftoit), '-'Teowa being
a hypocoristic form of such a name as e. g. "^Teowald
(Tiuuald, Tiouald, see Miiller, p. 85). Cf. the local "^teoue
lege, Ifteofe leoge CS no. 204, {^)teowes pome ib. no. 279
(the latter prob. in Wilts., near Purton). OE font i^funt)
= ""fountain", 'weir. In the earliest ME, the iv has been
assimilated to the following f and the long vowel has
normally been shortened before two consonantal sounds.
For the distinctive name, see Jones, p. 79, foot-note.
Thickwood W of Chippenham.
1086 Ticoode DB; c. 1460 ThiJcwode Cal. Rot. Ch.; [n. d.]
Thicwode, pycwode Reg. Malm. ; 1540 Thychewood Dugdale.
The sense is clear. As to the AN substitution of t for
initial J>, see Zachrisson § 2.
Throope near Stratford Toney.
1328 Throp, Thorp C. Inq.; 1428 Le Throp FA.
Originally '"^cet pcem prope. The mod. spelling is archaic.
Tidcombe SE of Burbage.
1086 Titicome DB (prob. identical); early Hen. Ill Tyde-
ciimbe Br. Mus.; 1230—40 Ttjdecomh Macray; 1252 de Tite-
cambe Ch. R; 1285 Tidecombe C. Inq. ; 1298 of Tytecumbe
Ch. E; 1315 Tidecomh C. Inq.; 1316 de Tydecomhe FA;
1339 Tidecomhe Huse Pat. U; 1428 de TydecombeFA; 1489
of Tytcombe C. Inq.
From "^Tldan cumb ('^(Et Tidan cumbe). T'lda is certainly
a shortened form of some name beginning with Tid-, of
which there are a great number. As to t for d in the DB
form, see Zachrisson, Stud, i mod. sprakvet., p. 8 f. The
t in the other forms is due to assimilation with c (e having
been syncopated). The distinctive *Huse' stands f or 'Hus(s)ey\
according to Bardsley an AN family name. In the time of
Edw. I the manor was held by Hubert Hussey (Rot. H. 11,
p. 260).
Note. Tiddancumb CD no. 1216 cannot possibly be identical
with this place, as is suggested by Kemble.
Tidworth see Tedworth.
Tilshead on Salisbury Plain.
1086 Theodulveside, m Tidulfhide (four times) DB; 1167
Tidolfeshida Pipe R; c. 1185 Teolvesia Cal. France; c. 1190
Tidolveshyde Macray; 1225 de Tydulveshide, de Thidulveshide
Pat. R; 1238 Tidelveshid ib.; 1246 Teovelsia C\\.^\ Edw. I
Tydolvesheved, de Tydelvesyde^ de Thidelf}iyde Plac. Warr. ;
early 14th cent. Thididfhide, Tidulfeshid (several times) TN;
1397 Tileshed, Tileshide Cal. Inq.; 1428 in Tydelsyde, de
Tydolveshyde FA; 1450 Tydelsyde Cal. Inq.; 1492 in Tydel-
vessyde C. Inq.
Originally '■'Tldwulfes hid (see Fi field). Theodulveside (DB)
and Teolvesia (Ch. R) display confusion Avith the p. n.
Theodivulf (see on this point Zachrisson, p. 46, foot-note).
On the interchange between t and th see Zachrisson, p.
47 f. The termination has, after w^eakening, been changed
into -head through popular etymology; (cf. Fifield).
11 E. Ekblom
Tinhead NE of Westbury.
1240 — 45 de Tynhide, de Tunhide Macray; 1249 Tynnehid
Pat. ll\ 1250 Tinehid ib.; 1280 de Teenhide Cli. R; 1316
de Tenhyde FA; 1402 de Tynliide ib.
Originally Hlen {tyn) hi da; cf. Fifield. For the develop-
ment of the second element cf. preceding name.
Tisbury SE of Hindon.
759 -fTissehiri CS no. 186 [prob. identical]; 901—924 '\to
Tysse hyrig ib. no. 591; 984 ■\(Et Tissebiri CD no. 641; 1086
Tisseherie DB; c. 1200 de Tissiherie Osmund; 1225 Tysse-
hury ib.; 1316 Tyssebury FA; 1SS2 Tisbury Br. Mus.; 1333,
1413 Tyssebury ib.; 1428 Tissebury FA.
Originally '''''cet Tis{s)an byrig. ■^Tis(s)a is certainly not
recorded as an independent p. n. but its existence is never-
theless certain. A patron^anic of the name is found in
Tissington, Derbs. ; see Walker, p. 250. Tiso, its Contin-
ental equivalent, is recorded in Foi'stemann, Pers. 411.
Tockenham SW of Wootton Bassett.
854 •\Tockenham CS no. 481 {Tocccmham CD); 1086 Tocheham
(five times) DB; 1194 Tolcha Eot. Cur.; 1202 Thokenham
Phillipps' ped. fin.; c. 1290 ToBim T. Feci.; imo Tocken-
ham Ch. R; 1316 TokJcenham Y A ; 14:1b ToJcenham Bv. Mua.;
1424 ToJdngham Cal. Inq.; 1428 Tokham, Tokkenham FA.
Originally {^)Toc{c)an ham. For the p. n(s) Tocca, Toca
see Bjorkman, Pers. I, p. 142 f.
ToUard Royal SE of Shaftesbury (Dors.).
1086 ToUard (three times) DB; 1262 ToUard C. Inq.; 1316
de ToUarde FA; 1428 ToUard ib.
Probably from '^'Tolan eard (OE eard here = home, property).
Tola is, according to Bjorkman. Pers. I p. 143 1, a p. n.
of Scand. provenience (< ToU).
'PoyaF refers to King John, who had a hunting-seat at
this place (see Jones, p. 237).
1212 Trouhriuj R. L. Pat.; 1214 Troiihrigg ib. ; 1215 de Tro-
hrigg E. L. CI.; 1236 Trouhrig Ch. E; 1250 de Treivbrigge
Macray; 1310 Trehrigg C. Inq. ; 1316 de Troiihrigge FA;
1322 of Troubrigge Ch. R; 1394 de Trouglihrigge Pat. R;
c. 1540 Throughbridge, Thorough-bridge Leland.
OE ^'treow-bryc^ ('wooden bridge"), with a shifting of stress
in the OE diphthong. The corrupted forms in Leland are
due to a misconception about the first element.
Trowie (Common) near Trowbridge.
1086 in Trole DB; early 14th cent. Trulle TN; 1349 Troll
Br. Mus.; 1372 Tro/Z Cal. Inq. ; 1414 Tro// ib.; UTS Trellih.
The origin of this name is not clear.
Tytherington near Heytesbury.
1086 Tedrintone DB (prob. identical); c. 1140 Tyderinton
Osmund; 1150 — 60 Tiderinton ib.; c. 1290 Tuderyngton
T. Eccl.
From ^Tidheringa tun; Tldhere is a p. n. occurring in
LVD. For the NE change oi d > th see Horn § 181.
Tytherton Kelways and Tytherton Lucas NE of Chip-
1086 Terintone (twice), Tedelintonel DB; 1194 Tidrinton
Rot. Cur.; 1272 Tiderintim Cat. A. D.; 1316 de Tiideryntone
FA; 1327 Tuderyngtone Caloivey C. Inq.; 14:28 Tuderyngton
Caylewey, Tyderyngton FA; [n. d.] m T(li)ederingdone, de
Thederingedonc, Thederingdune, T(h)uderinton Reg. Malm.
From '^'Tldheringa tiin; see preceding name. For the AN
interchange of -ring and -ling see Zachrisson, p. 138 ff. On
the initial th in the Reg. Malm, forms see ib., p. 47.
Adam Lucas and Elyas da Kaylewey^ are mentioned as
land-holders here in TN, pp. 137, 142.
^ referring to the adjoining estate now called Kellaways,
for which see above.
Ugford W of Wilton.
956 {^)ucganford CS no. 1030 [eg representing ggy, [1045
•\Uggafordinga landscore CD no. 778]; 1086 Ocheforde, Oge-
forde DB; c. 1190 Uggeford Sancti Johannis Macray; 1195
Uggeford Feet of fines; 1227 Uggeford Ch. R; 1275 Huge-
ford C. Inq.; c. 1290 Hugeford T. Eccl. ; 1327 Ugeford St.
James G. Inq.; 1328 Uggeforde St. James ib.; 1428 Oge-
ford FA.
Original!}^ {^)Uggan ford, '''Ugga being, no doubt, identical
with the Scand. p. n. Uggi. Cf. Ughill, W. R. of Yorks.
(see Moorman) and Uggesball, Suffolk (Skeat, PI. Ns of
Suffolk, p. 47). ch for g in one of the DB forms may be
due to the influence of Ochehurne (mod. Ogbourne) occur-
ring in DB four times.
The distinctive names refer to churches.
Upavon or Uphaven N of Enford.
1086 of Oppavrene DB; after 1142 Upavene^v. Mus. ; 1172
TJpeauena Pipe R; 1194 de Hupliaueh, de Uppatvne Rot. Cur.;
1199 in Uphaueu Feet of fines; 1226 Ophaven Osmund;
1240 de Up Aven R. fin. exc; 1316 de Uphavene 'F K\ 1324
in Hupphavene ib.; 1337 Uppehavene Pat. R; 1428 in Upha-
vene FA.
Originall}^ "^wt up-Afene (^'cet pcem uppan Afenel). For
the initial h see Avon, Hacklestone, above. Zachrisson,
p. 142, gives Op)pavrene (DB) as an example of the AN
change of n > r in pi. ns. It would, however, be more
correct to say that the form in question has been written
under de influence of Nigravre (= Netheravon), occurring
on the preceding page in DB, for r in Opavrene is obviously
not due to an^^ substitution; (but Nigravre itself is of course
an example of the change in question).
Uppington N of Stapleford.
1411 Uppington Br. Mus.
Other pi. ns which are to be taken into consideration
here are Uppingham, Rutland (1166 Uppingeha Pipe R,
Edw. I Uppingham Rot. H, 1315 Uppyngham C. Inq.),
Uppington, Salop (1342 Upinton C. Inq., 1352 Opinion ib.),
and also fupping hcema gemcera CS no 1315.
Although it is impossible to prove that the -ing- element
in these names is not genuine, yet there is a strong prob-
ability that it is not. It is much more probable that the
element in question goes back to uppan, dat. of the adj.
up{p) (= 'high-lying^), the original names being consequently
ycet p^m uppayi tune, etc. with a later change of -an > -ing
(a development quite analogous with that of the weak gen.
-an > -ing; see Alexander, Mod. Lang. Rev. VII, p. 70).
The same element is, no doubt, contained in the local
on Uppan ufre CS no. 332.
Note. Middendorff's statement that pi. ns of this kind contain
the OE preposition uppe, uppan is a strange mistake.
Upton WSW of Hindon.
1284 Upton Ch. R; 1402 Upton FA.
OE "^hip-tun.
Upton Lovell SE of Heytesbury.
957 cet Uhhan tune, [ubhanttminga gemcere] CS no. 992;
1086 Uptone DB; 1130—35 Vbbeton Osmund; c. 1290 de
Ubetone T. Eccl.; 1314 Ubeton C. Inq.; 1316, 1428 Ubefon
FA; 1476 Ubbedon Lovell Cal. Inq.; 1489 Updon Lovell
C. Inq.
The first element is the p. n. Ubba, a diminutive of which
is concealed in Ebbesborne (see above). 'Lovel(l)' is an AN
family name; see Hildebrand, p. 338.
Upton Scudamore N of Warminster.
1086 Opetone DB; 1221 de Obetuh R. L. CL; c. 1250? de
Uptone Macray; 1267 Upton Escudemor Ch. R; 1316 Upton
FA; 1335 Upton Scydemor C. Inq.; 1428 Upton [Escuda-
mor] FA.
Originally '^'up-tun. The distinctive name (for which see
Bardsley) refers to Peter de Skydemore, who was a land-
holder here in the time of Edw. I; see Rot. H. II, p. 277.
Urchfont or Erchfont SE of Devizes.
1086 Jerchesfonte DB; 1175 Erchesfonta Pipe E; 1179 t/e
Archesfu7ite ib.; 1205 Erchesfont R. Oblat.; 1237 de Herches-
fimf CI. E; Edw. I Urcheffoiit Eot. H; c. 1290 de Orche-
funte T. Eccl; 1291 in Ercheffunte VslL U: 1292 in Erche^s-
funte Ch. E; early 14th cent, de UricJicsfimte TN; 1314
Erchefont Cal. Eot. Ch.; 1316 de Erchesfonte FA; 1349
Erchesfounte Cal. Inq.; 1377 Lerchesfonte ib.; 1378—99
Erchesfont Br. Mus.; 1428 de Orcheffante FA; 1546—48
Erchefount Br. Mus.
This name goes back to an original '^'Eardrices font (funt).
'■^Eardric is certainly not on record, but its existence cannot
be doubted Avhen we consider the great productivity of
Eard- in the formation of OE p. ns. The initial j in the
DB form is due to change of stress in the OE diphthong
(see on this point Zachrisson. p. 65 f., and Sievers § 212,
note 2). How are we to account for the initial ME u- and
o-vowels? It has been pointed out above that it in early
ME may represent OE eo (see under Bemerton). As,
however, ME e is also a representative of the same diphthong
(particularly before r + consonant, which is the position of
e in the present name) confusion between e and w may
easily have taken place. For a secondary ii to be rendered
in its turn by o is very common. The u in the mod. form
must of course be explained in a different way, being
due to the fact that ur and er have been levelled in pro-
nunciation in NE. Mod. ErcJifont is itself an archaic form.
The initial I in Lerchesfonte (Cal. Inq.) represents the French
Vasterne [v{Bst9{)')n] near Wootton Bassett.
1-234 Fosterne Cal. Eot. Ch.; 1235 of Fasternc Ch. U; 1266
la Fosterne R. Pat.; 1280, 1290 La Fasterne C. Inq.; Edw. I
de Wasturne Eot. H; 1299 Fasterne E. Pat.; 1300 {in)
Fasterne Ch. E; 1331 La Fasterne ib.
Probably from *Fcestan cern, "^Fcesta being a pet-form of
some name beginning with Fcest-, of Avhich '-^Fcestrecl (occur-
ring in DB as Fastradus, Ellis, Intr. II, p. 316) and -^Fcest-
wulf (Fastulf, Fastolf) are on record. Note also fcestan falod
CS no. 702, and fcestan dc CD no. 652. For the second
element cf. Chitterne, CoUerne, Potterne, above. On the tran-
sition of the initial f > v see under Sutton Yeny. o in
two of the ME forms quoted is, no doubt, a s})elling
Wadswick SW of Corsham.
late 12th cent. Wadestvica Br. Mus.; 1226 WadeswyJce Cal.
Eot. Ch. ; 1288 Waddisivyhe Dugdale.
Originally '■Wades (or- ■■Wadan) imc\ of the cognate p. ns.
Wade and Wada, the weak form is the more common; see
Miiller, p. 62.
Walcot near Swindon.
1086 Walecote DB; early 14th cent. Walecot{e) TN; 1324
Wal{l)ecote FA.
Most probably from ''Wealan cot{e), "^Weala being a hj^po-
coristic form of some p. n. beginning with Wealh-, several
of which are recorded. For the loss of h see Sievers
§ 218.
Wan borough [wonbdrd] ESE of Swindon.
854 -feet Wenbeorgen, ^oit Wenbeorgan, \Wenberglf, ^to ivcen-
beorgan CS nos. 477, 478; 1086 Wemberge DB; 1146 Wan-
herga Macray; c. 1180 Wamberga Osmund; 1194 de Wenbge
Eot. Cur.; 1205 Wameburg Cal. Eot. Ch.; 1229 ofWaiiberge
Ch. E; 1245 Wamberge Br. Mus.; 1252 of Wamherge Ch. H]
1285 Wmiberg C. Inq. ; Edw. I Wamherewe Abbr. Plac. ;
1310 Wamherge, Wanhrogh C. Inq.; 1316 deWanibergheYA.\
1349 Wamhenve Cal. Inq.; 1354 Wenhurgh CI. H; 1374
Wanebergh ib.; 1428 Wamhurgh FA.
By some scholars (among them Ch. Phimmer) this place has
been thought identical with Woddesbeorge, Wodnesbeorge (dat.)
AS Chr. [A. D. 592 and 715]. From the old forms quoted
above it is obvious, however, that this identity is im-
possible on linguistic grounds. It is true that there is a
tendency among the Wilts, dialects to change o > a, but
this transition is of a very late date (hardly older than
the end of the 15th cent.); cf. Calcutt, Ratfyn, WansdyJce,
Wraxhall. A circumstance which also militates against a
derivation from Woden is the development of WansdyJce (see
below). What the first element is it is difficult to say for
it seems hardly to be Germanic; it may perhaps represent
some p. n. [cf. Wanmgore DB (Sussex)]. The second element
was OE beorh; see Brokenborough, above.
There is another ^ anhorough in Surrey, occurring in DB
as Weneberge.
Wansdyke [won&daik].
903 ivodnes die CS no. 600; 933 ivodnes die ib. no. 699;
957 ivodnes die ib. no. 998; 960 wodnes die ib. no. 1053;
970 Wodnes die ib. 1257; Hen. Ill Wodenesdieh Dugdale;
1260 Wodenesdieh Ch. R.
Wansdyke is an ancient British earthwork, originally
extending from Andover, Hants., through Wilts., to the
Bristol Channel at Portishead. As appears from the old
forms above, the ditch has got its name from the god
Woden. The mod. termination represents the OE dat. form.
On the change of o > a see under Calcutt. The mod.
pronunciation [ivon-\ is a spelling pron.
It is interesting to notice that what is left of the same
earthwork in Hants. (N of Andover) is called Wodensdyke.
Wardour SW of Tisbuiy.
901—924 cet Weard oran CS no. 591; im^inWerdoreDB;
1314 Werdore C. Inq.; 1316 de Wer dure FA; 131S Weredore
C. Inq.; 1392 Werdour R. Pat.; 1428 in Wardore FA.
Provided the form recorded in CS is genuine, the name
is composed of the subst. weard (= watch) and ora (= bank,
viz. of the r. Nadder). Does the name refer to some look-
out stations on the bank of the river during the early
wars in Wessex? Cf. on Wearddune CS no. 1176, translated
in Bosworth-Toller with ^beacon-hilF.
901 — 924 Worgemynter CS no. 591 (prob. ident.); 1086 Guer-
minstre DB ; c. 1115 Werminister Osmund; 1174 de Werre-
ministf Pipe R; 1222 Weremenestr. Osmund; 1226 WerminisU\
ib.; 1231 of Werministre Ch. R; 1259 de Wer(e)menistre Mac-
ray; Edw. I Wereministre Br. Mus.; 1316 de Weremynstre
FA; 1320 de Wermunstr' Rot. Orig. ; 1324 in Wer emy sire
FA; 1402 de Wermestre ib. ; 1428 de Wermynstre FA; 1471
Warmester Br. Mus.; 1496 Warmester, Wermester C. Inq.
The first element is the name of the little stream called
Hhe Were' that passes here and flows into the Wiley. Were
[wid{r)\ is, no doubt, a Celtic name. The termination is
OE mynster = 'monastery\ The absence of n in some forms
must be due to AN influence (OFrench moustier).
Water Eaton E of Cricklade.
1372 Watereton CI. R; 1428 Eton FA.
OE *ea-tun (ea referring to the Thames). The pleonastic
'Water has been added to distinguish the place from
'Castle Eaton'.
Wedhampton ( ~ — ) SE of Devizes.
1349 Wedhampton Cal. Inq. ; 1500 Wedhampton Br. Mus.
Probablv from ''^'weod-ham-tun. OE iveod = 'weed'.
Weiiow, West SP: of Whiteparish.
c. 670 on tvelewe CS no. 27; 826 on iveleive ib. no. 391;
880 — 85 cet Welewe ib. no. 553 (possibly identical); 905 on
tvelewe ib. no. 690; 948 on iveleive ib. no. 862; early 14th
cent, in Wilewe TN; 1316, 1428 in Weleive FA; 1493 in
Wellotve C. Inq.
This name, which originally denoted the stream on which
the village is situated (an affluent of the r. Test), is most
probably pre-Germanic. There is another Wellotv in Soms.,
obviousl}^ referred to in CD no. 643: cet Weleive (stoce), on
Note. Kemble's location of TJeluue (flumen) CD no. 115 and
(cpA) Welowe ib. no. 1105 seems to be merely a conjecture.
Westbrook NE of Melksham.
late Hen. II in Westebroche Br. Mus.; 1266 de Westehrolc
R. fin. exc.
Originally "^'cef west-l)rdce (a little affluent of the Lower
1086 Westberie, Wesberie DB; c. 1115 WestUri Osmund;
c. 1145—50 Westherie Macrav; 1227 Westbire ib.; 1229
Westbury Ch. E.
' '''cet ivest-byrig. For the loss of t in one of the DB forms
see Stolze § 36.
Westport St. Mary (Within and Wilhout).
1232 Westport Ch. R; 1251 Westport Cal. Rot. Ch.
'The west gate' (leading to the town of Malmesbury).
One part of the present parish lies within the borough of
Westrop (Park) near Higliworth.
Edw. I in Westhroj^p Rot. H; 1324 Westhorp FA; 1410 of
Westhrope Br. Mus.
OE '^west-porp {prop). See Eastrop, above.
Westwood SW of Bradford.
1086 Wesfwode DB (prob. identical); 1285 Weshvod Cli. E;
1316 Weshvode FA.
OE '^luest'ivudu.
Wexcombe SE of Burbage.
1158 Westcuba Pipe R; 1167 Wexcuba ib.; 1172 Westcumba
ib.; 1173 Wex Cumba ib.; 1231 de Wexcumh\ de Westi/-
cumh' CI. R; Hen. Ill de Westciimhe Rot. H; 1214^ofWexe-
ciimhe CI. R; 1275 {of) Westcmnhe Ch. R; 1288 de Woxe-
cunibe Rot. Orig. ; 1289 of Wexecumbe Fine R. ; of Woxecumbe
Pat. R; 1314 Wexcombe Ch. R; 1316 de Woxcomhe FA;
1-170 Westcombe Cal. Inq. ; 1490 of Westcombe C. Inq.
Originally Hvest-cumb. After loss of t, metathesis of s and
c has taken place (Avith retention, however, of the original
termination). That this metathesis is of a dialectal nature
has been pointed out in connection with Axford (above).
0 for e in the first svllable of a few forms is certainlv
merely orthographic.
Whaddon SE of Salisburv.
1086 {in) Watedene (twice) DB; 1109—20 Rwatedena Os-
mund; 1243 in Waddone Macray; 1272 Wadden{e) C. Inq.;
Edw. I in Wafdene Rot. H; 1290 Wadden Ch. R; early
14th cent, in Wafden TN; 1316 Whaddon FA; 1428
Whadden ib.
Obviously from ViivM{e)-dene {denu); OE Invade {= wheat)
is found as a first element in several pi. ns. The «-vowel
indicates absence or early loss of the final e of the first
element in the OE form; (see Bergsten, p. 33).
Whaddon SW of Melksham.
1086 Wadone DB; 1253 Waddon C. Inq.; 1428 Whaddon FA.
A comparison of the old forms of this and the preceding
name indicates that the two names are of different orio^in.
in spite of their conformity at the present daj^. The ter-
mination of the present name seems to have been dun,
and the first element one would be inclined to derive from
OE wad fwoad^), particularly as this plant-name occurs in
several OE pi. ns (see Kemble's index).
Whitbourne W of Warminster.
1396 Whytehorne Cal. Inq.
Probably ^cet pcem (pcere) Invltan human ['^cet pcere hivttan
hiirne], referring to a little affluent of the r. Frome. The
calcareous nature of the soil accounts for the name. There
was also, however, an OE p. n. Hwita (see Mliller, p. 56),
and the possibility of this p. n. being present in Whithoume
is naturally not excluded.
Whitcombe near Hilmarton.
1086 Widecome DB; 1291 de JVydecumbe Pat. E; 1316 de
Wydecombe FA; 1324 Wydecoiinibe Pat. R; 1428 in Wy de-
combe FA.
Originally ''"''se tvtda cmnb (the broad valley). The develop-
ment is clear. For the absence of b in the DB form see
Stolze § 34.
Whiteparish SE of Salisbury.
1306 Whyteparisch Cal. Inq.; 1318 of Wyteparosche C. Inq.;
1324 of La Whiteparisshe Pat. R; 1487 White Parish C. Inq.
The parish is situated in the White Chalk district, and this
explains its name.
Whitley NW of Melksham.
1001 -fat Wiilege CD no. 706; 1085 Witelie DB (prob. iden-
tical); 1167 Wittelega Pipe E; 1254 Whitele Pat. E; 1286
W hitler Ch. E; 1333 Whijtele Br. Mus.
It is impossible to say whether the first element was
the OE adj. hunt or the p. n. Hwlta. The origin may
consequently have been "^'cet }mm {pmre) hwltan lea^e or "^a^t
Hwtta^i lea^e.
Wilcot NW of Pewsey.
1086 Wilcofe DB; 1205 Wilcote Cal. Rot. Ch. ; 1220 de
WilcofU. L. CL; 1285 in Wijlekote Ch. R: c. 1290 deWijle-
cote T. Eccl. ; 1428 in Wijl{e)cote FA.
From ^Wil{l)cm cot{e), Willa (^Wila) being probably a pet-
form of one of the numerous p. n. compounds with Wil-.
Cf. Wilton (E of Burbage), below, which seems to contain
the same p. n.
Wilsford SW of Pewsey.
892 ivifeles ford CS no. 567; 933 icifehs ford ib. no. 699;
1086 Wivlesford DB (prob. identical); 1218 Wiveksford
Macray; 1288 Wyllisford Dugdale; 1316, 1428 Wyveles-
ford FA.
The first element contains a p. n., which in OE is only
recorded in pi. ns. That this p. n. in certain cases may
be of Scand. origin (ONorse Vifill) is indisputable (see
Bjorkman, Pers. I, p. 175 f.). but it seems also quite certain
— as Zachrisson points out in Stud, i mod. sprakvet. YI,
p. 278 — that there existed a native ^Wifel as well; (note
Wifeleshale, Warws., CS no. 127, A. D. 710).
Wilsford SW of Amesbury.
1086 Wiflesforde, Wiflesford DB (prob. identical); 1178?
Wyuelisford Br. Mus.; c. 1200 Wivelford Osmund; c. 1207
Wiuelesford Br. Mus.; c. 1230 Wivelesford Osmund; 1258
Wivelesford Ch. E; 1316 WiUesford FA; 1428 Wyl es ford ih.
See preceding name.
The name occurs as Wiltim, Wiliunia, Wilton (Wylton) in
the following charters: CS nos. 421, 459, 468—476, 635,
699, 714, 917, 1216, 1304; CD nos. 665, 687, 949, 1290;
AS Chr. [871] cet Wiltune [A], [962] on Wiltune [A], DB
de IMltimie.
This place, which has given rise to the mod. name of
the county (see introduction), takes its name from the r.
Wiley, on which it is situated; see Wylye, below.
Note. {•\)WillettLin CD no. 1084 is obviously identical with mod.
Wilton in Taunton, Soms. ; (in Kemble and Thorpe it is errone-
ously identified with Wilton, Wilts.).
Wilton E of Burbage.
1227 Wulton Ch. R; 1402 Wilton FA; 1428 WijUon ib.
Probably from *TT7/(0rt>i tun; for the p. n. Willa (Wila)
see Wilcot, above.
Wily see Wylye.
Winkfieid (now called 'Wingfield') WSW of Trowbridge.
1086 Winefel DB; c. 1290 Wyneffeld T. Eccl.; early 14th
cent. Winesfeld TN (prob. identical); 1316 de Wyncfelde
FA; 1428 Wijnfeld, Wenfeld ib.; 1458 Wynfeld Br. Mus.
From *Wines (or ^Winan) feld, Wine, Wina being OE p. ns.
The -development of Win- > Wing- and probably also the
change of ng > nJc is due to AN influence; (cf. Dodinc for
Doding, Hanlinc for Harding, etc.; see Hildebrand, p. 360).
WinJc field, the mod. official spelling, represents an earlier
pronunciation, which is now quite abandoned. Cf. Wingfield,
Derbs. (Walker, p. 269), Wingfield, Beds. (Skeat, PI. Ns of
Beds., p. 18), and Winsley, below. For the loss of d in
the DB form see Stolze § 37.
Winsley W of Bradford.
1316 Wynesleij FA; 1362 Winsleigh Phiilipps' fines.
Originally "^cet Wines (or '■Winan) lea^e. On account of
the proximity of this place to Winhfield, the p. n. which
is contained in these two names may perhaps have repre-
sented one and the same person.
Winterbourne Bassett SSE of Wootton Basset.
1086 Wintrehurne DB 71 a; 1178? North. Wijnterburn Br. Mus.;
1198 Winterhuni ib.; 1 199 Nort Wintborh Rot. Ch. ; 1270 North-
winferhurna Cli. R; c. 1290 Wi/nf burn Basset T. EccL; 1316
Wynterburne Basset FA; 1325 Wynterbourne Bassett Ch. R.
Originally '""'cet pcem (p(^re) tvinter-biiiman (cet p^re to.-burne),
here denoting the northern head-water of the r. Kennet.
This common name was certainly applied to streams that
dried up in summer.
W. Bassett was one of the old estates of the AN 'Bassett'-
Note. There seems no reason to locate Winterhurna CD no.
269 in Wilts., as is stated in Kemble's index, nor ^Winterhorne
CS no. 886 (as Birch suggests). If {on) Wi7iterburnau CD no.
422 was a Wilts, stream, it is to be located in the south-west
of the county (in the neighbourhood of Knoyle).
Winterbourne Dauntsey NE of Salisbury.
fram winter burnan CS no. 1286; 1086 Wintreburne DB^;
1316 Winterburne Dauntesey FA; 1428 Wynterbourn Daun-
tesey ib.
The name refers orioinally to the affluent of the Lower
Avon which is now called 'the Bourne^ '^. Cf. W. Earls,
W. Ford, W. Gunner (or Cherborough), below, all of which
derive their name from the same stream. 'Dauntsey^ is a
native family name (probably taken from Dauntsey SE of
Winterbourne Earls NE of Salisbury.
1086 Wintreburne DB; c. 1290 Wynfborn Comitis T. Eccl.;
1316 Winterburne Comitis FA; 1323 Eurlesivynterbourne
Pat. R; 1324: Heorlesivynterbourne FA.
^ All the four mod. WinterbourDes NE of Salisbury are, no
doubt, represented in DB, for there are no less than seven
Wintreburnes mentioned in Exon DB under Alderbury hundred.
" The same stream which in its upper course was at one
time called {^•)Colinga burn{e)\ see Collingbourne, above.
The manor has been in possession of the Earls of Lan-
caster, Lincoln, and Salisbury (see FA, pp. 200, 216, 239).
Winterbourne Ford NE of Salisbury.
1086 Wintreburne DB; 1320 Winterl)ourncforcl Cal. inq. da.
Winterbourne Gunner or Cherborough NE of Salisbury.
1086 Wintreburne DB; 1199 Maiden Winfborh Eot. Ch.;
King John Maidwinterhurgh Dugdale (corrujDt); 1266 Wintre-
bnrn Gunore Pat. 11; 1270 Mmjdenwinterbiirne Ch. E; 1290
Wynterburn Ounnore ib.; c. 1290 Wynfborn Cherburg T.
EccL; 1314 Maidene Wynterborne C. Inq.; 1316 Winterburne
Oonnor FA; 1332 Winterburne Cherberwe CI. E-.
'Gunner^ is a corruption of 'Gunnora\ referring to Gun-
nora de la Mere, who held lands here in the 12th century,
and the epithet 'Maiden^ may also refer to this lady. ^Cher-
borough' is a family name.
Winterbourne Monkton N of Avebury.
1086 Wintreborne DB 66 c; c. 1290 Wynfburn Monacli' T.
EccL; 1316 Wynterborne Monachorum FA; 1544 Winterborn
MouncMon Cat. A. D.
The village is situated on the same stream as Winter-
bourne Bassett; see above. The distinctive 'Monkton' is due
to the fact that the Abbot of Glastonbury was formerly
tenant of the manor (see DB).
Note. There seems no reason whatever to identify {cet) Winter-
human CS no. 1145 with this place, as is suggested by Birch.
Winterbourne Stoke W of Amesbury.
1086 Wintreburne-Stoch DB^; 1 1Q7 Winlburh Stoehe Pipe E,;
1248 de Winterburnestoke Macray; 1283 WynterbournestoJce
C. Inq.; 1316 de WyntcrburnestoJce FA.
^ The mod. equivalents of the other Winterhurnes mentioned
in Exon DB under Dole hundred seem impossible to identify
(see, however, the suggestions made by Jones, pp. 241, 242).
Originally '^cet pcem stoce (for OE stoc see Baverstock).
'Winterbourne/, which in the present case is the distinctive
name, refers to the affluent of the Wiley which passes here,
Winterslow ENE of Sahsbur}^
1086 Wmtresleu, Wintreslei (three times) DB; 1166 Winter-
lawa Bey Pipe R; UTS'? Wyntreslaiva Br. Mus.; c. 1190
of Wintreslewe Gal. France; 1199 in Wintlawe Rot. Ch.;
1201 Wintreslau Br. Miis. ; 1216 de Wintreleive R. L. 01.;
1249 of Wmterslewe 0. Inq.: 1275 Wijntreslawe ib. ; 1316
de Wintevslewe FA; 1323 of Wijntereslotve Ch. E,; 1402, 1428
de Wy liter slew e FA.
Originally "^Wintran QYiyitresl) hlciiv (lild^w). OE hiaiv
Qdceic) = '(funeral) mound'. Wintra is recorded as an OE
p. n. as early as A. D. 699, and a native Winter may
perhaps also have existed (although not recorded as an
independent name except on the Continent). For the con-
fusion of the second element with lei (< OE lea^e) cf.
Chedglow, above. Note in connection with this name on
ivintres lilcewe OS no. 761, mentioned among the boundaries
of Garanford (Garford, Berks.).
The manor was for a time Crown property (see Jones,
p. 243), which accounts for the distinctive 'Regis\
Wishford, Great and Little NNW of Wilton.
1086 Wicheford (twice) DB; c. 1190 de Wylford Major I
Macray; 1227, 1268 Wicheford Ch. U; 1217 Wic ford C. Inq.;
1289 Magna Wycheford ib.; 1316 Magna Whieheford, Parva
W. FA; 1324 Wychford, Litel Wycford ib.; 1336 Muchele-
ivycheford Pat. E; 1351 Muchel Wichford Br. Mus.; 1408
Magna Wichefford ib.; 1476 Little Whisford Cal. Inq.; 1493
Wisheford C. Inq.; 1513 Wyssheford Magna Br. Mus.
Originally 'hvic-ford. {wlc = 'dwelling', 'cottage'). The
late change of tf>f is quite analogous to the case of
'Ashelton, the mod. pronunciation of Etchilhampton ; see
Zachrisson, p. 158 f.. and Etchilhampton, above.
12 E. Ekblom
Wolf Hall near Burbage.
1086 Ulfela DB; 1180 Wulfhala Pipe E; 1199 de Wulfhale
Eot. Ch.; 1324 Wolphal FA; 1332 Wolf hale C. Inq.;
1451 de Wolfehale E. Pat.; 1485 in Wolfale C. Inq.; 1490
Wulfall ib..
From '■^Widfan (Wulfesl) heall (or Jiealli); '^Vulfa is to be
considered as a hypocoristic form of some name beginning
with Wulf-. Wulf is recorded as an independent p. n.
Woodborough W of Pevvsey.
1240 in Wudeberg CI. E; 1258 de Wodeherg E. fin. exc. ;
1277 Wodehore C. Inq.; c. 1290 Wodebergh T. Eccl. ; 1316
de Wodeberghe FA; 1428 Wodebergh ib.; 1596 Woodborough
Br. Mus.
Originally Huudu-beor^. For the frequent substitution of
-borough for -bevgh see Brokenborough, above.
Note, {to) wudiibiirh {-fwudiiheorch) hylle CD nos. 436, 698,
985, 1036, 1108 is not identical with the present place, as is
stated by Kemble, but was obviously situated in south Wilts,
(between Bower Chalk and Britford).
Woodford NNW of Salisbury.
972 {to pcem ealdan) tvuduforda CS no. 1286; 1120 Wodeford
Macray; 1214: in Wudeford R. Oblat. ; 1226 Wdeford Osmund;
1316 Woodeford Magna, Wodeford Parva FA.
Note. ■\Wodeforde CD no. 460 is to be located in the north-
w^est corner of Wilts.; (when Kemble identifies it with mod.
Woodford, he is probably referring to the present place,)
Woodhill S of Wootton Bassett.
1086 Wadhulle DB; early 14th cent. Wodhull TN; c. 1340
Wodhull NI; 1402 in Wodhidle FA.
Originally ■^wudu-hgll. The a-vowel in the DB form is
certainly a spelling mistake.
Woodrow adjoining Melksham.
1280 of La Woderoive CI. E; 1286 {in) Woderewe Ch. R;
1298 (of) Woderoive Pat. II; 1309 Woderowe ib.; 1490 of
Wodereive C. Inq.
This name corresponds to an OE '''iuudu-rdiv (rmv), \;-'cet
(p^re) wudu-raive (r^ive)]. The meaning of this compound
seems, however, not quite clear. Did it mean 'edge of a
Wootton Bassett.
680 ■\Wdetun CS no. 54; 745 '\Wdetun ib. no. 170; 844
■\JVttune ib. 447; 937 -fWdetun ib. no. 718; 1065 Wdetun
CD no. 817; 1086 Wodetofie DB; 1230 Wutton Gh. U; 1271
Wotton Basset C. Inq.; 1316 Wotton Bassett FA.
Originally "^hviidu-tmi. The place is an old estate of the
AN 'Bassetts'.
Note. There seems no reason to locate Wudetmie CD no. 1183 in
Wilts., as Kemble does. In CS (no. 969) it is located in Hants.
Wootton Rivers S of Marlborough.
803—805 Wdutun CS no. 324; 1086 Otone DB ; 1194 de
Wotton Rot. Cur.; c. 1290 fZe TI^o//owe T. EccL; 1316 Wootton
FA; 1332 Wotton Ryvers Pat. R; 1428 Wotton (Eyver) FA;
1490 Wutton Byver C. Inq.
See preceding name. 'Rivers^ represents a French family
name (see Hildebrand, p. 342); according to Jones, p. 228,
it refers to the Walter de Riperia, mentioned in Abbr.
Plac, p. 78.
Worton SW of Potterne.
1173 Wrton Osmund; 1175—79 Wrtona Br. Mus.; 1309
Worton ib.; 1316 Worton FA.
I suggest an original ''^^wyvt-tun, which may have meant
much the same as 'garden'. (OE ivyrt = herb, vegetable).
Cf. Worton, Oxfs. (see Alexander, PL Ns of Oxfs.) and
Wortle}^ (in Tankersley par.), W. R. of Yorks. (see Moor-
WraxhaU, North [rceksdl] NW of Corsliam.
1086 Werocheshalle DB; 1281 de Worxhale Pat. E (or = W
South); 1316 de Wroxhale FA; 1428 in Wroxale ib.; 1468
Northwroxhall Cal. Inq. ; 1477 NortJiwraxhall ib.
From "^Wrocces lieall, '-"Wrocic) being a p. n., found in
the local Wroccesheale CD no. 768; cf. Wroxton (Alexan-
der, PL Ns of Oxfs.), Wroxhill (Skeat, PL Ns of Beds.,
p. 29), and Wraxhall, Soms. (1323 WrocJceshale C. Inq.)
The present name, like the following, offers another example
of the influence of the tendency among the Wilts, dialects
to change o > a; (see under Calcutt). For the AN rendering
of Wr- by Wer- see Zachrisson, p. 51.
Wraxhall, South N of Bradford.
c. 1290 WrocJceshcde, de Wroxhale T. EccL; 1316 de Wroxhale
FA; 1468 Suthivroxhall Cal. Inq.; 1477 Siithivraxhall ib.
See preceding name.
Wroughton S of Swindon.
1086 Wertune (prob. identical), in Wervetone ([)rob. ident.
but corrupt) DB; 1226 TFer^/on Phillipps' ped. fin.; Edw. I
in Overe Werstone, in Nether Werstoii' Rot. H; c. 1290
Nethertverston T. EccL ; 1300 Wrfton, Wertonam (Lat. ace.)
Ch. E; 1316 Werston FA; 1328 Overwarston C. Inq.; 1428
(Nefhyr) Wroghton, Over Worston, Nethyr WroftonFA; 1488
Nethir Wroughton C. Inq.
Undoubtedly from '^iveorc-tun [meaning much the same
as '■^weorcmannes (tveorcmanna) tUn]. The development of
the combination rt has taken place on exactly the same
lines as pre-Germ. M; [note that the tAvo-fold develop-
ment of this combination (viz. ght and ft) is represented
here]. Cf. Brougliton, above, s in some forms is probably
an AN rendering of the palatal fricative / (see under
Brigmerston). Nether W. seems to have denoted the present
village, and Over W. the farm immediately south of it, now
called Overtown.
Wyke near Trowbridge.
1252 of Wijhe Ch. R.
"ret (pa;m) tc'ice.
Wylye or Wily [waili] on the r. Wiley ^ SE of Heytesburj-.
688 Wlleo (flumen), [Uuilig] CS no. 70; 860 he ivilig ih. 500;
880 — 85 cet Welig ib. 553; Giiilou (flumen) Asser; 901 Buvilig
ib. 595; 940 he Wilig ib. 757; 943 wilig ib. 782; 946—
955 cet Wilig ib. 819; 957 tvilig ib. 992; 963 on ivilig
ib. 783; 968 on tvilig ib. 1216; 1045 on ivili{stream) CD
no. 778; 1086 Wilgi, Will DB; c. 1125 Wile (fluvius) W.
Malm.; 1270 Wili Ch. E; c. 1290 Wghj T. Eccl.; 1316
Wgleg FA.
This is, no doubt, a Celtic name. McClure, p. 250 foot-
note, mentions two river-names in Wales which in all
probability contain the same element, viz. Aher-guilly and
Camguili. It is possible that the name is connected with
Welsh givjj = 'water'.
Note. It is very uncertain whether Uuilea CD no. 115, Wilig
ib. no. 611, and Wigli, Wilig ib. nos. 664, 665 are to be located
in Wiltshire, in spite of Kemble's statement, {on) Wiles yge
ib. no. 1136 seems to have been situated in Hants., near Overton
(SW of Basingstoke).
Yarnfield NNW of Mere.
Hen. Ill Jernefeld Dugdale; 1260 G erne feud Br. Mus.; 1536
Yernefeld Dugdale.
I derive this name from "^Emman feldj with change of
stress in the initial diphthong; (on this point see Ablington
^ It may be pointed out that all the OE forms, quoted above,
refer to the river at different places.
and Urchfont, above). Cf. Yarnfield, Staffs., occurring in
ME as Ernefeld, Ernefen (see Duignan, Notes on Staffs.
PL Ns), which undoubtedly is to be explained in the same
way ^, and also Yarnton Oxfs. {<-'Eardinga tun ; Alexander,
PI. Ns of Oxfs.). There are also two other Wilts, names
which, although no old references have been found, most
probably contain the same p. n., viz. Yarnhury, an ancient
camp N of Steeple Langford, and Yarnhrook, a small hamlet
S of Trowbridge. It is, at any rate, quite obvious that
these two names cannot contain OE '^earn. -feud (Br. Mus.)
shows AN vocalization of I.
Yatesbury E of Calne.
imQ EtesherieJ)B\ 1199 i?i/«M/r Feet of fines; 1207 Yttehir
R. Oblat. (prob. identical); 1226 Geteshir Osmund; 1239
Yeteshur Ch. R; 1252 Yateburi ib.; Yetehiry Pat. R; 1263
YeUesUry ib.; c. 1290 leteshury, YaUeshur' T. Eccl.; 1309
Hyateshury C. Inq.; 1316 Yatteshury FA; 1324, 1428 Fa/^e-s-
hury ib.
On account of the twofold development of initial OE la,
it is quite impossible to say whether the first element of
this name (and of Yatton, below) was originally ^eat {^'geata ^)
or Eata. Binz's statement, p. 152, that Yatesbury is an
example of a pi. n. containing ^eat (= the god Woden), is
consequently not at all reliable. See Zachrisson's discussion
of this question, p. 65.
Yatton Keynell NW of Chippenham.
1086 Etone DB 66 b, Etone ib. 70 b (according to Jones);
Getone ib. (possibly ident.); 1257 latton C. Inq.; c. 1290
^ Duignan's opinion that the first element represents OE
^earn (yarn) seems very improbable, but I admit that the
influence of ME yern, yarn may have aided the survival of the
^ a hypocoristic form of some compound p. n. with ^eat
as the first element, the existence of which there is no reason
to doubt. There is even one on record, viz. Geatfleda (fern.)
CS no. 1254.
de Yattone T. Eccl.; 1316 Yatton FA; 1317 of laftone
Kaijngnel C. Inq.
See preceding name. 'Keynel? (Kennel) is a family name
of uncertain provenience.
Zeals WSW of Mere.
1086 Sele, Sela DB; 1220 6'e/e.s Osmund; 1246 /S'e?e.s- Pat. E;
1263 Celes C. Inq.; 1299 Belles Gal. Inq.; 1428 Selcsayles-
hury FA; 1458 Seles Ayleshury Cal. Inq.
OE sele, selas ('house', 'dwelling'), z in the mod. form
is due to a tendency for initial s to become z in this
dialect; see Ellis, p. 38. Cf. Zeal, Devon, according to Birch
identical with -^at Scale OS no. 968.
'AilesbmV is a familv name.
List of second elements in Wiltshire
place-names ^
OE cecer in. : Beanacre, Goatacre.
OE ceim n. : Chitterne, Colerne, Potterne, Vasterne.
OE hece f. (beech): Burbage (probably).
OE heor^ (beorh) m. : Brokenborough, Marlborough, AVan-
borough, Woodborough (with later substitution).
OE broc m. : Beversbrook, Westbrook.
OE hroiu m. : Southbroom.
OE hryc^i.: Bulbridge, Cowbridge, Longbridge (Deverill),
OE hurh (dat. hijrig) f. : Alderburj^, Amesbury, Avebury,
Badbury, Barbury, Chisbury, Chisenbury, Fosburj^ Hazel-
bury, Heytesbur}^, Malmesbury, liamsbury, Salisbury, Tis-
bury, Westbury, Yatesbury; [uncompounded in Bury
OE hum, hurne f., hurna m.: frequent.
OE cealc m.; Bower Chalk, Broad Ch., (originally un-
OE cirice f. : Ivychurch.
OE cUf n.: Baycliff, S walloAV cliff e; [uncomp. in Clevancy,
Cliff e (Pypard)].
OE cote f., cot n.: frequent.
OE croft m.: Paxcroft.
■"■ For practical reasons I have preferred to state the OE forms
of the elements, although many names have of course been formed
at a much later date.
OE cumh m.: Alcombe, Boscombe, Burcombe, Catcombe,
Elcombe, Hippenscombe, Stitchcombe, Tidcombe, Wexcombe.
Whitcombe; [imcomp. in (Castle) Combe, Combe, Coombe
OE denu f., dene m. f. : Chisledon (with a later substitu-
tion), Figheldean, Marden, Standen, Surrendell?, Whad-
don (SE of Salisbury; with substitution); (uncomp. in
OE die m. f. : Grims Ditch, Wansdyke.
OE dun f. : Bay don, Blunsdon, Bowden, Braydon?, Cla-
rendon, Fresdon, Garsdon, Gomeldon, Hannington (with
substitution), Haydon, Hazeldon, Moredon, Swindon, Whad-
don (SW of Meiksham).
OE eard m. (dwelling, home): Tollard.
OE feld m. : Bradfield, Chalfield, Cowesfield, Froxfield,
Winkfield. Yarnfield.
OE fen{n) m. n.: Eatfyn.
OE font Cfunt) m.: Fovant, Teffont, Urchfont.
OE ford m.: frequent.
OE geard m.: Derriads.
OE gelad n., see lad.
OE ^el(et{e) n.: Longleat.
OE {ge)m^re n.: Bridmore (w^th a later substitution),
Buttermere, Imber; (uncomp. in Mere).
OE ham m. : Corsham, Foxham, Grittenham, Meiksham.
OE }icwi{m) m.: Chippenham; (uncomp. in Ham).
Either ham or ham{m): Bremilham, Bromham, Cadnam,
Harnham, Hartham, Horningsham, Ingiesham, Lackham,
Lyneham, Pewsham, Tockenham.
OE ham-tun (homestead): Bathampton, Chilhampton, Ne-
therharapton, Quidhampton, Sevenhampton, Wedhampton.
OE heafod n. : (head of a down) : Donhead.
OE hecdl f.: Bincknoll, Mildenhall, Wraxhall (prob. both).
Either heall or Jiealh m.: Ludgershall, Midgehall, Eushall,
Wolf Hall.
OE hid f . : Fifield (2), Fyfield (with a later substitution),
13 E. Ekblom
Tilshead, Tinhead {-head due to weakning); [uncomp. in
OE hlivisc n.: Hardenhuish; (uncomp. in Huish).
OE hi aw Qilcew) m. : Chedglow, Winterslow.
• OE hlinc m.: Standlynch.
OE holt m. n. : Poulshot; (uncomp. in Holt).
OE hryc^ m. : Ditteridge, Eastridge, Lockeridge, Sand-
ridge; (uncomp. in E.idge).
OE hijll m. f.: Greenhill, Lushill, Oakhill, Sedgehill, Wood-
hill; (Hill Deverill).
OE hyrst m. (hurst): Gastard.
OE le^ f. (in Wilts, pi. ns = 'marshy land'): Dauntsey,
Eisey, Minety, Oaksey, Patney, Pewsey, (Seagry?).
OE lacli. {^elad n.): Chapmanslade, Chicklade, Cricklade.
OE land n.: Blackland.
OE leah m. f. : frequent.
OE me arc f. : Chilmark.
OE mar m.: Blackmore.
OE mynster n. : Warminster.
OE ora m. (border, bank): Wardour; (uncomp. in Oare).
W^ parish (paroehe, etc.): Whiteparish.
OE port m. (gate, entrance): Westport.
OE rmv {rd;w) f.: Woodrow.
OE stan m.: Slierston.
OE stede m.: Clrimstead.
OE stoc m. (= place): Baverstock, Beechingstoke, Braden-
stoke, Earl Stoke, Laverstock, Odstock; [uncomp. in (Purton)
Stoke, Stoke (Farthing), Stokke, and (Winterbourne) Stoke].
OE treoiv n.: Bishopstrow.
OE tmi m. ; frequent.
OE porp {prop) m. : Eastrop, Salthrop, Westrop; (uncomp.
in Throope).
OE ?6'eg m.: Chittoe, Highway, E-oundway.
OE iveorj) {tvorp, tvurp, ivyrp) m. f : Atworth, Brink-
worth, Chelworth (2), Hamptworth, Highworth, Pertwood
(with substitution), Sopworth, Tedworth.
OE ivlc n. (f.): Berwick (4), CliaddenAvicke, Soutliwick,
AVadswick; [uncomp. in (Bremhill) Wick, (Farleigh) Wick,
(Haydon) Wick, and Wyke].
OE (WS) ivielle, ivylle m. f. [ivijll{a) m.]: Cmdwell,
Groundwell, Liidwell, Stovveil.
OE wudu m.: Bowood, Heywood, Oxenwood, Thickwood,
p. 22, line 5 and 4 from bottom, read insufficient.
» 25, » 4 from top, read he represented hy.
,-> 37, » 7 and p. 39, line 10 from top, read Edward the Confessor
» 39, » 16 from top, read occurring.
» 73, » 6 » » » hardly any trace.